She got a burst of loud laughter from Darius in response.

Marcus walked to her, his cheeks already red, his hands were fidgeting at his sides, probably searching hidden pockets to put them there.

"Good morning, Regina," he said on the exhale, not quite meeting her eyes. "I was thinking, maybe we can refresh our suits before meeting your father and the President. Do you know where we can do it?"

Finally, his gaze met hers, and he audibly gulped. The bright blue gaze so different from yesterday's dark pools of desire, but at the same time similar, intense and hot.

"Good morning, Marcus," she cleared her throat, and turned to her car, one more second looking at him and she won't be able to think coherently. She told him over her shoulder, "I think we can stay in Washington for a night in a hotel. There usually is a laundry service. And tomorrow we'll meet with dad and, I hope, with the President too."

"Excellent." She heard him saying, and everyone got in the car.

They had the full day of driving ahead and Marcus was sitting so close to her, that she felt his fresh masculine scent washing over her. Hopefully, Darius would soon be asleep as always and she would resume their game. For now, she decided to loosen Marcus up a bit. With a small smile on her face, she bent to the glove compartment to get her sunglasses and brushed her hand on Marcus' thigh. He jolted from the connection, and it was a response she was waiting for. He jolted but didn't move back his leg. She found sunglasses, and when unbending, she brushed his leg again.

"Sorry, a small car," She whispered, putting sunglasses on, and with a smug look on her face started the car. She heard him sucking in a breath and shifting in his seat, trying to find a more comfortable position.

It would be a long and funny ride.


After Darius had busted them and Regina went to her room, Marcus went to bed without talking to anyone. Darius continued to laugh a little at them, for being childish, but Marcus ignored him, hoping that by the morning Darius would forget about the incident.

But of course, Darius couldn't lose an opportunity to prank them more. Hence his greeting to Regina in the morning. Marcus was more annoyed with him than jealous. He hoped that by the time they returned to Mars, Darius would forget about it, and not spread this joke to other Marsikons.

That day Regina was even more beautiful. She was wearing all white, which beautifully accented her smooth caramel skin; her hair perfectly brushed and was spilled in beautiful soft waves around her shoulders.

After yesterday's disaster, when she turned away from him when she greeted him, he thought that their flirt was over. But then she touched him in the car, and he almost jumped out of his skin from the sensations she invoked by this little touch. Her second touch reverberated through his whole body, leaving him breathless and aching for more.

He saw her smug face and everything became clear. She was up to continue their game. And he wasn't the one to object. Yesterday he promised himself one day of feelings and emotions, and he decided to live it to its fullest. Even if it had been clouded with embarrassment at one point, he wanted to erase this feeling and replace it with positive ones. So later, when he's a King, he could remember, how it was to live and feel.

Throughout the whole day, they were secretly touching each other, giving and returning promising glances, and trying to avoid getting caught by Darius.

When they stopped at the gas station, she let him buy her a coffee. It was a pleasure to do so, considering how rudely she pushed him away only yesterday. When he was giving her a cup, she brushed her hand over his, sending an electric bolt through his body.

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