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Requested by xhallo

It was 6:34 in the morning in the Gallagher household. Mickey lay fast asleep in bed, and Ian was held tightly between his arms. Most residents in the house were in bed, except for Liam, who was probably working on his missing homework assignments.

Ian was wide awake. He had been for the past half hour. He was patiently waiting for his caregiver to wake up. But he hasn't awoken, and poor regressed Ian was dying of boredom. With a huff, he squirmed out of the man's arms and flopped down on the floor.

He took out a box filled with his personal items of comfort, such as a pacifier, a bottle, a sippy cup, a tiny stuffed beanbag monkey, and his other boring stuff like a passport and his social security card, etc. Ian placed his navy blue pacifier in between his lips and sucked on it contently. He pulled out a coloring book from beneath his bed along with a pencil box filled with a variety of markers, pencils, and crayons.

He scribbled away on his book for the next half hour, humming a song. He looked up to his bed every few minutes to see if Mickey was awake yet, huffing when he saw he was still fast asleep. He laid on his stomach on the floor, kicking his feet against the ground as he began to get bored once again. He wanted to do something fun.

"Dada," the boy started, sitting up on the floor and looking up at the bed. Mickey gave no reaction. "Dadaaa," he tried again, pouting when Mickey simply turned to the other side, facing the wall. He poked his caregiver's shoulder. "Dada, wake up time!" he spoke, Mickey didn't respond. The little boy groaned frustratedly, standing up and poking the man once again.

"The hell do you want, asshole!?" Mickey spat out, finally waking up. His face softened at the sight of Ian standing in front of him with his pacifier in his lips. There were small tears in his eyes from being yelled at. He did not like being yelled at when he was regressed. "Oh, hey, Buddy, I didn't mean to yell, I'm sorry, come here.." the guy said with a soft smile appearing on his lips. He sat up and held out his arms to the boy.

Ian approached his caregiver once again, walking between Mickey's legs and accepting the guy's embrace. Mickey picked the boy up and held him on his lap, caressing the boy's cheek. He might be smaller than the regressed boy, but he definitely wasn't weaker.

"You're up early today, baby. Did we not go to bed late enough?" he chuckled, patting the boy's hair.

"Wanna go to da park, peeeeeease?" Ian spoke, giving his best puppy eyes.

"Right now? At 7 in the morning? Sure, why the hell not?" Mickey responded half sarcastically.

"Yay!" the boy cheered, not sensing the boy's sarcasm. He clapped his hands with a cheeky smile. "Park time!"

"No, no, we need to get ready first, buddy. Clothes, no pajamas." Mickey responded, putting an end to the boy's excitement. The boy sucked his pacifier, simply staring at his caregiver for a minute before finally speaking.

"We go to da stowe in pajamas.." he grumbled. Mickey sighed.

"Yes, but it's snowing outside. It's cold. We need warm clothes. Do you want to get sick and be stuck inside?" he asked, raising a brow.

"Noo!!" he whined.

"Okay, okay, shh.. people are still sleeping, inside voices." Ian nodded his head, tensing when he felt his tummy growl. "Clothes, breakfast, and then park, okay?"

"Okay, wanna wear Dada's sweater. Peeeeeease?" he replied, fiddling with the strings of Mickey's pajama pants.

"Of course, Monkey." he smiled, sitting the boy on his bed and standing up to search through the closet for something warm.

Mickey dressed Ian in some dark black jeans, a white longsleeve shirt, and his own baggy grey hoodie. He also gave the boy a beanie and helped him put on his winter boots. Ian grinned, content with his outfit.

The caregiver dressed himself in a similar outfit. He wore faded black jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt, and a faded red hoodie. He double layered, putting on a black puffer. He didn't bother putting one on for Ian because he knew that boy would take it off after running around. He put on his shoes and went to stand by the doorframe, Ian following him closely behind.

"No paci after breakfast, okay?" Mickey told the boy, pulling it out of Ian's lips. The boy whined with a pout.

"I's still before beakfast." he huffed. Mickey clipped the lid onto the pacifier and placed it in his pocket.

They went downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal. Ian choosing to eat Fruit Loops and Mickey deciding to eat a bowl of Frosted Flakes. Ian ate quickly, placing his dishes in the sink, and Mickey finished up soon after.

"Park time!!" Ian grinned.

"Yes, shh.." Mickey hushed the boy, placing a blanket over Liam, who was sitting on the kitchen table, head laid on his arms as he had fallen asleep. "Let's go."

The two boys held hands and left through the back door of the house. That didn't last very long as Mickey placed his hands into his pockets, and Ian skipped ahead excitedly.

It didn't take long for the boys to arrive at the park. It was empty just as Mickey had expected. It was below freezing, and most parents wouldn't take their kids out this early in the morning. They'd most definitely wait for the sun to rise a bit higher. Ian ran off to the playground, which was completely abandoned.

Mickey smiled, watching as the boy went up and down the slide and had a seat on a swing. Ian came to join the guy not long after.

"Swing, pease." he told his caregiver, Mickey reached to the boy's swing and gave him a little nudge. That was enough to help him start moving, and the boy did the rest of the necessary work on his own. Mickey swang on his swing, too, pulling out his phone and checking his recent notifications. "Thank you, Dada." Ian grinned, Mickey couldn't help but smile. He hated waking up this early, hated the weather, and hated the park, but it was all worth it when it made his baby happy and smiley.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 01 ⏰

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