Chapter 19: Happy 19

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The next few days went by in a flash. Nothing from Velvet, nothing from Veneer, and barely anything from Ritz. All I ever did was sit in my bed and cry, occasionally writing more parts to my song. Well, one of them? I'm not sure yet, I might have started writing a new one.

My eyes shot open. Today is Sunday, also my 19th birthday. I sat up, part of me still felt weird sleeping in my own room again, but it also felt like how things were a few months ago. Velvet not knowing I exist, us being complete and total strangers.

I sighed as I looked around. I had posters and pictures all up on my walls, I had scattered pieces of paper on the floor and my desk with notes and song lyrics, and I had garbage everywhere too. My room is a mess. I closed my eyes and stood up, walking slowly into my bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror and just looked at myself. God, I look awful.. I rubbed my eyes and groaned. Today is my birthday, I refuse to be sad today! I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and began brushing my teeth. I may be without Velvet now, and the thought of her makes me want to cry, but today is all about me, I'm gonna be happy today. With, or without her or anyone next to me..

I finished up and continued doing the rest of my routine. Doing hair, putting on some light makeup, and changing. I walked out of my bathroom and stopped and actually realized how gross and messy my room was. "Wow... I need to clean my room." I talk quietly like someone was actually there to listen. I went out into the kitchen and grabbed a trash bag from under the sink and started to get to work on cleaning. Wait! I need music.

I grabbed my phone and hooked it up to one of my speakers and started playing my favorites playlist. Older, by Isabel LaRosa started playing. I smiled, I love her and her music so much.

I walked around my room and collected all the trash and things that needed to be thrown away. Water bottles, food wrappers and trash, crumbled paper, tissues, you name it.

Another song started playing, also by Isabel LaRosa. My heart sank and I froze. The song now on was I'm Yours. Me and Velvet danced and sang this song together in the kitchen. I had never sung in front of anyone before other than Ritz and my mom sometimes, I didn't think I was that good but she told me I was and I believed her. God, why did all of this have to happen? I started to get teary-eyed before I groaned and skipped the song. Sorry Isabel.. I love that song, but I don't think I can handle listening to it right now...

The next song that started playing was Bodybag by Chloe Moriondo. I love this song, I haven't heard it in forever though.

Once I got all the garbage I organized some of the clutter and the stuff that was on the ground I put it somewhere else where it was meant to be. I folded and put all my clothes away and made my bed. Once I was done I sat on my bed and looked around. This is much better. I slightly smiled at my work then flopped back and stared at the ceiling. Lyrics of another song coming to my mind. Oh my god! I need to stop I've already started 2 other ones! I closed my eyes, not trying to sleep though, me being wide awake. The lyrics kept coming. Ugh! These are too good! I need to write them down! I hopped up off of my bed and ran over to my desk and papers and started writing.


I was sat down, leaning my back on my bed frame with my knees held close to my chest as I watched a random TV show I found on Netflix. This show is so pathetic and stupid. I groaned as I turned my TV off and flopped down on my side. I miss Velvet. I wonder if she misses me too. It's been a few days without any contact, what if she's already forgotten about me and moved on? I groan again and sit up. I'm sick of this. I'm going out and buying myself a fucking cake and celebrating my birthday, I'll just be by myself. I don't care.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 05 ⏰

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Paradise || VelchidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon