Chapter 80

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It was way past 1 p.m. when I unlocked the door to my hotel room. I could almost feel the dark spots beneath my eyes, my tired limbs as I stumbled towards the bed, putting off my shoes.
But those feelings were masked by the tingle of joy flooding through my whole body.
Because we finished the model car, together.
It cost us much, much concentration and it felt like that glue stick was still held between my index finger and thumb, my eyes fixed on the construction plan, studying it.
I rubbed them gently, letting myself fall onto the bed in exhaustion.

The room got thick of tension back there, and just the thought of our hands so close to each other sent a smile across my face.
For a moment, my eyes hushed a glance at her soft lips, just inches away. And my mind stopped asking why I shouldn't do it. Why not risk it?

But after some serious seconds of racing thoughts, I had come to senses again, looking away. I remembered the threat. That stupid, horrifying threat that caused me sleepless nights.

Oh, but her sweet smile...

I wouldn't trade it for anything.

My wandering thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing in my pockets.
I quickly fished it out, reading the caller ID.


My stomach seemed to fall to the ground, a heavy rock clenching around my heart. My cheeks grew hot as I pressed the green button with trembling hands.

Before I could say anything, the pitched, unnatural voice spoke into the phone, sending cold shivers down my spine.

"I don't think your mommy would approve of this.", it said.

Irritation made its way over my face.

"Who are you?"

I had asked this multiple times before, more than I could keep record on.

"Where were you this evening?", the voice asked instead, my arms showing goosebumps.

I didn't answer. Whoever was calling seemed to know exactly where I spent my time.
And with whom.

"Come on, Charlie boy. You haven't forgotten the conditions of our little deal, have you?", it kept talking, my body barely reacting anymore.

I just sat there, frozen.

But the anger rose.

This was not a deal. This was a threat. A crime.

I didn't answer. I couldn't. I wasn't able to.
Every cell in my body rejected this.

"Your little brother Arthur is flying home tomorrow morning... you would surely mind if there would be a problem with his plane, wouldn't you?"

Was it implying that....

"Leave my brother alone!", I hissed into the phone, now finally speaking.
How could that person even dare to threat my family?

"I will. If you stick to the rules."

The images of a possible plane crash were rushing through my mind, the lifeless body of my brother getting carried away. I clenched my fists.

"Please, I'll do anything. Just, keep him out of this."
I almost sound begging, on the verge of tears. I couldn't let my brother get hurt, not ever.

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