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ObaMitsu & Muichiro: "Too Loud"

The Hashiras were at a "small get together" which later turned into a whole ass party. A party hosted by yours truly, Uzui Tengen. Which meant there was alcohol, lots of people, and of course, loud music.

Obanai and Mitsuri had brought Muichiro with them to the party. Muichiro didn't want to come, but Mitsuri convinced him as she told him it'd only be something small and something to have fun and relax. Obviously things didn't go as planned, and Muichiro hated that. He hated loud noises, and he hated large gatherings. On top of that, it was late, the boy needed his beauty sleep.

The young couple was getting ready to leave, so Mitsuri went to go find Muichiro in one of Uzui's rooms were she believed he would be sleeping.

He was not there.

She ran down the stairs in a panic.

"He's not there.." she said worriedly. "Do you think he left home on his own!? It's late and it's cold and it's pitch black and it's-"

"Chill girl, he's a demon slayer, a little darkness won't kill him. He can be on his own and be safe." Obanai told her. "Though I don't think he left, he wouldn't do that without saying goodbye."

"You're right, he wouldn't leave on his own, even if he wanted to, he-" Mitsuri had started but the black haired boy cut her off.

"Shush." he said, "Do you hear that?"

"Music?" she asked. Her boyfriend stood up from where he was on the couch.

"No stupid. Of course there's music, it's a party." he told her. "It's crying, it sounds like.."

"Muichiro's.." she finished. Obanai nodded. He peeked over the edge of the couch and sure enough, the boy was there. He sighed, moving the couch so he could go to the boy.

Muichiro was curled up in a corner behind the couch with his hands over his ears. Crying. He was overwhelmed, obviously. Obanai crouched besides the boy, not touching him as to not startle him.

"Muichiro.." the boy said softly. He dangled a bracelet he had on with lots of charms, it caught the boy's attention as he opened his eyes to see it. He cried harder upon seeing Obanai, throwing himself onto the older male and hugging onto him tightly. "Shh.. it's okay.."

"Home.." the boy muttered out softly. "Wan' home.." he repeated, his words slurred, an indication of regression.

"Do we have a little boy today?" Obanai asked, rubbing the boy's back soothingly. The little one simply nodded, his sobs reducing into small cries. "It's okay, we'll protect you." he told the boy. "We'll protect you from Uzui's craziness." he added, tickling the boy's sides. This earned him a little giggle from the boy. Obanai stood up, holding the boy in his arms and walked out of the small place behind the couch. Mitsuri smiled, putting the couch back to where it was and going up to Muichiro.

"Hi buddy, is the party a little scary?" she asked for an obvious answer, but she wanted to distract the boy from the party. He was covering his ears once again. "Are we ready to go home?" The boy nodded once again. "Yeah, I thought so, Oba's ready to go home too." She smiled. Obanai gave her a look, and she sighed, opening the door. They walked out the front door, not bothering to go back to the others and say goodbye.

The boy fell asleep not too soon after they left the party, it was now only Obanai and Mitsuri who were awake, walking home.

"You were so good with him, Obanai" Mitsuri praised, he smiled beneath his bandages.

"Has he ever reacted like that? You know, like hiding behind the couch, in a ball, in a full-on breakdown?" he asked.

"No, not once, it was something new." she replied. "I'm not sure if he had already regressed, and the fact that he was feeling small made him more overwhelmed with the party, or if he was so overwhelmed that he regressed." she said, "but it's the first time it's happened, normally he falls asleep in one of the rooms, or just steps out of the house and comes back when he's ready." Obanai nodded.

"Maybe it's because he wasn't prepared for the party, it caught him off guard." he thought. "Even when we got here, things were still calm, so to see it change into a literal rave so quickly probably startled him." he said. "That, and he didn't know where we were, you were out with Shinobu buying something, and I was chilling outside. Because he had laid down on the couch a little after we got here, remember? I think he had fallen asleep." Mitsuri nodded.

"You're right." she sighed. "I should've come to check on him the second the party got out of hand."

"You mean me. You didn't know there was a party going on, you were in the village with Shinobu. I was here." he told her. "I should've checked on him." Mitsuri giggled.

"I guess you're right, but you're not a fan of anyone but me." she smiled. "I'm surprised you were the one to calm him down, let alone even hear his cries."

"I'm just good like that." he responded cockily.

"Of course you are." she sighed.

They got home soon after, to Obanai's estate, that Mitsuri is always at. She even has her own room at this point. Muichiro too, but that's because Mitsuri is always dragging him along, saying it's not healthy for a young boy to be locked away in a house of his own.

Obanai laid the boy in his bed, slowly and gently, leaving Kaburamaru there with him. Muichiro loved Kaburamaru when he was regressed it was his favorite person in the world. And Kaburamaru would watch over him too.

Obanai went into to Mitsuri's room, sitting besides her in her bed, holding her close to him as she laid her head on his shoulder with a smile.

"You were so good with him." she praised once again. "I didn't think it was possible." she laughed.

"What do you meann?" he replied, "I can be nice to kids.. if they're not annoying."

"Huh? But Tanjiro isn't annoying and you're mean to him!" she said, Obanai thought of an excuse.

"He broke the corps rules.." he told her.

"Mhm..okay, sure, whatever." she nodded, leaning deeper into Obanai's embrace, closing her eyes as he undid her hair, getting ready for bed.

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