Chapter 6: Lets Ditch This Place

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Orchid's POV:

I woke up to constant ringing and vibrating. I jolted my head up and looked down below me once I realized I was laying on something. I was laying on Velvet's chest and all I could hear was her slight breathing. AND HER DAMN PHONE BLOWING UP! "Who's calling?" Velvet groaned as she opened her eyes. "Uh," I looked around for her phone and once I saw it on her nightstand I leaned across her to get it. "Someone named Juli?" I say and she rolls her eyes. "She's in some of my classes, she thinks we're friends. Let it ring." She said

"You have like, 200 notifications." I say and show her her phone screen. She took her phone and looked at some, I crawled off of her and sat next to her. "It's probably cause my birthday." She said and groaned again stretching out and coming closer to me and cuddling my lower half for I was sitting up. "What time is it?" I asked and put my hand in her hair. "6:30. Or something." She says sleepily and it took me a moment to actually think of the time she said it was. "6:30?! Vel! We have school!" I say and jump off of her bed and she sat up quickly after I had bounced up. "So? Let's just skip." She said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. "No way!"

I grab her arm and pull her off of her bed. She rolled her eyes but ended up smiling as she grabbed my waist with one of her hands and guided me to her closet. "Pick something to wear. I don't care what, just don't choose something stupid." She said and picked out her clothes. I stood there for a few seconds looking at everything but I just decided to go with leggings and a plain white shirt along with a purple jacket that I was most likely not gonna need.


Once all four of us—me, Vel, Veneer, and Ritz—walked into the school building everyone was staring at us. Not ALL of us, just Velvet and.. Me.

I looked around and instantly felt hot and embarrassed. I held my hands together and slouched down a little as I walked. "You okay?" Vel asked as she slowed down her walking and walked with me. "Everyone's staring at me." I say quietly and she puts her arm around my shoulders. "Get used to it. It's probably cause you just walked in with me and Veneer." She spoke and I heard people start whispering. I didn't hear it all, but I heard random parts of people's conversations.

I heard people say, "There's no way that was Velvet." And, "I never knew she was a lesbian.." And, "OMG No way!" People laughed as we passed and I noticed they all had one thing in common. They all had something on their phone they were looking deeply at.

"Velvet, do you not hear people talking about us?" I say and she just looks around. "Orchid, people talk about me all the time." She says and walks to her locker grabbing some things. "No, it doesn't sound good." "I'll see you later, Kay?" Velvet spoke grabbing my hand but letting go as she left and ignored what I had said.

I looked around and got chills as some people were now just looking at me and I was all alone. I took a deep breath before walking over to my locker. I'll be fine, it will all be fine! I'm just exaggerating all of this.


Turns out. I wasn't exaggerating.

I walked into the cafeteria a few minutes late for I had to use the restroom and everyone turned to look at me. I saw Ritz sitting down at our table with Veneer. He gave me a weird look and signaled for me to come to him quickly. I walked faster over to him almost running, "Two things! You and Velvet are dating?!" He said shocked and I gave him a confused look. "No?" I say and look at Veneer who also looks really confused. "Okay, then basically the second thing. WHAT IS THIS?!" Ritz said and pulled his phone out showing me a video.

I felt my heart drop down into my stomach, it felt so intense I could feel it in my chest for a whole minute after. My face heated up and I felt my head get heavy. I looked at Ritz and he looked at me. "W-What?" The video, was of me and Velvet, in the pool, making out. The video was recorded from behind me so you could barely tell it was me but I'm guessing since I came into the school with her they all knew then and there it was me. "We're, we're not dating. We just kissed, then that happened!" I say and cover my face with my hands.

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