Chapter 14: Greatest New Hit

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Veneers POV:

I woke up and I was lying flat on my chest. I turned my head to look for Ritz in my bed but he wasn't there, instead he was over in the middle of my room staring at his phone looking like he was going to explode from happiness and excitement. I sat up and slowly walked over to him. I placed my hands on his waist as I went next to him and looked at his phone.

"What's got you so happy this morning?" I ask, "So, you know how I want to be an interviewer and on them television shows?" He questions, "Of course I do." I say and rest my head on his shoulder. It made me so pissed to think he was actually taller than me when I wasn't wearing shoes, my heels and platforms make me a few inches taller than him but without them, he's the taller one. "I reached out to a company and did an online interview a while back and they finally responded with if I got accepted."

"WHAT DID THEY SAY?!" I ask excited and nervous for him. "I got in! They also said my first interview would be either today or tomorrow! They want me to be there 2 hours before the interview so they can talk to me and stuff!" He says happily and I shriek. "That's so exciting!" I leap into his arms putting mine around his neck while his just instantly goes to my waist. We held eye contact for a few seconds before we both leaned in for a much-needed kiss.

Once we pulled away I spoke up. "I wonder who you're gonna interview." I say and he smiles. "Yeah, I hope it's someone I like! They said they would get back to me soon with who it would be and when." Ritz says and I stomp my feet showing my excitement. "I'm so happy for you." I say and he just gets excited too. "Same!"

"What is all of this ruckus going on in here?!" Velvet shouted as she burst into my room with a calm Orchid behind her. "Ritz is now an official interviewer! Or something like that, right?" I say and Ritz laughs and nods at me. Orchid smiles and velvet rolls her eyes.


Everyone looks over to Ritz whose phone had just gone off meaning he got a text. "Who was that?" Velvet asked nosily. I sent her a glare for being nosy about who my boyfriend was texting, but I was also curious too. "Yeah, who?" I say and watch as he read the text. His eyes widened and his mouth became more open within the second. "Girl, what?" I say and just then, mine and Velvet's phones went off as well. Me and Velvet shot each other a confused look as we opened the texts.

"OMG! Ritz! You're gonna interview us with the Bop On Top?! Vel this is so exciting, we're gonna be interviewed!" I say excitedly. She smiles, "Yeah, by your interviewer boyfriend. Shouldn't we get an actual professional?" She snarks and I scoff. "He's perfect! And we're not even famous yet so we don't need the best person out there." I say and drape my arm across Ritzes shoulders. "Whatev," Velvet says and grabs Orchid's hand to lead her out.

"Oh! Don't forget, we have to perform at the Boom Box tonight. We made those reservations like, a week ago. Remember?" Velvet says as she stops herself from walking out cause she still had things to say. "That's tonight?! I thought it was tomorrow." I say and cock my hip out. "No dumbass. It's tonight at 7." She says and I take a moment to think. We would do the interview first, then leave, get ready, and go perform our song at the Boom Box. "Kay," I say and she and Orchid walk out.

"Explain to me what the Boom Box is." Ritz says with his arms crossed. "So the Boom Box is a famous arena that has good singers sing a song or a cover of a song to the audience and it's like an actual concert but for one song and several people. A lot of famous people have done them and for some people, it even caused them fame."  I talk and Ritz smiles. We hold eye contact yet again and I start thinking.

"Wait, we're getting interviewed by the Bop On Top. Right..?" I say still thinking. "Yeah?" He says confused as to where I was going with this. My eyes widen and I pull out my phone and pull up mine and Velvet's YouTube. My jaw drops, "Watch Me Work has gained 100 THOUSAND views and it's in the top 5 for Bop On Top! This is INSANE!!" I say and shake Ritz by his shoulders. He laughed as I messed with him. "Babe, I know you're really excited. But it's already 1 pm, I need to get ready! OMG, AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR!!" Ritz shouts and I chuckle.

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