"Professor Malfoy" (Smut)

Start from the beginning

"And what exactly are you going to do if I don't, professor?" I smirked, taunting her and seeing the rage growing in her chocolate brown eyes at my disobedience. As she had previously stated, this was not the first time I had gotten myself in trouble and sassed the notoriously strict teacher, not exactly making me her star student.

"Detention. Tonight. We need to discuss your poor behavior and how we can prevent any more of these incidences."

"Fine." I scoff, shouldering my bag and turning to go.

"Do not sass me Ms. Y/l/n. I expect you to be in my office at 7:30pm sharp ready to face the consequences of your poor actions." I roll my eyes and continue out the door, a mix of frustration and concern in the older woman's eyes as she watched me go.


I rapped on the heavy wooden door of the potion's classroom 3 times, resting my weight on one leg in a bored manner as I smacked my customary wad of pink bubblegum. It was only a moment before the classroom door swung open, a rather irritated potion's mistress standing in front of me with a hand on her hip and a scowl on her face.

"You are late Ms. Y/l/n. Get in." Ms. Malfoy stepped aside to allow me passage, pointing to a desk in front of her own where she wanted me seated. "We have much to discuss this evening."

"Oh?" I quirked an eyebrow and got comfortable in the creaky old desk chair as the professor took a seat across from me, delicately clasping her hands together on top of her dark oak desk.

"I am going to ask you a few questions and I expect your honest answers. Understood?" She raised one perfectly sculpted brow, daring me to backtalk.

"Yes professor." I raised an eyebrow of my own, confused by where this was going and curious as to why I hadn't immediately been given lines as per usual.

"You repeatedly cause trouble in my classroom and what I'd like to know is why. Are you looking for attention or trying to impress someone?" Dark, intellectual eyes seared into my own, trying to pull the answers out of my brain herself.

"Perhaps." I popped a large bubble, a grin spreading across my lips as I sucked the sticky goo back in.

"That is not an answer Ms. Y/l/n. I need to know what your motivations are so we can address this issue and prevent it from happening again." Professor Malfoy glared sternly at me from across her desk.

"Perhaps I'm intrigued." I shrugged, giving the older woman a 'so what' look.

"Intrigued by what? By me or causing chaos in my class?" Ms. Malfoy leans forward towards me, her icy glare darkening as she dared me to answer her question truthfully. "I want you to be honest with yourself and admit why you act the way that you do."

"I think you already know the answer to that Ms. Malfoy." I lean towards her, matching her energy and feeling the tension crackle in the air around us.

The professor raised one eyebrow and sat back away from me in her cushy desk chair. "I may have some idea but it is important for you to say it out loud. Don't be afraid to express your feelings Ms. Y/l/n." My eyes flit over her, looking her up and down before answering.

"Are you still married professor?" I grinned as an uncharacteristically flustered expression passed over the normally stoic and composed woman's face, my words clearly catching her by surprise.

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