The swearing driver maneuvered around standing cars, and soon they were at the gate, stopping for a moment for Boss to identify herself by shouting out of the window that it was her. In a couple of seconds, two SUVs stopped, and simultaneously everyone got out of the car.

Regina saw Clare, and her blood ran cold for the fear for her. She pushed her to the driver seat, "Clare, don't get out of the car. Better go away while it's still possible," Regina glanced at not-dad, "And take dad with you. I don't want to worry about you while we're fighting."

"I'm not going anywhere," he answered Regina, while Clare told her hopefully, "Maybe there won't be any fight. Maybe you'll reach an agreement peacefully."

The side of Regina's face lifted in a small smile. Clare was very smart but so naïve.

"I hope there won't be, but I'll feel better if you two are in safety."

Regina looked at her not-dad, and she saw the pain in his eyes. She knew that she needed to talk to him, to hear him out, but the feel of betrayal and hurt still throbbed in her soul. She would deal with him later when this disaster would be over.

"If dad isn't going anywhere, then I'll stay too," Clare could be stubborn sometimes.

Regina chuckled, "Okay, but sit here and don't go anywhere."

She hugged Clare tightly and kissed her cheek, "See you soon."

Without another word to not-dad, she turned around and ran to the others.

Marcus stood with his spine straight, looking regal. Shit, he was the Prince. It was another thing she needed to come to terms with. She also put that thought in the basket of things she needed to deal with later.

He was looking down at the Boss, who was telling him something while Regina ran to them. It was a bit comical, he looked so tall, towering over her petite frame. The Boss was in black designer shoes with three-inch heels, but still barely reached his sternum.

"They stopped over the lawn on the other side of the WH. We must move quickly," Boss said, and despite her shoes, ran ahead of them. They followed suit, Regina was in her working mode, the rush of adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her only focus was on the mission ahead, to try to negotiate with the Martians or defeat them.

That's why she barked, "What?" when Marcus called her name. He took her hand and stopped with her in the middle of their way.

He squeezed her hand, sending electric currents that she felt even in her toes. He bent down his head, looking intently into her eyes. She thought he would kiss her then, but a couple of inches from her lips he said, "Please stay alive."

She was breathing hard, but not from running – from her feelings for Marcus. The heat swirled inside, desperately wanting to kiss him. She caught his gaze, moving even closer, "And you too."

And then she kissed him. Hard. He responded immediately, gripping her waist and pressing her to him. She gripped his shoulders, shuddering from the hotness of his lips. It lasted five seconds tops, but it was the most intimate kiss she ever had. A kiss before the battle, with a hint of despair and longing. And the unknown if they would ever have it again.

They broke the kiss and with determined smiles ran to the lawn.


The Martians arrived. The giant metallic grey spaceship was slightly humming, and casting a shadow over the whole lawn and the White House. The bottom panel opened, and Martian soldiers started to jump from the moving panel in all their mutant glory. Soldiers with tails, scales, and talons made a semicircle, closer to the fence, leaving the way from the building open. The view was gruesome.

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