Chapter 17: Shatter

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Orchids POV:

"Come on! We're gonna miss the show!" I talked loudly to Ritz as I held his arm guiding him through the crowd of people. We were at the Rage Dome and when I tell you the arena was full I mean it, there were people everywhere and they were all excited to see the twins perform. "It's starting any second now!" Ritz and I laughed, we had gone to go buy some drinks but the line was so long and we didn't think we would take that long to where we could've missed some of the show. We ran through the pit till we got to our spots in the front, I looked at Ritz and our faces beamed as the lights went low and the lights started flickering in a bright red.

"It's starting!" I shriek and watch as the twins start walking out on stage. The lights flashed then it all went dark, "Mmm" Velvet hummed starting Watch Me Work. But like all concerts, the songs are just a little different in the beginning. Instead of any background music her hum was just vocal, then it stayed silent for a second till the drums came in. "OH MY GOD?!" I screamed and me and Ritz started jumping. The drums went with the beat of her words but she wasn't singing, then it stopped and came back more powerful. The lights flashed with the beat of the music and soon the drums faded into the actual music of the song. "What was that?!" Ritz screamed, "I loved it!"

"Never gets old no matter how much I'm told, I'm amazing." Velvet sang and the whole auditorium went wild in fits of screams and them singing along. "You're amazing," Veneer started singing and Ritz shouted, "I LOVE YOU VENEER!" Which Veneer happened to hear, he winked at Ritz, and with the crowd seeing that action, everyone screamed.

"If the top is where you wanna stay!" Velvet hit the note perfectly as she and Veneer walked and danced around on the stage. Me and Ritz cheered and sang the song, mostly screaming the song but that's besides the point. They are on fire! "You gotta live fast," "So fast!" Veneer echoed Vel, "If you want to be as famous as me, you gotta work, gotta work, gotta work! Watch me work." Velvet sung the last line of the song and everyone cheered loving their performance.

The two walked up to the front and stood with their backs touching, they slowly squatted and got closer to the floor. Me and Ritz screamed and reached our arms out toward them. They both looked at us, "Sweet dreams..." Veneer sung quietly causing the crowd to scream and shout. "Who, am I?.." Velvet also sang low and quiet. "I travel the world..." Veneer singed and both of them flipped over to be down on their knees. "Everybody's..." Velvet sang, we made eye contact and I felt myself become hot and sweaty.

They both stood up quickly and started singing, "Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree?" Velvet started, "I travel the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something." Veneer sang, "Some of them want to use you, some of them want to get used by you! Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused!" They chanted. "hold your head up," "moving on." "keep your head up," "moving on."

"I travel the world and the seven seas! Yeah!" Everyone screamed for them and they stood in the middle of the stage breathing heavily. Then the music to a new song started playing. "OMG! It's one of their new songs!" I shout and Ritz and I scream. Me and him are so gonna have no voice after this. "Yeah!!!" Velvet started and hit a high note. "YES!" I cheered, "Fame! I'm gonna live forever! I'm gonna learn how to fly! I feel it coming together, people will see me and cry!" They sang together and they sounded absolutely amazing. "I'm gonna make it to heaven, light up the sky like a flame! I'm gonna live forever! Baby remember my name." They strutted around on stage and I watched closely as they danced.

"I love them so much!" I shout, "Real! Isn't it crazy that like, we're their best friends?!" He said shocking me, "OMG, What?! Yes! I love that! We are 2 famous people's best friends!" I shriek and we both laugh and cheer for them.

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