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"See you next time."

Regardless of the meeting ending unnaturally, Alice left Requiem with her secretary Theo and said she would contact me until the end.

When only the team members were left in the conference room, Cheon Sa-yeon, who was stroking his mouth, spoke in a serious voice.

"Han Yi-gyeol... Should we leave him to Roheon for a while?"

"What nonsense are you talking about again?"

I don't know why Roheon was mentioned. I sighed as I bashed Cheon Sa-yeon, and Min Ah-rin, whose face was just as hard as his, nodded her head.

"I agree."


"It doesn't seem like a bad idea, Master."

"What... Why is even the Team Leader like this."

I thought you would overlook Cheon Sa-yeon's nonsense, but you agree? Min Ah-rin raised her voice in a rare way as I was embarrassed.

"This is not a matter to be taken lightly!"

"As expected, Healer Min Ah-rin understands me."

"Of course. Now that we know Deputy Master Alice's tastes, how can we leave Yi-gyeol-ssi alone?"

"Yes? Me?"

What do I have to do with Alice's tastes? The team members became serious and began to say something one by one, leaving me dumbfounded.

"It sure looked dangerous."

"If we contact Deputy Master Ha Tae-heon, would it be possible for him to take charge of hyung in Roheon for a while? There is no need for Deputy Master Alice to go to Roheon."

"Is there even a need to send him at all? It seems better to just go for a short time during the day and return to the room at night. That way he can eat dinner and sleep."

It was really shocking to see them talking among themselves as if I wasn't even there, even though I was clearly sitting in the center.

"Why are you deciding where I live? I don't like it......."

"Besides, there's something else that is more important!"

Before I could finish speaking, Min Ah-rin shouted, pounding the conference room desk with her palm.

"The bigger problem than Deputy Master Alice's taste is Yi-gyeol-ssi's ideal type."

"Mi, Min Ah-rin?"

"You haven't forgotten everything, right Yi-gyeol-ssi likes a pure person in jeans and a white tee." (**refer to chapter 26)

"Wa, wait a minute. When the hell are we going to talk about the enemies..."

"This. That's a really big deal."

"Now that I think about it, he once said that he likes innocent women. He still maintains that taste."


"Deputy Master Alice fits Yi-gyeol-ssi's ideal type almost perfectly."


Everyone except me was completely distracted by this serious situation.

There were some people who were already out of control, and a heated discussion ensued about Alice and I like a button had been pressed.

Even Min Ah-rin, who would normally be a normal person and a strong supporter, was not on my side right now.

"If Yi-gyeol-ssi falls for Deputy Master Alice and goes to Australia....."

I Don't Want This Reincarnation [2]Where stories live. Discover now