Chapter 33

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Charles POV

I arrived at the paddock, looking for Carlos and Valerie. Even though it was already Tuesday and the race was over, hundreds of fans were still at the track.
I was happy to give some autographs and take photos, but after a while I felt a little claustrophobic, constricted.
I actually didn't have much time for the fans. I really love the Tifosi but my time management sucked that day.
And I always kept my eyes out for Valerie and her brother.
But a wave of people came towards me and I felt like I would drown between them.

As he could've sensed it, I saw my security guard showing up besides me, taking a little bit control over the fans.
Even though the presence of Raphael didn't really made my heart warmer, I was relieved he was there to do his job.

»Good morning, Mr. Leclerc.«, he greeted me politely as we made our distance from the bunch of fans, walking towards the entry of the paddock.
»Morning.«, I answered, trying to avoid any further contact or conversation.

We both knew about the photos and the situation we were in.
But I secretly celebrated my triumph, not showing any face expression of it of course.

But while walking and thinking about me and Valerie, I had to remind myself that she wasn't some trophy one could win.
I didn't win her.

We chose each other.

I almost got the feeling Raphael could see my thoughts because he suddenly gave me a strange look.
»Is there something of the matter?«, I asked as we where entering the paddock, not meeting his eyes.
»No. My apologies.«

I felt treated like some royal, guarded by his servant.
But I had nothing against keeping our relationship nothing else but professional. The last thing I wanted was to end up in a bar, having a beer with the guy that was after the woman I love.

»I'll be good from here.«, I mentioned as I opened the door where the video would be filmed.
Raphael just nodded and withdrew, god knows where.

It was a bright, friendly room with large windows. In the middle there was a table with food placed. Around it a sizeable couch where Carlos and I would be sitting.

Some of the camera crew were already there, setting up the equipment. I greeted them and sat down on a bench at the edge of the room, checking my phone while waiting.

The door went open and two happy faces came in, walking towards me.
The sight of Valerie made my blood run faster through my veins.
She wore a beautiful white summer dress with blue patterns. It had an eye-catching neckline and I could barely tear my gaze from her.

I got up and gave Carlos a handshake to greet him.
I went left and right on Valerie's cheeks, giving her an innocent kiss on each side to not seek attention of the others in the room.
I stopped for a second as I reached her right cheek, whispering something in her ear that was only meant for her.
»You're gonna regret not giving me that kiss earlier.«

She responded with a challenging look which made me crazy in a whole different way.

»Alright, let's start.«, the video producer announced, pointing the cameras to the couch across the table.

Carlos and I got set up, our hair fixed properly by some make-up artists that also put some powder on our cheeks.
How I hated that.

And by that, I saw Valerie chuckling from across the room as she saw my disgusted face.

She will definitely regret that.

The video went well. It took like forever but in the end I think we made some nice content for the fans.
I hoped no one would notice that I accidentally caught myself staring behind the cameras way too often.
Right where Valerie was standing.

She took some photos and videos while we were shooting. In her new job, she would upload these to Social Media and be my counselor whenever I want to post something.
She was really good at it to be honest.

I couldn't have chosen anyone better for this job. But she hadn't gotten it officially. For that, I yet  had to talk to Fred and some other people too.
But they wouldn't have anything against it.

Carlos had a meeting so he made his way earlier, leaving Valerie and me behind.

We walked out together, our hands desperate to touch. But we refused, cameras were everywhere.
She still had some things to organize for work so she decided to go off too, saying goodbye to me quickly.

I saw some reporters and journalists standing outside. I was in a good mood so I decided to go up to them.

Raphael showed up behind me as he saw me coming out of the shooting room and accompanied me on the way to the interview, making sure no deranged "fans" would interrupt my doing.

The journalist went on with his questions I answered with a smile. They were mostly about my win in Monaco the weekend before and the YouTube video I was filming together with Carlos that day.

»Charles, can you tell me something about the rumors spreading in the news? Are you and Valerie Sainz in a relationship?«, he suddenly asked, leaving me too stunned to speak.

I felt the burning, curios look of my security guard who was waiting a little further behind me to finish.

»I uh... I think I don't have the right to speak for Valerie herself. We haven't talked about it yet. But all I can say for now it that I love this woman like crazy.«

»Thank you, Charles.«

I hesitated in answering at first. But I didn't want to hide my feelings anymore. The whole world should knew.

But that didn't make it easier as soon as I went off, Raphael following me guarding.
His mood wasn't to be overlooked.
But who could blame him? I just said I loved the woman he also wanted.
And she chose me.
Not that I was in any malicious pleasure. He was kinda a nice guy. But at the same time he was also competition.

I thought about firing him. Many times after I saw the photo of him and Valerie.

But I was sensible enough to know that this wasn't about our personal relationship.
He did his job quite well and that was all that mattered.
No need to give it too much of a thought.

I went to my car, telling Raphael that he wouldn't be of need for the rest of day.

I texted Valerie, asking if we could meet up later, a big smile showing up on my face as she replied "With pleasure"

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