Chapter 7: A Mess

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Velvets POV:

Yesterday was a blast. I had so much fun with Orchid, Veneer, and Ritz. I love the beach and I guess I love them too so it was all just perfect. All perfect after we left school anyway.

Today was our last day of high school. I was gonna ditch again, but Orchid wanted to go. So I'm going too. Plus, Veneer is going for Ritz.

"Orchid! What outfit should I wear?" I call out and Orchid runs to me in my closet. "Uhh, that one." She says and points to a white shirt and a pair of black pleated shorts. "Okay, thanks Doll." I said and while I walked past her I kissed her cheek. On the way to the bathroom, I heard her giggle and grab clothes for herself.

Once I got done changing I walked out and seen Orchid in black Denim cargo pants with a black cropped tank top. "Oh! Does this look okay?" She asks and turns to me and I feel butterflies swarm inside of me and I go speechless. "Uh, I-I." I cover my mouth after stuttering and laugh. "Damn. Yeah, you look hot." I say and walk up to her and grab her waist. "R-Really?" Her face darkens in a color red. "Really." I say and grip harder on her waist and lean my head in for a kiss. She kisses me back and we stay like that for a few minutes.

"Guys! Come on-" Veneer stopped talking when he walked in and saw us kissing. "I love your outfit!" Veneer said speaking to Orchid and her face went a little pink from embarrassment. "Thanks." She says and laughs as she hides her face in my chest. "Anyway, hurry up your kissing. It's time to leave." Veneer said and turned walking away leaving the door open like all siblings.

I rolled my eyes and started walking too, "Come on." She follows me and we walk down and see Veneer and Ritz kissing. "So y'all can kiss but we can't?!" I say loudly and Orchid jumps over to me and covers my mouth. "Shh! Leave them alone." She says but Veneer and Ritz had already parted.

"Yeah, but we're dating so we can." Veneer said and held Ritz's hand. "You two are dating?! How come you never told me?!" Orchid said and looked at Ritz. "My bad.." he said and scratched his neck. I rolled my eyes and started walking to the front door.

A second passed by before the three of them joined me in the car. While I was driving I looked up at Ritz and Veneer through my mirror. Veneer had his head on Ritz's shoulder looking half asleep while Ritz had his hand on his thigh with a big smile plastered on his face. I kept my eyes on the road as I began to think about a lot. A lot being me and Orchid.

I like her. No, I really like her, and I think she knows that by now. But, I haven't said anything to her about my feelings and she hasn't said anything about hers to me. I know I like her a lot, and I think she likes me a lot. Do I want to date her? Maybe? The thought of us being an actual couple made me happy, it made me get butterflies and my heart skipped a beat. I do want to date her. I really want to be her girlfriend and I want her to be my girlfriend. She's mine already but it needs to be solid.

Wait, I want to date her. Why didn't I want to date Josh? I know I liked him, but was it really because school was ending and I was scared of us drifting? Maybe, I wanna date Orchid because I know we won't drift apart like me and Josh would have, we talk and hang out all the time. So we won't drift. I hope so anyway. I also feel like I like her a lot more than I ever did Josh or any other guy. She just makes me feel some type of way..

We pulled up to the school building and once we got out of the car we walked in. God, I hope it's not the same as yesterday.. we walked all together and no one stared at us. A few people took glances and me and Veneer and somewhat Orchid and Ritz too but they weren't glares or weird looks like before. I smirked and held my head up high as I walked and gained my confidence.


Today's been so tiring and boring. Everyone was either sad or crying that today was the last day of all our needed school. Am I the only one who's happy to get out of this hell hold forever? Come on now! I scoffed as I thought of those idiotic people who liked school that much. I walked down the hall and I felt a small weight get lifted off of my shoulders once I remembered science was my next class and I would see Orchid! I stopped walking and waited by the ends of the lockers for her. We both have PE together but I know she likes to be left alone in that class so I don't want to bother her by my presence so I just do what our teacher wants us to do.

Paradise || VelchidDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora