Chapter 18: What Have I Done..?

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My eyes widened and I felt a lot of emotions overcome me, sadness, confusion, and the one overpowering them all. Anger.

"You need to stop pushing me! All I'm trying to do is talk to you and help you understand what really happened!" I yelled out, tears welling in my eyes. No, no don't start, please don't yell. This is just gonna cause another huge fight. Please, please god no..

"Oh my god! So this is all my fault?! How is it my fault my girlfriend was basically cheating on me?!" Velvet shouts back at me, something inside of me breaking with each thing we said. "What?! No! But, how is this even my fault?! She was the one that came up to me and kissed me and started touching me!" I say, "Yeah sure! If that's what happened then why didn't you push her away?!" I knew what all to say, I knew all the truth of what happened, I knew everything. But I felt so scared, sad, angry and so overwhelmed and sickened that I just kept spewing out words and nothing made sense with what I said. I stuttered and shook badly.

"I-I tried! She wouldn't let me go!" I say with a weird voice. "Omg! I can't even tell if you're telling the truth! It really doesn't sound like it!" She clenched her fists. "I'm not lying! Just believe me Velvet it's not that fucking hard!!" I yelled and breathed heavily as I heard rain start pouring hard on the roof. "Do NOT speak to me like that!" She said, "I'll speak to you however I want!" I yell back and she looked so pissed off. She looked so mad and so upset that she could start a fire but also like she could start crying at any given second. "Fuck! Just leave me alone!" She groaned and left her room and headed down the hall. "No velvet! You need to trust me! Why is it so hard for you to trust me?!" I say and start crying and shaking more.

"Orchid! I don't know, I don't trust people! Please, just leave me alone!" She ran down the stairs, into the living room and I followed. Part of me needed to just stop, stop and end this or just talk calmly so we don't continue fighting. But part of me just had to keep going, I was so mad and hurt, I wanted to convince her what actually happened, happened and that I wasn't a liar. I tried to run up to her, "Please Velvet! I lo-" "Leave me the hell alone!" She screamed and wiped her body around. She raised her arm, I thought she was gonna push me away, just like before. But something unexpected happened.

She slapped me, she slapped me right across my face. She slapped me so hard it left a sting on my cheek, my eye started watering and it wasn't just from the crying tears that fell like a waterfall. I stumbled back a few steps and complete horror spread velvets face.

Her hands covered her mouth as she started crying. "I-I'm so sorry.. Please, I didn't mean to, I don't know what came over me, I-" She ran up to me and grabbed my hand. I started sobbing, "D-Don't touch me..!" I yelled out and my vision started getting blurry. Thunder rumbled in the sky, lightning being close behind. "Oh my god, I am so done with y-you!" I say. No... no no no no no, no! What am I saying?! Please Orchid just SHUT UP!!

"You're done with me?!" Velvet said, she didn't yell but she spoke loudly. She sounded hurt, sad but also, very, very mad. "I don't know.." I say quietly as I look at my feet and shaky hands. The world around me started to spin. "Are you gonna break up with me?!" Velvet asked, "I don't know.." I say and cry, she came up to me and gripped my shoulders. "What do you mean you don't know?!" She yelled and shook me around, she got close to my face and yelled straight at me making me so uncomfortable, so uneasy and so upsettingly mad. I tense up and start hating myself, hating my life. "Stop touching me!" I cry out, I feel so uncomfortable. I hate it. I hate this. "Stop touching you?! God, you're so annoying!" She yelled frustratedly and took a few steps back, away from me.

"I'm annoying?! Have you seen yourself?! All I have been trying to do is help and talk to you about what really happened but you're over here yelling and hitting me! Please, I promise you I didn't kiss her or want to do all of that stuff. She forced it onto me... Yes, I'll be honest I went up to her and started talking to her but only because she looked lonely and sad! I thought I could make a friend but I guess I was wrong and I'm really sorry! Please, please believe me Vel!" I beg and sob. Everything around us going silent.

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