Chapter 28

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Narrator POV

Valerie and Charles found themselves pretty drunk in his house, late at night after the party.
They stumbled kissing through the front door, barely making it past the kitchen. They came to a halt in the doorframe that lead to Charles' bedroom.
Valerie pulled apart to catch a breath.

»If I wouldn't have taken my medication earlier, I think my heart would struggle to beat correctly right now.«, she almost whispered through heavy breathing.
Charles chuckled and lifted her chin up with one finger. »I think your diagnosis is nothing you should joke about when it comes to your craziness for me.«, he replied, touching her lips with his own again.

They stayed like that for a while, Valerie's back to the doorframe with Charles pushing her gently against it.
The Ferrari driver made his way down her neck, leaving soft kisses here and there.
Valerie let out quiet moans throughout his pleasing.

»What the hell are we?«, Charles groaned as he reached her face again.
Valerie didn't answer right away.
She took one hand and went smoothly though his soft brown hair, sliding down to his neck to pull him closer again.
After another passionate and longing kiss she placed her hand on his cheek and he leaned in on it.
»If only I knew.«, she said with a soft, almost sad voice, staring into Charles' eyes and slowly drowning.

»Perhaps we should find out.« He buried his face into her neck again while grabbing her hip to pull her closer to his body.
She gave in easily to his touch, longing for more.

Charles suddenly stopped and moved to her face again. He rested his eyes in hers and two oceans collided like heavy waves on a windy beach day.
»We are pretty drunk, aren't we?«, he mentioned and took her cheek in one hand.
»Maybe we will regret this in the morning.«

»Maybe.«, Valerie replied while covering his hand with hers.

»I guess there's no one here who could drive you home.«, Charles noticed, pulling apart and leaning on the across side of the doorframe.
»I'll stay then.«

Charles POV

My alarm went off and I faced the sun shining bright though the big window in my bedroom.
My eyes hurt and I could barely move, thanks to the alcohol from the night before.
But as soon as I tried to stand up, I felt something heavy laying on my chest.
I looked down, holding a hand in front of my head to avoid the sun.


She was sleeping comfortably with her head on my naked chest, one arm tied across my stomach, resting her hand on my hip.

How did we end up here?

I could barely remember the last few hours.
I knew that we were at the celebration party together. Her and Carlos' parents were there. We spent the evening outside in the garden.

And then... we went here?

I touched my head while trying to sort my thoughts. But all I got from it was a bloody headache.

I couldn't really complain about my sleeping circumstances.
I took one hand to gently brush over her hair, tucking the strands behind her ear.

Why couldn't I wake up like this every morning?
Without the afterglow of the alcohol, of course.
But with her.

While Valerie was still asleep, I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications.
As I opened the news, different pictures showed up on my home feed.
The first one I saw was made from somewhere outside. It pointed through a large window inside to a café.
Two people were sitting there, chatting and drinking coffee. I zoomed in a bit and had to recognize that it was Valerie with my security guard, Raphael.

Did they meet up yesterday?
Or when was this taken?

I felt a tiny bit of anger starting to grow inside of me as I scrolled down to find another picture of me and Valerie. It showed us kissing at the party last evening.

Oh, great.

I continued to read the text which was written beneath the pictures.

"The sister of popular formula 1 driver Carlos Sainz to be found with two different men yesterday, after the Monaco Grand Prix. Is she in a relationship? If yes, with whom?"

I wanted to form a fist and punch whoever wrote this shit.
But I knew the press and cameras were everywhere. It was only a matter of time.
I scrolled up again to take a closer look at Valerie and Raphael.
They were laughing, having a great time.

I looked back at her, resting on my chest, still asleep.

I felt my heart start to burn and I could've sworn I felt it getting heavier too. It was almost like it was breaking into pieces.

I didn't want to loose her.
I didn't want her to be confronted with a choice either.
She looked pretty happy with Raphael.
And he didn't cause her all this confusion.
I couldn't even tell what this was supposed to be between us.

But at the same time, I couldn't stand the thought of him being near her.

What should I do?

When I was younger, I would've asked Jules for advice. He always listened to me no matter what.
But now I didn't have a clue who I should talk to.

My phone zipped me back to reality as it made a notification sound. I picked it up and looked at my lockscreen.

A message from maman.
"Bonjour, mon petit chou. J'espère que tu as bien dormi. Est-ce que tu veux manges avec ton frères et moi aujourd'hui? Je serais très contente❤️"

She asked if I wanted to have dinner with my brothers and her today.
I answered immediately.

"Bien sûr, maman. Je vous verrai ce soir!❤️"

I accepted her offer with a smile on my face.
I would finally spend time with my family again after this long weekend.

My gaze went back to the sleeping beauty as I put my phone aside.
How could I ever let her go?

Sorry for the short chapter again! I'm trying my best to keep them as long as possible but it depends on my time and how I can connect the „scenes" with each other.
Love you🫶

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