Chapter 8

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Narrator POV

It was almost midday when Valerie arrived at the Ferrari paddock.
She made her way to her office and began to work. Even though she wasn't fully concentrated today. This stupid argument with Charles didn't leave her mind since last night.

Why do I even care?, She said to herself every 2 minutes.

But it didn't seem to work. Since she couldn't get anything done without her full creativity and concentration, she left to go look for her brother.

»Valerie, what are you doing here?« Carlos was standing there talking to one of his engineers while she entered the garage.
»Just sneaking around a little bit.«, Valerie replied and and took a look around even though she had been in this garage multiple times.
The engineer left and Carlos came towards her.
»Do you know who you're talking to here? Come on what's going on? Shouldn't you be working?«

»Yeah I guess I should. But I can't concentrate right now. I thought I would come around real quick at get my head free.«, she finally said.
»Why? Something happened after I left last night?« Carlos seemed worried.
Valerie sighed and explained her brother the whole situation. That her dress ripped, that Charles gave her his jacket, accompanied her the way home and had to carry her upstairs.
»You fainted? Why?!« Now Carlos was even more worried.
»I guess the drinks and the medication weren't a good combination, but I'm fine, I swear. It was just a little dizzy for a moment. I can't even remember it very well.« Valerie tired to calm him down.
»And Mr. Leclerc helped my sister in times of need.«, Carlos said in a romantic tone, giving her that dreamy look.
Valerie rolled her eyes. »Carlos, no. We can't stand each other. Me and Charles is just... No!«, Valerie shook her head imagining her and Charles being something more.
»Ok, ok. Don't get your pulse raised.«, he said and made a calming gesture with his hands.

»Let's go get something to drink.«, Carlos suggested and already walked towards the garages exit.
»I guess I could take some water, yes.« Valerie follows her brother out.

After they got some water, they ended up at the track going for a walk.
»We always used to take walk around the track before races, remember?«, Carlos said.
»Yeah.« She looked at the sky. The sun shone her in the face and she could feel the warmth on her chest.
»A few years ago someone else used to join us. He was very nice, you remember?« Carlos didn't look at his sister, he just continued walking.
»Don't start again, please.« She couldn't stand it anymore with her brother trying to get them back together.
»So much happened and you can't just wipe it out. Just leave it.«, Valerie said further and went off the track, leaving her brother there.
Carlos wanted to follow her at first, but then decided to leave her alone.

Valerie POV

I came across the other paddocks and saw a group of drivers sitting around a table outside, chatting.
»Hey Valerie.«, a familiar voice said as I walked by.
Pierre greeted me.
»Hi guys.« I took a look at the group and noticed some unknown faces.
»That's Yuki.«, Lando said, who was sitting next to Pierre while pointing at a Japanese guy.
»And this is Estie Bestie.«, he continued jokingly and gestured to another guy.
»Esteban, actually.«, he corrected Lando but laughed at the same time. »You already know Max and Checo, I guess.«
I nodded and wanted to leave again.
»You won't stay for a bit?« Lando pointed at an empty chair across him.
»I really have to work-«, I began but got interrupted by a well known man that was showing up behind me.
»I was looking for you. Can we discuss something about work real quick?«
Charles looked at me with a straight face.
»Of course.«
We walked a few steps away from the other boys.
»How's it going with the ideas for the video?«, he asked me with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
I looked at him blank. I totally forgot about that!
He read my face expression and got that serious look.
»I'm sorry, Charles. I forgot it. I will take care of it.«
He didn't seem surprised. »Will you?«
»Yeah! Why don't you trust me for once?«, I said offended.
Charles half rolled his eyes. »Yeah I remember where that got me last time...«
I couldn't believe he just said that. Everything came back at me with a bunch of words that he spoke to hurt me.
»Don't bring that up. You have no right to-« I didn't finish the sentence. I just walked off and tried to avoid anything that came in my way. This man is dead to me. I couldn't believe I ever thought we could be friends again.

Narrator POV

Valerie left Charles standing there, scoffing. He left into the garages direction.
In the meantime Carlos arrived at the table with the other boys.
»Hey Carlos.« Lando greeted him.
»What's up with your sister and Charles?«, Pierre asked and pointed at the other Ferrari driver, who was just leaving a couple of meters away.
»We saw them kind of fighting or whatsoever.«, Lando added and faced Carlos with a confused look.
Carlos sighed.
»They're both stubborn and it's complicated.«, he just said and sat down with the guys for a moment.

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