Chapter 26: A Split Soul Shard

Start from the beginning

"Shino? Shino where are you? Your brothers are asleep so you have to go to sleep."Reaper calls

Geno gasps in shock, never expecting to hear his voice again, and sees him come down the stairs. Reaper hears him and glances over, dropping his bedtime book. His soul sinks at the sight of Geno as numerous questions run wild in his head. What happened to him? Did Error get forced to become Geno again? Is he okay? What did Shattered do to him?

"Found Papa...Sorta..."Shino says

"R-Reaper?"Geno says

Reaper quickly pushes his concerns away to focus on helping in the moment. He has to deal with the current situation regardless of his questions.

"Are you alright, Gen? You look really shaken up."He asks

Geno runs to him, hugging him tightly.

0I missed you...My mind is so blurry...Why does this feel familiar but also doesn't?"

Reaper smiles slightly. Perhaps he lived in Error still and was vaguely able to see everything, experience everything, and the joy of their family. Then he sees Geno get stern again, looking over at Shino.

"Shino, you heard your dad. Thank you for bringing me here but it's time you get to bed."He says

Yep, this is the Geno he knew.

Shino nods, going to bed with the hopes of making more progress tomorrow.

"Reaper...What happened? It's all so blurry...The last thing I remember is getting into a white space and Goth was a baby...Then it's foggy and unclear..."Geno says

"That's a long story, my dear. From my understanding, Fate made you into a different person to entertain themselves and Gaster kept me too busy with work and threats against you. Your new self was wonderful at raising Goth and we reunited. You even took in two more kids, including Shino. The other is a son named Raven. Goth has a good boyfriend and you are considered the grandpa to a little girl because you cared for her dad, Horror. Again, it's a lot to explain. What happened to you?"Reaper says

"Is that who I see in the pictures? The new me?"He asks

Reaper nods.

"Could that explain why I'm missing half my soul?"He asks


Geno shows his soul and Reaper sees that it's lacking half its size.

"I woke up in a cell chained to a wall...No exit but a glass wall leading to a hallway. There were others that looked like me...Other versions of me are also trapped. bought by Fate and left in a random area until Shino found me. Wherever that probably where my other soul piece..the new me is..."Geno says, bowing his head as it all sinks in.

Reaper kisses him on the head gently.

"It'll be okay Gen. Fate won't touch you anymore. You're safe now and I'm glad that you got out safely. I'll take things from here."He tells Geno

"O-Ok.."Geno hides in his scarf as his face burns up.

The first bit of affection that he has felt from Reaper in years...His thoughts are racing...

"Reaper...Regardless of what happens or which version of me ends up staying....we'll stay together, right? You won't leave, right? We can finally be happy together?"He asks

Reaper frowns, seeing that Geno is already considering the end result. He always did. And his questions only put more bitterness into this bittersweet moment.

"Yes, we will. I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart. We'll be happy together. I plan to make you very happy very soon."He tells Geno

Geno smiles, placing a hand on Reaper's cheek, seeing his face burn up. He smiles at the sight.

"I always love how easy it is to get a reaction out of you."He says, kissing Reaper gently. Then Geno remembers one last detail...

"In the cell are live cameras and the ceiling opens for tests to be randomly done to me or anyone in the cells...Uggh, my head..."He says, feeling his head as the tests start to take effect.

Reaper scoops him up, carrying him to bed. Reaper takes care of him as the experiments take effect. He bandages Geno's extra wounds, unable of course to heal his giant bleeding chest scar. Two wings grow from his back and his legs fuse into a long tail. He curls up in bed more, feeling like his entire body is breaking and remaking itself. He was in too much pain to leave the bed but smiled, happy to see Reaper again. He was also happy to see the kids, proud of the boy that Goth grew into. The three would come in, trying to help take care of him.

Goth and Shino used the new info to start hacking into Shattered's streams, tracking it back to where he recorded them. Shattered is stuck still with the voices, unaware of what's happening. Lovespoon often sits outside his trap, staring him down with a frown. Sometimes she tightens the plant around him when she thinks he isn't in enough pain to pay for hurting her grandpa. She knows he can't hear her and won't give answers, just that he's yelling about being trapped. She knows the voices may torment him enough.

But she's still confident that they'll get her grandpa back one day. Error will be safe soon....Right?


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