When they landed, their plan seemed so simple: find a woman, tell her about the situation, contact the President, take supplies, go home. But now it wasn't so simple anymore.

"Maybe we can go to your room as not to disturb them?" She pointed her finger at the others and without waiting for his response moved past him. She was so close that he caught her faint fresh scent, and his cheeks flamed even more.

He went after her, closed the door, and moved to the chair where his clothes were, to put it on. All of his items from pockets were splayed on the table, and Regina gasped when she saw everything.

"When did you get this?" she asked.

"It was in my pockets," he said putting on his pants, shirt, and jacket.

"What?" she barked in astonishment, still looking at the items. "You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm not kidding," he started to put it all back.

The vi-com went on his wrist. The gun in the inside of the jacket. Two knives went in the wrist compartments on both hands. A large medical kit along with the instrument kit and a shower kit went in various pant' pockets. The wallet went in the breast pocket. And he put one chewing gum in his mouth and package with the rest went in his other breast pocket.

The table was empty. She looked at him in astonishment, "But, how?"

She came closer and started to poke him everywhere he put his items. He didn't even need to look in the mirror to know that not one thing was bulging out of him. Feeling her touch, he started to stiffen and was glad his suit hid that too.

She continued to touch him, gliding her hands up and down, trying to figure it out, not even realizing what she was doing to him. He'd never in his life felt anything similar to what he felt right then. And he wanted to lean into her touch to prolong the unknown but very pleasant sensation.

"I don't understand. How?" her husky voice raised in the end.

"It's special material," he said, his voice slightly out of breath. "It hugs everything, and you can't tell what a person is carrying around. There is enough space for more things."

"I don't know what to think," she murmured, still touching him.

He just stood there, looking at the top of her head, not wanting to break this moment. She was so close that his nose almost touched her hair and her scent intoxicated him. He caught himself wanting to bury his nose in her strands and just inhale.

Was it normal to think like that?

She looked at him then and probably saw his red cheeks, "Oh, come on, what are you? Fifteen?" she folded her hands in front of her and stepped back.

He cleared his throat, "Actually, I'm sixteen." He proudly straightened his stance.

She jumped away from him as if he was a snake. "What the hell!" she shouted looking at him, her eyes so big, that he was afraid that they'll fall out of her sockets.

He realized why she was so horrified and corrected himself, "It's around thirty years on Earth. Our years are longer."

Regina exhaled, "I was thinking about arresting myself for harassing you." She put her hand on her forehead trying to calm herself. "So, is it really the truth, and the bunch of you dropped on our planet from Mars?"

He rolled his eyes, and turned his face upward, murmuring, "Please, Mars, make her believe us."

"I believe that you're not from this planet. Maybe you dropped here from Moon or Saturn, for all I know," she tried to suppress her smile, but in the end, chuckled.

Earth Mars Love (The Marsikons)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt