Chapter 25

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Valerie POV

The bright sunlight itched my eye and let me wake up. For a moment, I didn't know where I was or with whom.
But as soon as I felt his soft, warm hand on my stomach and his chest behind my back, a sparkling feeling went through my whole body.

I felt safe.


His breath went against my ear and I could tell that he was still asleep.
I took my hand and intertwined it with his that was still resting on my belly.
He murmured something that I didn't understand and pushed me closer to his chest.

He stayed. For me.

He could've left.
Hell, he didn't even have to come here.
But he did anyway.
It was almost like the harder we tried to create a distance between us, the quicker we found back to each other.

"I'm here, mon amour."
Charles' words echoed through my head as I played with his fingers that were resting tightly into mine. He used to call me that in the past. And I loved it every single time he did it.
And I've missed it the last years. Every day I didn't hear it.

He was the man I loved. And I couldn't fight that anymore.

My alarm went off a while after.
But Charles didn't seem to be bothered by that.
Today's race was so important for him. He had to be ready and fit for it.
I turned it off quickly and got out of Charles' tight grip carefully. I didn't want to wake him yet.

I had a day off so it didn't matter when exactly I would show up at the paddock.
But I wanted to be there so badly. Since Charles and my brother were racing.
I met the latter one in the living room, checking his phone.

»Good morning, sunshine.«, Carlos greeted me.
»Morning.«, I replied happily.
»Any reason why you're in such a good mood?«
I froze for a moment.
Carlos didn't know that his best friend was laying in my bed.
At least I thought he didn't know.

»Come on, I'm not a fool.«, he said, raising an eyebrow.
»What do you mean?« I said down next to him, putting on an innocent look.

Carlos put his phone aside.
»I came into your room last night because I thought you were still awake. And I saw you already had company so I thought I might leave it like that.«, he chuckled.
It was a little embarrassing to admit it in front of my brother. I began to play nervously with one of bracelets.
»Don't worry. I think it was pretty cute. You two looked like a happy couple.... are you?«
My brother tried to catch my sight.
»Charles came last night to calm me down because of the thunderstorm.«, I began, trying to avoid his question.

»Oh, I should've known. The thunderstorm. Expect for me he is the only one who knows you are scared like hell of those.«, he said remembering, a bit joking too.
»Yeah, yeah. Very funny.«, I replied, letting out a little smile.

»He managed to get me fall asleep, like he used to. And I-«, I stopped and took a deep breath.
»I don't know...«, my desperate look wandered to my brother as I didn't know what to say anymore.
He just listened to me. Like he always did. He wouldn't make fun of me. Not ever.

»If two people can't stay away from each other, maybe they aren't supposed to.«, he just said and gave me a deep, warming look.

I smiled and me and Carlos continued to chat for a while.

Later that day, we arrived at the paddock, all three together. The press was everywhere. They were already rumors of me and Charles spreading. But honestly, I couldn't care any less.

Before the race
Charles POV

"The race will be going in 15 minutes!", I heard the commentators announce on the speakers that were standing everywhere outside.
My pulse rose more every minute.

The engineers talking in the garage gave me a headache and my surrounding began to get a bit blurry.
I went out, looking for someplace quiet.

I opened the door of the changing room, my breath trembling.
The pressure of driving my home race made my chest heavy, my heart felt like it didn't have enough space to beat.

What if I fail?
I have to do it, for Jules. And Papa.

I sat down on the bench in front of the lockers, my head resting in my hands.

My vision was unclear, a small tear forming in the corner of my eye.

Without me really noticing, I instinctively put my phone out of my pocket, dialing her number and laid the phone next to me on the bench.




I.. I can't breathe

Where are you?!

I-I can't move... I

Charles, everything will be alright,
where are you?



Narrator POV

He couldn't answer. In fact, he couldn't do anything but stare at his shaking hands, trying to catch some air.
He heard the phone hanging up.
He thought he would now sit here forever, drowning in his panic attack.

After a few seconds, the door slammed open and someone kneeled down in front of him, taking his  shaky hands into her own.

He couldn't get anything else out of his mouth.
»It's okay, I'm here.« she grabbed his face, covered in tears and made him look in her eyes
»Just take a deep breath, alright? I'm here.«

Charles tried to inhale deeply, but his breathing shuttered down.
»Charles, mi amor, I'm here.«, Valerie repeated.
»I'm not going anywhere.«

Charles rose his head as she said that.
He took her hands hesitantly and held them against his chest.

Slowly, gradually, his breathing got more regular, his heart beat slower.

Valerie pulled him into a tight hug, not letting go until he completely calmed down.

As they broke away from the embrace, she looked him deep into his soft green eyes.
»And now, go out there and bring the title home.«, Valerie assured him as she pulled him up from that bench.

Charles pulled her closer and gave her a quick, but longing kiss.
»Thank you.«
»I'm always here.«, she replied, putting her hands on his chest.

»I gotta go, have a race to win.«, he said chuckling and left the room.

Valerie stayed back, a big smile appearing on her face.

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