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OSAMU & ATSUMU: "Bubba I sowwy.."

This chapter includes angst, followed by a bit of fluff. There is also involuntary regression and bad words.

The twins were fighting, and this was normal, but today was different. Some words were said, and neither of the two knew they meant them. ATSUMU looked up to his brother a lot, and today had really hurt him. They had been fighting all day, the boy was trying to stay strong, but it only got harder and harder.

They arrived at afternoon volleyball practice, fighting, again. Ask them their reason for fighting, there would be no answer. Today was just one of those days where peace was not in sight.

"You know Atsumu, why'd I have to be your twin out of all the people in the world? Like fuck off man, you're so needy and so loud and annoying. My life would be way calmer without you screaming into my ear every ten minutes." Osamu knew he did not mean a single word he said, and he knew he crossed the line. He saw the pain in his brother's expression although he too knew that his brother's words were all lies. The blonde haired boy felt himself start to slip as the tears filled inside his eyes.

"Fine Osamu.. Don't be my brother then." the boy spoke unsteadily. He grabbed his things and walked outside the gym, curling up real tightly besides the door and crying into his knees.

"Not cool Osamu." Kita sighed, going after Atsumu. His heart broke into two when he saw the boy in so much pain. He slowly knelt down besides him, gently placing a hand on the boy's back as he rubbed it softly. "Hey.." he spoke, unsure of what to say. "You know, your brother didn't mean any of that." The boy just nodded, not in the mood for talking. All he wanted was his brother, he always felt safe around him. Kita took note of the boy's behavior, his unusual quietness and his fidgeting. The boy had regressed. Only him and Osamu knew about it, oh, and Sakusa, but he wasn't here. Kita stood back up, patting the boy's shoulder with a sigh. "Alright bud, I'll go talk to your brother." The boy smiled, clapping his hands happily. "Osamu, come here." Kita spoke.

"Look, I-" Osamu tried to explain but was cut off by Kita.

"I don't care about your excuses." Kita sighed. "Atsu needs you." he said. "Atsu" was the mentally younger boy's nickname for when he was regressed. "And apologize while you're at it." he scolded.

"Yes, yes, okay.." Osamu sighed, walking outside to see his brother. He felt bad, really bad, he loved the boy, he could never actually wish for his disappearance. "Hey Atsu.." Atsumu's head perked up almost immediately.

"Samu!!!" Atsumu cheered happily. "Up, uppies! Peeeeeease?" Osamu smiled, lifting his brother onto his hip. He loved Atsumu's clinginess, how could he ever wish for that to go away? Atsumu's clinginess is what reminds him day by day that he will always want him by his side.

"Hey buddy.." he smiled, ruffling the boy's hair.

"Bubba I sowwy.. wuv 'ou.." Atsumu muttered out, laying his head on Osamu's shoulder/neck.

"I love you too bud, I'm also sorry. Brother didn't mean any of that, I'm sorry, okay? I don't ever want you to leave, okay? I love you so so much to the moon and back, okay?" Osamu spoke, hugging his brother tightly. The blonde boy gripped onto his brother's shirt as tears spilt from his eyes once more. The boy regressed deeper into his headspace, chewing on his fingers as he played with Osamu's hair. "Wanna go home?" he asked, the boy nodded. "Okay, but hands out of your mouth so that people don't see." Atsumu listened, pretending to sleep on his brother's shoulder. Osamu chuckled to himself. The boy walked back inside the gym and went up to Kita. "Kita-San, we're just gonna head on home."

"Alright, no more fighting you two." he laughed, ruffling Atsumu's hair. "Be a good boy, okay Atsu?" he spoke quietly, the little boy giggled in return.

"Okay, well, see you tomorrow." he said, waving goodbye as they walked on home.

Once home, Osamu helped his brother change into some warm, fluffy pj's, and braided his hair back.

"You wanna call Dada?" Osamu asked the little boy. He nodded happily of course, clapping his hands with a smile.

"Phone. Face." he signed. The two boys were raised knowing to speak sign language. Atsumu used it a lot when he was child as he wasn't too verbal up until the age of 5. This came out in handy, because the boy tends to go nonverbal when regressed. Osamu smiled, calling Sakusa through a video call.

"Oh my god, what do you want 'Samu, shouldn't you be at practice?" Sakusa answered. Osamu moved the phone to Atsumu who was chewing on a teether. "Oh, hi baby!" the male smiled. Atsumu always bringing a smile to his face. The boy waved in return. "How old are we feeling?" he asked.

"Two." the boy signed.

"Oh, a very little boy I see." Sakusa knew the basics of sign language, he was learning for Atsumu, but Osamu would help him out a lot as well. "Well, how is my baby?" he asked, it was unusual for him to slip so young so he wanted to discover the trigger.

"Me good." he signed.

"Mhm.." Sakusa thought aloud. "Osamu?"

"We got into a fight earlier.." the grey haired boy sighed. "I said somethings I shouldn't have, and he he slipped right after." the boy sighed once again. "It's okay now, I told him the truth, and I'll apologize again when he's big." he said, squeezing his brother between his arms, the little one giggled. He gave his brother a kiss on the cheek, turning around completely to give him a big big hug. "I love you buddy.." he smiled.

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