Chapter 1: Introduction

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Instead of photos up here ⬆️ I'm gonna be putting songs that the chapters remind me of. You don't have to listen to them!

"Hey! Get off her!" Velvet yelled, rushing up to me and the random guy who had me pinned against the wall. I struggled, but he wouldn't budge. He just wouldn't leave. Touching me, kissing me, and I absolutely despised it!

"I said get off her!" Velvet forcefully pulled the guy away and landed a solid punch on his face. "Jesus God!" The man held his face in pain, then quickly ran off. I watched Velvet seethe with anger, my eyes welling up.

"You okay?" She turned around, in a hurry. I looked down, my face tightening, and I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. "Oh, Orchid." She gently touched my cheek, looking at me with such tenderness. She stepped closer, enveloping me in her arms, and we just held each other. I cried. Her touch soothed me, erasing the memory of that guy's touch. Eventually, my tears subsided, and I took a deep breath. "It's okay," she reassured me and I pulled away to admire her beauty.

Without thinking, I leaned in for a kiss..

I bet you're wondering how I ended up in this situation.. let me back up.

May 27th.

I'm Orchid. I have short purple hair that hangs slightly below my shoulder, my eyes are purple and so is my skin. All purple. I love art and anything related to astronomy and space science. People call me a nerd, one of those weird lonely ones who seem to always get the best test scores in every subject. Me and all of my friends are seniors in high school, we graduate next week, I'm nervous but very excited for break.

I was seated at a rectangular table in the middle-right of the cafeteria when I noticed Ritz approaching me.

Ritz, my best friend. He has yellow blonde hair with bright turquoise tips, purple skin, and purple eyes. Some people often confuse us as siblings, saying he could have dyed his hair, but we're not. It's natural hair, but he did dye the tips blue. We've been friends since 5th grade, and I know everything about him, and he knows everything about me.

"Did you see how good Veneer looks today?!" He asks me as he sits down in a hurry and shakes my shoulders. "Heh, yeah," I say as two twins catch my eyes.

Velvet and Veneer.
Veneer is the younger twin of the two, only by a few minutes. Veneer has green hair that he curls and gels up in a swirl. Veneer is the second most popular person in the school, he's really sweet, and very handsome. He has blue eyes and white skin, he wears green lipstick, and even though he's very fruity and zesty, he still manages to make girls like him. Everyone knows he's gay though.
Then there's Velvet. She's the most popular girl in school, she's beautiful with her long green hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and glowing white skin. She's your average popular girl, self-absorbed, and a complete bitch, yet she's perfect. She's nice to all her friends and her brother, and even though she's a bitch most of the time to others—she's bossy and knows she's better than anyone—I can tell deep down she's genuinely nice. She has a perfect body, and she's a little sporty. Everything about her is amazingly perfect.

I've had a massive crush on Velvet since she and Veneer transferred to this school at the beginning of the year. Then there's Ritz, who has a crush on her brother, Veneer.

My eyes stayed on Velvet as she and Veneer walked through the corridors and into the cafeteria. "Hellooo?! What are you looking at?" Ritz said and turned his head to look at what I was watching. I smiled as I saw her laugh in her conversation with Veneer. She seemed happy, they were probably talking shit about someone or something, but that doesn't matter!

"Woah, he's soooo fine!" Ritz said as he watched Veneer. I finally broke from my zone. "Go talk to him, you guys are friends, right?" I recommended, and his eyes widened. "W-What?! Yes, we are! But I can't just go up to him!" he said panicky, and I rolled my eyes. "Just go!" I said and pushed him back, making him stand up. I saw slight fear in his eyes, but he took a breath and approached the twins. They were basically right in front of our table by this point, so I could hear their conversation.

"Then I was like, 'Ew, no,'" Velvet said in disgust, and Veneer laughed. "Hey, look," Velvet said and nudged her brother's shoulder. Veneer looked at Ritz as he walked up to him. "Ritzy!" Veneer said and sprang into Ritz's arms. Ritz put his arms around his waist after finding Veneer had his around his neck. "Hey," Ritz said softly, and I just watched them with a smile until I looked over a little and made eye contact with Velvet.

Was she staring at me? My heart skipped a beat, and I felt myself heat up. She looked away quickly, and I could see her cheeks were a little red, but I couldn't tell if it was blush or her makeup. I looked away and covered my mouth as I smiled so hard it hurt my face. I looked back at the soon-to-be couple as I heard them start talking. "Do you guys want to come sit with me and my friend?" Ritz said and pointed to me. I smiled at them, and Velvet looked at me, then away quickly again.

"Yes! I love your friends!" Veneer said and ran over to the table and sat in front of me. I laughed slightly and smiled at him, and he gave me a smile back, showing his pearly white teeth. "Um... actually, my group is waiting for me, so I gotta go," Velvet said quickly with hand movements and a few mess-ups. Her eyes widened just a bit when she looked at all of us sitting down, then she started walking away fast. "Bye!"

We all looked at each other, then we laughed. "Well, that was weird," Veneer said with a confused face. "So, Ritzy, who's your friend?" Veneer asked, and I smiled. "I'm Orchid," I said happily. "You're very cute." Veneer said with a face, I was about to say thanks but he cut me off. "Not for me though!" He said and looked around. "Definitely for Velvet. I can see y'all" he said and pointed at me and her over with her friends. "H-HUH?!" I say a little louder than intended.

"You like her?" Veneer asked and held his head up with his hands. He lifted an eyebrow and I held in a laugh. Zest fest. "Can you keep a secret?" I asked and he leaned a little back off his hands and acted like he was zipping his mouth then throwing away the key. "Lips are sealed." He said and leaned back forward closer to my face. He sure is hyper and energetic, it seems like he has ADHD.

"I may or may not, have a crush on Velvet," I say and he gasps and squeals. "OMG, You guys would be the cutest! I have to introduce you two!" He said and shook a little excitedly. I laughed a bit then I looked over to Ritz who this whole time had been staring at Veneer dreamingly. "So, Ritz, who do you have a crush on?" I ask in a knowing tone. Veneer's eyes widen slightly and he whips to look at Ritz. "Ritz! How have I not thought to ask that question?!" Veneer said and got awfully close to Ritz. I could see both of them blushing, Ritzes was very intense. "Uh, I don't like anyone at the moment!" he said, trying to sound truthful.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked, holding my head up with one hand. "Yes?" he replied, glaring at me. Veneer seemed slightly sad, but he concealed it well. "Wow, boring!" Veneer exclaimed. We continued talking while I zoned out and found myself staring at Velvet. I could hear videos playing, so I assumed the two of them were on their phones.

Velvet's friend group consisted of her, Midori, and Rachel. They were good friends to Velvet, but I could tell that sometimes Velvet didn't enjoy their company. Velvet sat at their circular table, just sitting there. She wasn't talking, but Rachel and Midori were. I felt a twinge of guilt. Was she simply not in the mood to talk, or was she being excluded? I turned my attention back to the boys and was taken aback by what I saw.

Ritz was on his phone, watching TikTok, while Veneer had his head resting on Ritz's shoulder, also engrossed in his phone. They look so adorable! I couldn't resist; I took a photo. I'll show it to them on their wedding day.

I smiled and then turned my head to look at Velvet again. Her head was facing in my direction, but I couldn't tell if she was looking at me or not. My heart sank deep in my chest. I glanced around at other things, as if searching for someone else, just in case she happened to catch me looking at her. I saw her laugh. She turned away, and I turned away too. My heart pounded, and my stomach filled with butterflies.

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