"I need to reach his heart, that's why the needle is so big," Kos was still commenting.

"Just do it already!" Darius shouted.


Regina had found Marcus' hand and gripped it hard. In her mind she was shouting at Kos to do it faster, to save her father, but words were stuck in her throat.

Kos raised his arm, and with a sharp, precise movement, he struck her dad's chest slightly off the center.

Please, please, please save him.

Her father was so small in front of her, lying there like all his life and spirit already flew away and left only a shell.

Dad's chest rose in convulsion and then banged back on the grass. His hands and legs twitched, and she thought that they were too late. A silent sob escaped her mouth, and Marcus squeezed her even tighter if that was possible. Only his strength was keeping her from falling to the ground.

He tried to turn her, so she could bury her head in his chest, but she needed to see all of it. She stayed glued to him. His front to her back, with his mouth buried in her hair murmuring something. She didn't hear it, but it gave her strength.

"It's working," Kos was so sure, but she didn't believe him. In her mind, working would be if dad's eyes would be flying open, color returning to his cheeks and he would be smiling his beautiful and kind smile. Not twitching more.

Seconds turned to minutes, and she waited for a miracle to happen. In her mind, she lived a thousand lives. It felt that long.

But then the miracle did happen.

Dad opened his eyes and looked around disoriented. His color was still too white for her liking, but he smiled weakly, one half of his face not working properly. It was the most wonderful smile she saw on his face ever. She rushed to him, hitting her knees on the grass, and crushed him, still sobbing uncontrollably. Marcus was right behind her, gripping dad's hand, as if he too needed an assurance, that he was alive.

Tears were streaming down her face, and her nose had clogged up, and it was difficult to breathe, but she didn't care. Tears of joy, that her dear dad, her real dad was alive. She whispered thank you to everyone, to God, to Kos, to the universe, who brought him back.

She kissed his cheeks, probably leaving a wet trail of tears and who knew what else, and he chuckled a little, "Baby, you're crushing me. You're not so small as you used to be."

Remembering their talk before the Martian invasion, she whispered, "Dad, I'm so sorry, I was such a fool."

His gaze turned warm, he caressed her cheek with a shaking hand, "I know, baby, it's hard to hear a bitter truth, but it doesn't change anything between us. You're my daughter, no matter what. I love you, little one, to the Moon and beyond," he whispered in his kind and soothing tone.

"And I love you beyonder and beyonst." Through choking tears, she whispered words, like they shared when she was little, pushing all her love in words.

She raised her head to look at Kos, "Thank you, Kosmas. You saved him, and you saved me."

Because if her father died today, she would tear all galaxies apart and kill every Martian until there wasn't one alive.

Kos inclined his head. He and Darius helped Arthur to get up on his feet, and on wobbly legs, they led him to the SUV.

On the way, she finally saw what was happening around them. Tens of ambulances were on the street, tending injured people. For a moment she wished she had a medical education so she could help them too. But she needed to think about her family first. She couldn't save everyone, even if she were a superwoman. But she wasn't. She was just a human woman lost in her beliefs. Thankfully, she'd found herself again before it was too late.

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