Chapter 8

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Regina woke up disorientated, not understanding what was going on and where she was. She glanced around; two men were sitting beside her, and memories came back at her in a rush. Her guards seeing her being awake became tense but did nothing to try to contain her, watching her every movement.

She pondered her options. Either she could try to jump forward and tackle Marcus, but she was worried if her car will end intact after that. Or she could pretend to cooperate with them, as she was doing before, and they would leave her alone. She needed more time to rest and think through her plan of saving her dad. When she told them about the assassination, Marcus didn't deny it. He just told her that he didn't want to see her. So she was their hostage.

She glanced at the dashboard and saw that it was one o'clock, she'd slept for a couple of hours. Sun was shining outside, but inside the car, the temperature was cool.

How she managed to fall asleep so suddenly? Had they drugged her?

Marcus glanced at her in the mirror, "Good morning, my lady." He was back to his composed self. She didn't like him in that state, for it was difficult for her to read him and his intentions.

Okay, play along, then act.

She rasped and cleared her throat, only to clear it again.

"Hello, bastard," her originally husky voice sounded like a working chainsaw, "you'll pay for what you've done to me."

"I offer you my deepest apologies for the actions we had to resort to, but I believe our conversation turned on the wrong path, and both of us were behaving irrationally. Would you like some water?"

Eek, such formalities after what they've been through in the desert. Was he rehearsing this speech all the while she was asleep? And why he thought she was behaving irrationally? Quite the opposite. But it wasn't relevant now when she was at their mercy. What she needed to know, was how had they so quickly knocked her out.

"What did you do to me?"

"I pressed a certain point on your shoulder, that's all," Darius said giving her water. "Sorry, but I thought that you needed time to recuperate. You really scared me there. You won't scream again, will you?"

She made large gulps only then realizing that she was thirsty.

His eyes had a vulnerable look in them but she couldn't tell was it real or he was acting.

"Only if you show me where is this pressure point."

"Ha-ha, nice shot," Darius grinned at her. "Maybe someday I will, but not now."

She rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. In the rearview mirror, she caught Marcus' intent gaze but when their eyes met, he quickly averted it. Yeah, this trick could be handy if she was one-on-one, but with three of them it was out of the question.

"I need a bathroom," Regina blurted.

She really needed it and that way it would stall this journey for a bit. Because with each minute they were closer to Washington and her dad.

Maybe she could do something with her car, while they weren't watching, pretending to refill a window washer? Only she didn't know shit about cars.


Think, Regina.

"Sorry, my lady, you've slept through all our stops. The next one will be in two hours."

For once, Marcus' tone was almost sarcastic. He was sitting there like some king, driving her car with one hand and the other was bent on the closed window. As if he owned it. She wanted to punch him through the seat but didn't want to damage the leather on it. She loved her car.

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