Nia didn't seem all that surprised, just a flash of her eyes widening but aside from that, she didn't look all too surprised. "i figured considering your reaction." she said and the raven girl sighed. "what'd she say?"

"she wants to see me."

"are you going to?"

Samantha looked in front of her, "i don't have much of a choice." she shrugged. because she really didn't. the message kept replaying in her head the whole ride, it was the reason she turned the radio off, so many things in her head with the aux and Nia talking was giving her a migraine. she thought about ignoring the message or saying she wasn't home and just spending the night at Nias but the whole thing had dragged on for far too long. they had a lot to talk about and regardless of the outcome, it was at the point in which they needed to say what they needed to say so they could move. whether that be with their relationship or move on from it.

Nia could see how much everything was affecting her physically. Samantha's eye bags were darker than usual, college had a way of making them get little sleep but this wasn't like usual, her eyes didn't shine the way they used to before and there were small habits she picked up against. picking at her nails, the small twitch she'd do with the side of her mouth when she was nervous and most of all, the way her smile wouldn't reach eyes anymore. she missed her best friend, the one before all of this. Nia didn't doubt that Georgia could make her happy because there were glimpses of that, days in which Samantha was being her usual self but the blonde was inconsistent and that wasn't fair to Samantha.

when the brunette didn't say anything, Samantha turned to look at her. "i know what your gonna say-"

but she was cut off, "no. i'm not. whatever you decide to do ill support you."

the raven girls brows furrowed in confusion, "i thought you hated her."

Nia chuckled, "i don't hate her. i hate what she does to you. but i also know that you know what you're doing and whatever you decide, it's because it's right for you." she explained and it brought a warmth in the girls chest.

in truth, Nia had an opinion on the whole thing. she didn't want them together. maybe if Georgia could prove to her that she loved Samantha things would be different but until then, she didn't like them. she just knew that her opinion didn't matter because Samantha already had her decision made.

the raven girl nodded and she took a deep breath. she was going to do the one thing she had been wanting to for days. she'd finally talk to the blonde and alone. without prying eyes and without other hearing them talk. without exes and family members. it would just be them. that didn't mean she was ready for it. Samantha turned to her best friend, "wait for me here?" she asked. Nia nodded with a gentle smile. one that brought so many emotions up for Samantha but she swallowed them, she needed to get through the conversation before she could let it all out.

the brunette could sense everything her best friend was feeling so instead of giving her a hug for comfort, she simply let Samantha get out of the car and do this on her own.

the car door closed behind the raven girl and she looked at the house across the street. it felt weird looking at it. like she was living a dream. it was weird, she'd look a it everyday since the 'break' and wonder if she'd ever be inside of it again and there she was, getting ready to walk inside. the house looked like it was empty aside from the one light turned on upstairs that belonged to Georgia. if not for that she would have thought the blonde stood her up considering her car was gone. the only thing sitting outside was Zion's bike but Georgia had told her that she would be alone because Zion took the kids out. she was sure that was all part of the blondes plan so they could talk without anyone hearing.

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