Chapter 48

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Later that day


Valerie was patiently waiting in Charles' driver room. He went to talk to Fred half an hour ago.
Her fingers were tipping on the arm rest of the couch that she was sitting on.

Her attention was torn off the window when she heard the door open.

»How did it go?«, Valerie asked immediately and got up as soon as she recognized his face.

»How do you think it went?«
There was no smile on his lips.
In fact, there wasn't any sign on his face that could've been defined as joyful.
Instead, he seemed tired, exhausted.

»What did Fred say?«

Charles sat down on the couch, taking Valerie's hand to signalize her to do the same.
»Well,« he began, combing through his hair, »it's not like he will fire her again.«

A disappointed sigh escaped out of Valerie's mouth while she played with Charles' fingers.
»He said, that whenever I think she's falling back into inappropriate behavior, all I have to do is tell him and she's gone.«

A confused expression went over Valerie's face.
»Then why hire her in the first place?« Her voice went up in disbelief.

»If only I could tell you,« Charles breathed and looked out of the window, »but I guess Fred only suggests that to shut me up.«
His gaze found Valerie's again.
»He is desperate for staff, it's insane.«

»How do you know?«

»I've seen a pile of paper on his desk when I walked into his office, all applications and job advertisements,« he paused for a moment, »I think Ferrari really needs people.«, he finished, his voice sounding far away, in his thoughts.

»Hm.« Valerie tried to dive into his mind, but he seemed locked away. His eyes frozen on some point that she couldn't define.

And then, his gaze cleared up again, to her wonder. He looked at her and took her hand again.
»But that doesn't justify why he would rehire Rebecca.«

The name burned on his tongue. It nearly let him throw up whenever he had to spill it out.

»Have you seen her already?«, Valerie asked carefully, looking down on her hands.

It was a sensitive topic. To talk about it was as hard as 4 years ago.
Whenever she heard that name, her mind rushed back to the locker room, Rebecca's mouth on Charles' and-

»No.«, it came from him, quietly under his breath. He scratched his head. »I mean, not really. I think I saw her from afar this morning, but I'm not sure.« Charles sounded nervous.

Valerie nodded. She didn't know what to make our of this conversation. They had been over this many times, but what should they do when they actually have to confront with her?

So she spoke her thoughts aloud.
»I don't really know what to do or how to behave.«, Valerie admitted in a hushed tone.

Charles raised his head. »We.«


He found her gaze and stroked over the back of her hand.
»It's not you, or me. We will do this. Together.«

Valerie's mouth formed into a little smile and she rested her head on his shoulder.
»I love you.«

Charles put a kiss on her forehead.
»I love you more.«

The skin above her eyebrows tickled and sparkled long after his lips left it. She felt safe, loved. Protected.
She wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.

»My brother just texted me.«, Charles suddenly mentioned as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

»Arthur?« Valerie straightened up.

»Yes,« Charles went though the message, translating it for Valerie, »he says that he just arrived at the airport. And he asks if we join him and Carla for dinner this evening.«

»Of course!« A load of joy overcame her. She enjoyed spending time with Charles' family, especially with his younger brother.

»Then it's all set.«, Charles smiled while answering his brother.

The two of them decided to leave the paddock early to spend some time in the city, maybe going shopping or have a coffee somewhere quiet.

They walked down the hallway, hand in hand.
It got louder and fuller of people the further they got to the entrance.

Suddenly, Charles' heart skipped a beat. Valerie couldn't control her body from stopping in the middle of the hall, when a shadow hushed around the corner.

Fear placed itself in her chest and Charles grabbed her hand tighter.

The woman marched innocently though the hall, coming to a halt when she recognized them.

Valerie instinctively took a little step back without realizing it.
She couldn't be too far away from her.

Still, Valerie didn't have the intention to seem small against her, weak, or like a child that needs protection.
So she straitened up next to Charles who had his gaze frozen on her, his eyebrows pulled down madly.

»Charles,« her face lightened up, then her eyes went to his girlfriend, »Valerie. I think we hadn't had the pleasure yet.«

»Rebecca.«, Charles simply noted, not one muscle shivering in his face.
»Yeah, what a shame.«, Valerie mentioned coldly, clearly not meaning what she just said.

Rebecca just giggled, overplaying the situation.
»It's good to see you two...« her eyes swayed between them, »together.«

»If only we could say the same about you.«, Charles replied straightly, again, his face not showing any emotion but anger.
He took Valerie's hand and passed Rebecca without taking another look at her.

They left her standing there, looking like a fool.

»Are you okay?«, Charles murmured when they were several meters away.
»Yeah, I guess. You?«
Charles nodded. »I think we make a good team.«, he chuckled and his eyes met Valerie's.

She giggled.
»You think?«


Disclaimer: the photo above is not from me. I don't know who originally made it, if you do, make sure to let me know;)
I think I re-wrote this chapter like 3 times and I'm still not satisfied, what do you guys think?<3

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