"I think you were too hard on her today," Kos said quietly, when they gathered in the living room, lounging on different sofas.

"Yeah, man. I didn't know you could be so scary," Darius chimed in, his tone serious. "You always are so collected and calm, but this woman is doing something to you. You're opening from a brand-new angle to us."

If they only knew, what it was for him to hide his emotions for all these years. He'd had little doubt he could function as the detached ruler his people needed, but ever since he'd come to Earth and met Regina, it was like those quiet parts of him sprang to life. Maybe Earth did this to him, or maybe not being under the constant scrutiny of his father and other Marsikons who always looked at him with caution, not knowing how he would behave when he would be a King. Marsikons loved his father more than any other King because he was fair, honest, kind but at the same time strict. He didn't have moody days; he always was the same. And Marcus always doubted himself if he could be like him. He was always suppressing his emotions and held himself in check in his responses with the others.

But here he finally felt free. Despite their mission and knowing that soon he needed to be back, he mostly was relaxed here. He could be himself, and no one would judge him. Because Kosmas and Darius were his best friends and Regina didn't know him before. But he could bet, that if father saw him today, had heard him speaking with Regina, he would be deeply disappointed in him. He wouldn't say anything, but he would see how chagrined he'd be just in his gaze. Sometimes he wished that his father raised his voice, maybe then he'd known that he had feelings.

"I know I was an asshole, but I think it was the only way to tell her so that she would understand me," Marcus said closing his eyes, feeling morose.

"Wow! That was a new word in your vocabulary," Darius half laughed with wide eyes. "Kos, did you hear that?"

"Our boy is maturing," Kos grunted with a small smile.

"We need to write down this date for our historians to record. Our future King said an A-word for the first time in his life," Darius was laughing now.

"Shut up, you two. And please keep it down," He glared at them showing with his eyes in the direction of Regina's room. He didn't want to wake her up, and he also didn't want her to hear about him being an heir.

Kos was chuckling, and Darius continued to cackle pressing his face in the sofa pillow. They were such dorks sometimes, but without them, he didn't know how he would've survived through his life. And his mom. Sometimes he couldn't understand how she could be together with a man like his father.

Shoving away somber thoughts, he reached the bag and took a tomato. It was time to have a snack, and he was eager to taste everything that they bought. It was so big, red, and smelled so fresh like he was standing in the center of the greenhouse full of tomatoes. And he was holding only one. When he bit into it, it was so ripe, that juice was dripping down his arm and his jacket. But he didn't care. He closed his eyes and hungrily bit into it again and again. He heard a sound but didn't pay attention to it; all his taste buds were exploding with the aftershock of the exquisite taste. He couldn't believe that a tomato could be so delicious.

He hadn't even noticed that he closed his eyes at some moment, but when he opened them, his tomato was almost gone. Kos was looking at him from the other sofa with his hand hiding the lower half of his face, his eyes bulging, and were they watery? Beside him, Darius was shaking violently with his head in the pillow and slapping it with his hand.

Marcus looked at them in confusion. "What's going on?"

"You were moaning like that just from eating a tomato?" Suddenly he heard Regina's voice and he turned to look at her. She was standing in the doorway and looking at him in horror. "I thought you three were having an orgy in here." She deadpanned and leveled him with her gaze, though the faintest hint of a smile graced her mouth.

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