Chapter 20: The Loss of a God

Start from the beginning

"What are they doing....?"He mutters

"I dUnn0, tRyiNg t0 rEwArD y0uR sTup1diTy?"I say

He struggles to sit up, looking at me in shock.

"Glitchy?"He says

I walk over, carefully sitting beside him. He tries to lean in for a kiss but I stop him.

"YoU tHiNk tHaT y0u cAn gEt a k1sS aFtEr bReAkiNg tHe 0n3 ruLe thAt w3 gAv3 y0u?"I ask

He sighs, lowering his head.

"I'm sorry..."He says

I lean against him, frowning. Fear and the weight of what could've happened sank into me and I felt myself start trembling.

"Do y0u eVeN r3aLiZe h0w bAd tHaT c0ulD'vE bEeN? Y0u wErE luCkY tHeY diDn't d0 w0rSe likE tHeY cHaNt aBoUt! AnD yEs i kNoW wHaT hApPeNeD, tHey sEnT a vIdEo tO mY oLd cOntAcTs! We c0ulD'v3 l0sT y0u! YoU c0uld'v3 di3d! Th3 tHoUgHt oF l0siNg y0u....terRif1eS m3..."I tell me   

"I'm sorry, Glitchy...I don't want to cause you that painful fear...But it's ok now, you don't have to worry."He says

He's brushing it off...He's not realizing how serious it is...Or caring...Wait...

I get an idea and grin.

"PeRhApS hAv1nG y0uR s0uL c0LleCtEd f0r 0nCe wiLl tEaCh y0u a lEsSoN."


I grin, trapping his soul in my strings. I cocoon it instead of trapping his soul to harm it. Instead, I use it to keep his soul from returning to his chest. That alone makes him jolt and stiffen up.

"G-Glitchy, I-"Reaper begins before I hush him.

I gently run my fingers along his soul, down the sides or the middle, and watch as he falls against the bed with his face a blushing mess. His wings twitch and his body constantly shivers, especially when I rub circles on his soul, causing his face to turn a deeper blue. I treat it with delicate care, smiling as I watch Reaper fall apart into a squirming, blushing mess too weak to even reach for me and hearts for eyes. Then I pinch it gently with a grin, hearing him cry out.


"WhAt'S wRoNg, ReaPeR? I'M mAkInG tHiS aS qUiCk As poSsiBlE."He lies to tease him

I could definitely speed this up but I don't want to.

He couldn't respond, reaching for a pillow to hide his face.

"AwWw, wHy aRe y0u tRyiNg t0 hiDe?"I ask, moving the pillow away

Maybe now I can give him that kiss...

I lean in, kissing him while still treating his soul with care. His cries are muffled and I break away as his heart-shaped eyes start to blur.

"T-Too much....T-T-Too good....Melting...."Reaper struggles to speak

I examine his face, finding him adorable right now. I might be enjoying this too much.

"AwWw, y0u f3eL liKe y0u'rE mElTiNg?"I say teasingly

Reaper nods.

"WhAt wOuLd hAPpEn iF i kIsS iT tHeN?"I ask

Reaper shakes his head quickly. I see a spark of jealousy in his eyes at the question. Is he jealous of his own soul?

"K-KiSs m3eEe..."He pleas

I chuckle, leaning in to kiss him again. But then I notice a blue glow around his soul.

"Soul selected. Confirm?"

"Th1s s0uL iS m1n3 t0 l0ve."He says

A screen appears in front of Reaper's soul.

*Soul confirmed. Awaiting confirmation from soul....Does soul accept?*

*Yes *No

I watch Reaper's soul smash through the yes option.


"NoW tHaT'S d0N3, ReAp3r. Y0u bEtTeR n0t g3t iNt0 tR0uBlE aGaIn oR cAuSe uS t0 pAn1c ab0uT y0u. G0t It?"I say

He nods, his wings twitching as I gently run a finger in a circle on his soul.

"I'm in heaven...."He sighs, smiling.

"No, y0u'r3 stUcK wiTh mE."I say

"Did I stutter?"He says, suddenly speaking so clearly.

I realize what he means and my face burns as my strings drop from my loss of focus. His soul returns to him and he quickly recomposes himself, pinning me to the bed now with a big grin. He leans in close to me.

"Who is the blushing mess now? Look at you with your adorable expression. What caused your golden fever this time?"He coos, climbing on top of me as he intertwines his fingers with mine to hold my hands down.

"Y-YoU sAiD-"I stutter

"That I'm in heaven with you? I guess I did...How about I give you a piece of it?"He cuts me off with a smug look on his face.

What does he-? Oh...He might do what I did....

My face burns even more as this sinks in. I tear a hand free, wrapping it around his neck to pull him down for another kiss. I want to be distracted if he does what I think he will. He certainly doesn't complain, taking the chance to grasp my soul gently. He repeats the process that he did in that alley when he found "Nolan" although in a much comfier setting. But he certainly didn't waste the chance to give my soul plenty of affection until our souls got confirmed to be linked together in the eyes of the contract. He smiles proudly at me as I hug him close, recovering from the sensitive pleasure he gave my soul. , getting Error's soul as his to love. Now they're linked together.

"Enjoy that? Cus now, the contract is fulfilled and nothing ca-"He begins

Then the contract appears with a void stamp on it.

"WHAT?"He snaps

"It'S fAtE, r3aP3r. I kNeW tHaT w0uLd b3 t0o eAsY aNd t0o g0oD t0 b3 trU3."I sigh

"Ugggh, Fate's a pain in the ass."

"YoU'rE tElLinG mE tHaT liKe iT'S sOmEtHinG nEw."I say

"Oh...Right...Well it certainly was an enjoyable attempt for both of us!"He says with a wink

"LeT'S jUst gO hOmE."I say, opening a portal.

"Of course, Glitchy.~"He coos

"DoN'T l0oK t0o hApPy. YoU'Re gOiNg tO fAcE tH3 wRatH oF oUR kiDs aFtEr aLl."I say

His smile quickly disappears and I hold his hand as we step through.

This idiot is in for trouble now....


Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelWhere stories live. Discover now