Chapter 5: The After

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Velvets POV:

I felt my heart race as we both leaned in for the kiss that had been much wanted. I held her waist and got so close to her lips that I felt like I could die there and then. I was one second away from just saying 'fuck it' and crashing our lips together, but then I felt her fall limp in my arms. We both fell down as I couldn't catch the sudden weight that had just fallen on me. She laid on the floor, and I started panicking.

"Orchid?" I said, getting no response. "Orchid?! Hello?!" My breathing intensified, and I put my hand on her chest to check if she was breathing and had a pulse. She's alive, that's good. But what am I supposed to do?! Do I just sit here and wait?! Should I take her up to my room and let her sleep or something? Do I call an ambulance?! FUCK.

I picked her up carefully and stood up. This is not how I wanted this night to go... I ran around with her in my arms and managed to find Ritz. "Ritz!" I called out, and he turned to me. "Oh, hey. Is everything okay?" he asked, and I gave him a 'Are you stupid?' look and spoke. "No, you idiot! She fainted, and I don't know what to do!" I said with a shaken voice, and he looked around. "This happens sometimes, mainly when she's overwhelmed or hasn't eaten anything. Take her to your room. Should I get Veneer to get everyone to leave?" Ritz spoke in a sort of demanding manner, and I was about to talk back to him, but what he said was the best option. "Yes. Cancel the rest of the party, kick every last person out." I commanded, and he ran off to find Veneer.

I went upstairs and into my room. I don't care if I'm making the situation more than what it actually is by kicking people out, if she's overwhelmed then they need to leave. If she's hungry, I want to be able to make something for her. I hate cooking, I always make other people do it for me, but for her, I'd cook a whole buffet. I walked her over to my queen-sized bed and laid her down. I watched as her chest moved up and down, indicating that she was breathing. I sighed and decided to remove our shoes. I got into my bed next to her and gently placed her head on my lap. As I played with her hair, I hummed a song.

I carefully untangled the braided strands of her hair that were intertwined. I felt Orchid shift slightly on top of me. "Orchid?" I spoke in almost a whisper. "Vel? What happened?" Orchid said, sitting up. I smiled and leaped into her arms. "Are you okay?! You fainted." I hugged her tightly and she wrapped her arms around me. "What's wrong? Please tell me. Are you hungry? Tired? Do you feel okay?" I asked, pulling away to examine her, then feeling her forehead. "I feel fine. I guess I was just overwhelmed with the party, the loud music, that guy..." she said, and I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I understand. Ritz told me you were probably overwhelmed, so I kicked everyone out of the house except for him and Veneer." I said, chuckling. "You didn't have to do that. It's your birthday party." She said, sounding upset. "It's fine, plus, it's not my birthday yet. It's tomorrow, but if we're being specific, it's in 27 minutes." I said, and we both laughed. "It's midnight?" She asked, and I nodded, "Almost, yeah."

"Orchid! Are you okay?!" Ritz yelled out as he and Veneer barged into my room. Ritz sprinted up to us and smiled once he saw she was okay. Ritz pulled her into a hug, and even though I knew for a fact they weren't dating now, I still felt a large amount of jealousy pile up inside me. "Okay, that's enough." I said, pulling Orchid back by her waist and making her lay back onto me. "Yeah, I agree." Veneer said, putting a hand around Ritz's body and resting it on his hip. He pulled Ritz closer to him and grinned.

"Well, since you're feeling better now, me and Ven are gonna go hang out." Ritz said, and I glared at Veneer as I knew what he was planning. He just sent me a smirk back and started walking out of my room towards his. Oh god. "I think they're gonna F-" "Yeah, I was just thinking the same," I say and feel my heartbeat quicken when I remember Orchid was lying back on me in between my legs. "Are you tired?" I ask her and she sits up and turns to look at me.

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