Chapter 16

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Valerie POV

I saw how Charles gazed at my necklace. Only then I remembered which necklace it was.
It was the one he gave me.
On the the day where he asked me to be his girlfriend.
This special day.

The memory echoed through my head and I was in that moment again for a split of a second.
Juliette gave me a slight push with her elbow and I got back to reality.
»What are you dreaming about?«, she asked.
I shook my head. »Nothing.«
My eyes wandered back to him. He was standing right next to my brother, signing a shirt from a fan.
Juliette followed my look. »I thought you two were over.«, she said chuckling.
»What?« I didn't understand what she said right away and turned around to her.
She had this smile on her face.
»No. It's not like that.«, I tried to defend myself.
»Girl, you can't deny it. I see the way you look at him.«
I sighed. »It's not that easy.«
Juliette nodded. »I know.«

A little fan came by with his parents. Charles crouched down and signed what he gave him.
He looks so gentle and cute with kids..

I watched them for a little longer. But then the next load of people came and I concentrated at selling again.

»Valerie.« I turned around to see my brother, on the phone.
»What's up? Who are you calling?«, I asked as I faced him.
»It's our parents.«, he replied.
»Did something happen?« A wave of fear and worry overcame me and I forgot everything else around me.
»Well, you could say that.», my brother answered jokingly.
I raised an eyebrow.
»They are on their way to Monaco. And they wanna have dinner with us. Today.«, Carlos explained.
My jaw dropped.
»Are they serious?« I couldn't believe it.
That's what they are best at. Inviting themselves at the worst times.
But after all they're our parents and we love them.
What should we do? Fire them?

»I should ask you from Valerie if you're serious.«, Carlos said into the phone.
I gave him a slight clap into his side and he laughed.
»Yes they are.«, he said after listening on the phone for a while.
I caught a deep breath and thought about it for a while.
»Well, so be it.«, I finally said while putting the money I held in my hands into the cash register.
Carlos told our parents it would work and we would meet up at our house around 6 p.m.

»Then I guess we should slowly end this session to have enough time to prepare the dinner.«, I suggested.
Carlos nodded and got back at his teammates side.
I saw them talking and Charles nodding understandingly.
I told Juliette and we started to clear the table.
The pastries were almost empty and there wasn't much merch left anyways.
We officially closed the meet-and-greet and started to clear the place.
My brother and Charles helped up dismantling everything.
»I heard about your parents plans for this evening.«, Charles mentioned as we stood close to each other.
»Yeah. I should've expected it actually.«, I said scoffing while putting the leftover cake into a box.
»I will help you.«, he suddenly said and folded the last merch to put it away.
»I think I can pack up this cake myself, thank you.«, I answered chuckling.
»I didn't mean that. I meant your dinner later. I could help prepare it.«
I stopped what I was doing for a moment. I looked him in the eye, searching for his reasons.

»Why?«, I asked skeptical and continued putting the stuff away.
»We already have 3:30 p.m. and there is still a lot to do if you want to cook a Spanish dinner.«, he responded.
I hesitated.
»I just wanna help.«, Charles assured again.
»Alright. It's not like you are a stranger to my parents anyways.« I finally gave in.

Juliette went home and the three of us made our way back to our house to prepare the dinner.
Carlos got changed quickly and put a white shirt on.
We started to get set up in the kitchen.
I commanded Charles do cut the tomatoes and he did it pretty well actually. He even put an apron on.
It looked so funny. But kind of cute.

»What are we cooking anyways?«, he asked after a while.
»Paella. It's a famous national dish in Spain.«, Carlos replied before I could do it.
»We love it.«, I added and got the pan heated up.
It was a mix out of chicken meat, rice, beans, tomatoes , sea food if you like and sometimes even rabbit meat.

While my brother got the meat ready, I watched Charles chopping the saffron that was used to give it a special taste.
I saw my myself in the evenings again when Charles and I used to cook together. It would always end up in a mess.
But I adored how he tried to compete with my cooking skills.

I set the table and put some decoration on it too.
5:45 p.m.
»I guess I will head home, then.«, Charles finally said and took off the apron.
I looked at the table I just finished. I put five plates instead of just four.
»Why don't you stay for dinner? I accidentally set up the table for five..« The words rushed out of my mouth before I could even think of it.
Charles took a skeptic look at the table.

He exchanged eyes with Carlos.
»Are you sure? I mean this is a family dinner. I was happy to help but I didn't expect to take place at the table.« Charles seemed unsure and kind of nervous.
»Yeah, mate. The food is enough for five. And we would be happy if you stayed.«, Carlos replied and looked at me. I nodded reassuring.
»Alright. I will stay then. May I borrow one one of your suits, Carlos?«, he asked and looked down on himself. He still had his Ferrai-Shirt on and it hat leftovers of the cooking on it.
»Yeah sure. You will find some in my closet.«, my brother answered chuckling and pointed down the hall to his room.

Charles disappeared into Carlos' room and I cleaned the kitchen a bit. My brother was standing besides me.
I could feel his curious look on my back.
»I think the stove is clean now.«, he laughed after some time.
I didn't even notice I was still going over it with a towel. I had zoomed out.
»What's on your mind?«, Carlos asked.
I sighed.
»I can already hear our parents freaking me out.«, I replied, putting the towel away.
»They just want your best, Valerie.«, my brother tried to calm me down.
»Yeah I know. But they always ask too much about my private life. They are too curious. Every time we meet up, they ask if I'm finally engaged. I can't take it anymore.«
»Just try to stay relaxed. They just want their daughter to be happy.«
»Yeah but every man I brought home wasn't enough for them. They always find something to complain about.«
Carlos took a moment to think.
»There was one guy they actually liked in your life.«, he mentioned and looked down the hall.

I followed his eyes.
Then I realized.
»Come on, Carlos. Not this topic again.«
I tried to change the subject but then an idea plopped up in my head.
»I'll be right back.« I left the kitchen, headed to Carlos' room.

»Charles?«, I called out his name before entering.
I opened the door and saw him standing there in a black suit with a white shirt beneath, black pants and his usual rings on his fingers.
He stood in front of the big mirror, his back turned to me and straightened his collar.

I had to take a deep breath before I could let out a word.
God this man looked handsome.

»Can you do me a huge favor?«, I asked carefully, still standing in the doorframe.
He kept standing where he was, didn't even turn around.
»Depends.«, he answered, still fumbling at the suit.
»It's about my parents. They are pretty annoying when it comes to my love life.», I started to explain, waiting for an reaction.
»I know that. I experienced it once.«, he just said and fixed his hair in the mirror.

»I wondered if you... we... uhm...«, I stuttered and played with my fingers.
Now he faced me with a confused look.
»Are you asking me to play your boyfriend right now?« I couldn't say if he was offended or just surprised.
»Kind of...«, I replied hesitantly.
He rushed a hand through his hair, then sighed.
»We already were together back then. Wouldn't it be awkward and confusing for Carlos Senior  and your mother?«, Charles asked.

I got his point.
»I will figure it out. I just need them to leave me alone about this topic. Please.«
»Are you begging me right now?«
Charles came closer. I could smell his perfume around me.
Within seconds, we were utterly close.
I could feel his warm breath against mine. His eyes glowing desperately.
And if the doorbell didn't rang in that moment, I don't know what would've happened further.

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