Chapter 11: Puzzle Pieces

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Velvets POV:

"Velvet," Orchid whispered as she shook me awake. My eyes shot open and I sat up in a flash. "Holy shit Orchid!" I say as she scares me to death. "Sorry.." she said and I felt a shocking pain strike my head. I flinched and held my head tightly. "What's wrong?" Orchid asked me and held my hand. "My head hurts." I say and she takes a moment before talking. "You need to get your bandages changed. Come with me." She says and holds out a hand for me to take.

I grab her hand and walk behind her as we go over to my vanity and she sits me down on the chair in front of it. "Stay here, I'll be right back." She says before running off somewhere. I turn in my chair and look at myself in the mirror. The smile I had on my face dropped once I seen what I looked like. What the hell? Why do I look like that? I lean forward to view myself closer in my mirror and see how my face had small cuts and my eyes had lots of baggage, my hair was a mess and I really needed a shower.

I look around the room for Orchid. Where did she go? Wasn't she just here? I stand up and go into the bathroom and turn on the shower head. I take my shirt off and go to unhook my bra when, "Velvet! What are you doing?" Orchid asked as she entered the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower?" I say as I take my bra off completely. She gives me a frown and walks over to turn the running water off. "Baby, you can't. You have to wait a few more days. Your body isn't healed enough for a shower, especially your head." She says and puts a hand on my arm. "We talked about it yesterday, remember?" No, I don't remember. "Nope. Where did you go?" I ask and she sighs. "To get bandages and wrap."

"Put your clothes back on, then sit down." She says and hands me the clothes I had already taken off. I rolled my eyes then did as she said. "You're so bossy lately." I say and sit down on top of the toilet lid. "I know... I'm sorry about that. I'm just trying to keep you okay and do what the doctors want me to do to help you." She says and starts taking the bandages off of my head.

I stay silent, finding it hard to come up with something to say back. What do I say back? What were we even talking about? Okay what the fuck?! How come I can't remember jack shit? Wait, didn't the doctors say I had a concussion? Hey! I remembered that! "Ow!" I say and my hand jerks up to grab Orchid's arm. "I'm sorry! This will only take a few more minutes, I promise." She says and leans down kissing my cheek before going back to putting new bandages on me.

I raise my hands and grab her waist and walk her closer to me. I held her hips and pulled her down onto my lap, we made eye contact for a split second before we both looked away. I put my hands on her thighs and waited for her to finish. "Okay, that should be good. Does it feel too tight or loose?" She asks and grabs my chin guiding me to look up at her. Her actions making my heart race and my palms become sweaty. "It feels fine. Thanks doll." I say and lean towards her and kiss her soft lips. She placed her hands on my cheeks and I held her tightly.

"Oh! I made breakfast. We should go down and eat before it gets cold." She says as she pulls away. I lean back in real quick and give her a peck before responding to what she had said. "Okay." We both stand up and walk together to the kitchen where she had made food.

"What took so long?!" Veneer asked. He was seated at the table stuffing his face with eggs, bacon and sausage. "I had to change her bandages. The doctor said to change them every 24 hours." Orchid said and we both sat down and started eating ourselves.


"Hey, Velvet." Orchid said as she strolled on into the room I was in. I was currently sitting down on a couch in the music studio thinking of some song lyrics. I closed my notebook and sat it down on the table in front of me. "Whatcha doing?" She asked and sat down next to me, seeming a little nervous and fidgety. "Trying to think of lyrics for one of mine and Veneer's songs." I say and she smiles. "Ooo! You have to let me hear it when it's finished." She says and I feel my smile grow large.

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