Chapter 12

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Marcus pissed Regina off with his high moral speech. It was one of the reasons why she worked alone. No one was around to lecture her.

But at the same time, she felt lighter somehow. She didn't want to share anything about her in the beginning, but when she started, words were flowing on their own. In the end, it was nice to speak with someone neutral, to show your point of view. Because when talking with family, they agreed on everything she'd said. And she couldn't even know if they were truly thinking like that or they didn't want to offend her with the opposite opinion.

And even if she felt her hackles rising at hearing Marcus contradicting her, she was genuinely interested in what he was thinking. It didn't mean, that she would change her mind and settle with a husband and a bunch of kids right after what he told her. No. It's just was refreshing to hear him defending his point of view.

But what he told her about unity, was total and complete bullshit. Like if everyone would be united and stand in a huge circle around the globe, singing Kumbaya, then there wouldn't be someone who would run around their houses and steal from them? What an idealist. Maybe he forgot about their Martians? She needed to remind him that.

She went back from the bushes, where she did her deed, and was glad that nothing jumped out to bite off her ass. The trio was standing near the car, watching how she emerged. Shit, was she visible from the road? Hope not.

Wait, when did she start to give a shit what anybody thought about her? She rolled her eyes at herself and said, "Okay, moral lecturer, it's time for my twenty questions."

"Oh, boy, this would be interesting," Darius laughed, and Kos smirked under his breath.

When she was driving again, she asked, "So, oh, the knowing one, please tell me how from the bunch of Marsikons we became seven billion people? Are we all brothers and sisters here?"

Marcus chuckled in response, and she was surprised to see him doing it. Had it meant that he finally relaxed? Earlier he was so passionate about trying to impose his point of view, that he almost jumped out from his seat.

In his deep and accented voice, he told her, that each group of immigrants took with them a significant amount of body fluids, ova, and sperm, of different species. Not only humans but animals, insects, birds, and water creatures. Each group went to a different continent to populate more land on Earth. It was done, because in such a close group after several generations, there would be born children with the diseases. On ships where all the necessary equipment for artificial insemination. It was the only advanced technology which they allowed to take with them. Everything else they did from scratch. Building huts, then homes, etc. Of course, their knowledge helped them to find the right materials and build their life faster.

"Did anyone ever come back to Mars?" Regina asked.

"Only the first mission returned, it was about six thousand years ago in your years. Then it was decided to send more people with more food, than with more fuel. We wanted to settle in a new place, and if Mars died completely, we would've moved altogether to the Earth. But thanks to our Kings, we managed to survive even in these extreme conditions."

Regina remembered talks about the colonization of Mars. Back then, when she first saw that article, she was ready to enlist herself as a first candidate. She was always a fan of space and to be an astronaut was her second dream job. But in the end, Sherlock won, and being a cop was a more achievable goal.

But talks only stayed like that. Talks. There was no money and no supplies to launch such a mission in the nearest future. And with the progress they were going, she would be ninety, when the first spaceship would travel to Mars.

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