Chapter 10: Pure Attraction

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A few hours had passed and we were now back at Velvet and Veneer's house. Velvet wasn't delirious anymore, well, not as bad. She mumbled a bit here and there and acted a little funny, but not as bad as she was before.

"Orchid!" Velvet called out to me while in her room. "Yes?" I asked as I walked in. I was down in the living room hanging out with Ritz and Veneer, but when I heard her call me, I ran up here fast. "Make me food," she said as she averted her eyes to me from her laptop. "Is that how you ask?" I said and walked up to her. She rolled her eyes and then looked back at me. "Can you PLEASE make me food?" she asked, and I smiled. "Of course I can. What would you like to eat?" I asked as a grin formed on her face. "You," she spoke and my eyes widened, "U-Um." I stuttered, causing her to giggle. "I'm joking!" she admitted and I laughed.

"Or am I?" she said and raised an eyebrow, looking me up and down. I felt myself blush heavily. I took a deep breath, "S-So, what do you want for dinner?" I questioned, and she took a moment to think.

"Fried Potatoes and Mac & Cheese," she said, and I chuckled. "That's a weird combination," I say. "I don't care! That's what I want," she said demandingly, and I just smiled. "Okay, it will be ready soon," I leaned down to kiss her forehead then went to stand back up straight, but she grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. Once we pulled away, we gave each other one of those smiles that made me want to start floating and die at the same time, but both in a good way.

"Okay! Hurry up, I'm hungry!" Velvet said and pushed me back, and I laughed a little before running out and going down to the kitchen and grabbing the supplies to make her food.


"What's taking so long?!" Velvet yelled as she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where I was finishing up her food on the stove. "It's almost done," I said and turned to her, watching as she pulled herself up to sit on the counter.

I walked over to her and got between her legs and placed my hands on her upper thigh. I saw her cheeks turn a mild shade of red, and she bit her lip before putting a hand on my neck and pulling me in for a kiss. I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss. The kiss got deeper and more intense, but soon I pulled away. She groaned, and I laughed. "What's funny?!" she said with a weird, confused, and angry face. "I just can't take you seriously with this headbandage thing," I said and her eyes widened. "Do I look ugly?! Is it that bad?!" she said and moved her hands and arms around frantically before just fully covering her face.

I giggled and pulled her hands down, then grabbed her chin, making her look back up at me. "No, not at all. You look cute," I said and kissed her cheek before walking back over to the stove. "Ew, what?! How do I look cute with this thing on me?! I feel like I look disgustingly atrocious!" She yelled out and I rolled my eyes with a smile. "You don't look 'Disgustingly Atrocious'" I say and grab a plate.

I heard her scoff before speaking up. "Wait! Put them on separate plates. I don't want them to touch." She says and I contain my laughter. Doesn't want the food to touch? Oh my god. "Okay, okay." I say and grab another small plate for her.

Her eyes lit up and she kicked her feet back and forth as I carried her food over to her. "Come eat at the table." I say and place her plate down. "Kay." She said and hopped off the counter and ran over to the table and sat down in a chair in front of me. "Hey! Be careful, don't run while you're injured. You could fall and get even more hurt." I say and she just stuffs her face with the Mac & Cheese. "Okay Mom." She says and I roll my eyes and walk back over to the stove to make a plate for myself.

"Mmm! This is good!" Velvet said as she was almost halfway done with her plate. "Velvet. Eat slower, you'll choke." I say and she just gives me a blank stare. "Just because I fucked my head up doesn't mean you have to baby me, you know? I won't choke and running won't cause me to get more hurt." She says and I feel my heart sink and I looked down and picked at the skin around my fingers.

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