Chapter 24: A Brewing Storm

Start from the beginning

I'm nOt sURe, sWeEtiE, I wiLl gO see. It's vErY rUd3 tO cOmE wiThOuT sAyInG aNd tO mAkE sUcH a mEsS. JuSt sTaY hErE. SaMe gOeS fOr yOu, HoRrOr."I say

She nods, hugging my jacket closer around herself as she tucks her knitting project in a pocket.

"Don't stay out too long or else you'll all get soaked like Mom in the rain! And Uncles can get muddy in the fields!"She says

I chuckle as she nudges Horror with her comment aimed at him. Yet somehow she remains so innocent with her concerns, oblivious to the danger.

Oh they're getting more than just muddy in this battle.

Horror nods with a knowing glint in his eye, pulling her closer to him.

I march out, already planning to toss this mess through a portal before they cause any trouble, get rid of Shattered once I locate him in this chaotic fight, and scold Nightmare with a strict lesson about his stupidity for even TRYING this. I raise a barrier of code around the house just to be safe.

But I didn't get that far. I had a portal to another AU ready and was trying to knock the unpredictable scum that is Ink through it as I believed he posed one of the biggest threats to the home. He tries to get near my kids for "fun", there's no way I'm letting him get a chance to get near Lovespoon. And luckily Killer was helping me fight him through the portal when I feel an arrow strike through my chest and everything freezes up. The last thing I hear is Killer shouting my name.


"Error!"Killer shouts in alarm at what he just witnessed.

A dirty tinted black arrow pierces through Error's chest and he completely freezes with his glitching intensifying as his body collapses to the ground. Shattered stands on the other side of what has now become the muddy battlefield, holding a newly-corrupted set of bow and arrows with a proud grin. He tosses them back to Dream who he snatched them from as Dream stares in shock at what was just done. The battle slows nearly to a halt at this, completely  caught off guard. They didn't realize Shattered was here and they certainly didn't expect him to snatch Dream's weapon to shoot Error in the back.

But the fight nearly ended. Nearly. Ink's still there after all. Killer quickly catches onto this and Ink tries to charge towards Error but Killer gets in his way. He is quite skilled at keeping Ink busy. It's like fighting fire with fire or chaos with chaos. He manages to use this to herd Ink through the portal as intended originally, far from Error. Dust runs over to grab Error but Error fades away into glitches and code symbols, the arrow dropping to the muddy ground. Dust lifts the dark blue scarf before the puddles of rain and muddy dirt could stain it.

"It worked! Phase 2 can begin! Hah!"Shattered cheers

Then the winds pick up, the branches groaning as they're pulled by the wind and leaves swirl above the group like vultures circling prey. Then the ground rumbles before a spiky stem grows from the ground, striking through Shattered's chest with a tip as sharp as the arrow that pierced Error. Then more strike up as the winds howl loudly, wrapping around Shattered as he struggles. His tentacles get sliced off or held down as he is forced to his knees, trapped as a plant grows around him with two large blade-like leaves rest inches from damaging his neck.


The portal Error made shuts, leaving Killer and Ink in another AU.

"What is this?!"Shattered snaps, restraining himself from showing pain.

"Hmmm, looks like Whale's Tongue. It's a sharp plant that often grows to nearly 7 feet in warmer, dryer areas. Error taught me after I kept spotting them in the background of some UnderNovela scenes where it pans to a distant landscape...We don't see much in the Underground."Blue says, stepping closer cautiously

"But how would it grow here?"Dust asks

Nightmare glances over to Horror's house where Lovespoon is seen beside Horror behind a large barrier. Everyone else follows his gaze to see Lovespoon stretching two hands out covered by Error's oversized jacket with a green glow from her hands. She is in tears and Horror is no different, staring silently with tears rolling down his face. He dropped to his knees at the sight of what unfolded. Only difference is that there's a spark of fury in her gaze. And she is not holding back.

Horror is frozen in shock as it all hits him hard and all he can feel is fear

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Horror is frozen in shock as it all hits him hard and all he can feel is fear. He just witnessed Error get taken down by Shattered. Error, the powerful one that he believed to be nearly invincible...the one that always protected him by giving him a better life than the hell in his AU...the one he looked up to and felt was indebted to for everything...the father figure at his wedding and of his life...the grandfather to his daughter...was just shot down into nothing before his very eye. And now he just has to hope that the barrier around the house stays up so that the same dangers that he worked so hard to keep away from his home...that took Error away...didn't do more.

But Lovespoon didn't really understand much of what she was experiencing. She just knew what she saw and was angry. She wanted the culprit to pay and do so before he even thought of hurting her uncles.

"Dang...Kid's strong..."Dust says

"I got beaten by a kid? Why would a kid even attack me? I'm supposed to scare THEM."Shattered snaps

"You messed with her grandpa, that's why."Dust chuckles

Dream glances over at the house, at the plant trapping Shattered, then carefully backs away until he's far enough to flee. Blue sighs, shaking his head as he stays to help the situation. His best friend just got shot after all. What uncle would he be to Error's kids if he left now? Or what friend?

"What did you do to Grandpa?"Lovespoon snaps, taking everyone out of their thoughts

All eyes go to Shattered as they carefully move closer to where he is trapped in case he attempts to escape or attack. They too want answers.

But this has just begun. And by the end, some will be in worse conditions than others. And no, Nightmare isn't safe from being scolded.


(Please don't be mad, good stuff is coming soon I promise.)

Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelWhere stories live. Discover now