Chapter 24

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Charles POV

I made my way out of the shower and borrowed some boxershorts from Carlos to sleep with. He wasn't home yet and I wondered where he was.
But that didn't concern me.
I was more worried about Valerie.
She hated thunderstorms. They freaked her out.
I knew that. Even though she would never admit it in front of me.

I was aware that I could sleep anywhere in this house. It had enough guest rooms and sofas and I should've probably chosen one of them.
But my heart told my something else. And I followed it.
The harder I tried not to let myself give in, the more I got attracted by this woman.
It was like a curse.

I walked upstairs quietly and came to a halt as I reached her door.
I took a deep breath and opened it a gap and listened to the inside. I heard her breathing, but it was not an even, regular one.
She wasn't asleep.

I entered as quiet as possible and closed the door behind me. She had her face turned to the other side, in the windows direction.
It was raining heavier than before and every now and then a lightning appeared on the sky.
I could see her body literally shaking from where I was standing. Her breathing became faster as a loud thunder crossed above us.

I came closer and stopped at the edge of the bed.
Every inch of my body was telling me not to. But who cares what it says.
I only knew what my heart was whispering.
And this whisper became so, so loud.

I lifted up the large blanket she was laying underneath on my side and slipped under it.
She ignored that fact that I just invaded into her room and placed myself next to her.
I kept my distance, for now.
I had the urge to get closer to her, feel her body heat against mine, hear her heartbeat like it is my own.
But I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do.
Well, I was already here.
And as soon as I saw her shivering heavier from shoulders to toes, I couldn't control myself anymore.

I slowly moved myself in her direction, laid my arm over her waist as soon as I was close enough and pressed her nearer against my body.
The simple touch of her soft skin was enough to drive me crazy.
She was so beautiful.
I could feel her body heat mixing with mine.
Hell, we didn't even need this blanket anymore.

And with my near presence, my protection grip around her waist, I could feel her shaking almost stopping and her heart beating slower, in the same rhythm as mine.

As another lighting lightened up the sky and the thunder continued, she flinched underneath my arm.
But I held her close to me, my left hand resting on her stomach.

»I'm here, mon amour.«, I whispered and put a soft kiss on her shoulder, knowing she could perfectly hear me.
»I'm not going anywhere.«
She pretended to be asleep. But I could feel she was very well conscious, not rejecting my presence next to her in any way.
I rested my head on the pillow next to her head that was still turning away from me.

But after a while, she slid even closer to me, burying the back of her head into my chest and grabbing my arm to put it tighter around her.
My other arm was laying above her head, my hand playing with her soft brown hair.

Time passed and I heard her shaky breathing change into a regular in- and exhale.

She fell asleep.
She didn't need me anymore.
But I didn't dare to leave now or even just move a single limb.
I enjoyed this moment too much.
This was all I ever wanted.

»I love you, Valerie.«, I murmured into her hair, being aware that she wouldn't notice or hear it.
But I didn't care. I just felt like to say it.
Didn't matter who heard and who not.
I said it to the universe.

After resting in this position for a while watching over her, I felt my tiredness slowly getting ahold on me.
I was so close to falling asleep, as I heard the front door opening and closing.

Carlos is home. Shit.

But it didn't really matter to me in that moment.
I was were I wanted to be.

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