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BAKUGO X TODOROKI: "Awh, I'm Sorry."
Requested by: LittlePerson25
TW: Mentions of trauma and abuse

It was around 4 PM on a Wednesday and Shoto Todoroki was training with Katsuki Bakugo in the training arena. After their internship with Endeavor, the boys had grown close, they were still very quiet towards each other, Bakugo making his remarks and being overall competitive, and Todoroki being the usual aloof kind of guy he is. Many would say that their personalities just didn't mix well together, but they'd prove you wrong. The two boys made a pretty good team, their friendship though, was kept a secret.

They were training together in secret while the rest of Class 1A was either having a study session or just blabbering on school drama. Neither teen liked doing such a thing so they trained, taking advantage of the empty arena.

The session went pretty nice, it was now about 5:15 and the boys were sitting on the bench taking a quick break to hydrate and catch their breaths.

"You ready?" Bakugo spoke, wiping off drops of sweat from his forehead with his sweatshirt sleeve. Todoroki gave a nod, standing up and raking his hair back with his fingers. He let out a soft sigh, walking out to the field once again with Bakugo. "Don't tell me you're tired!" the loud blonde yelled. The candy cane haired male stood up straight.

"I'm not, c'mon.." he replied quietly creating an ice wall and setting himself higher. Bakugo grinned at the boy's work, creating explosions to propel himself at Todoroki.

"Alright!! Let's fight!!" he said, as the two boys started their match.

It was about to be 6 PM, and the boys were having their 3rd match. Todoroki was starting to lose energy and Bakugo was encouraging him to keep going, it was more like yelling though.

"Let's go!!" he yelled. "Keep going!! Keep moving!!" Todoroki wiped sweat from his face and took a few steps back, catching his breath. "Don't stop!! You aren't weak! Come on, come on!!" he persisted.

"Hold up, let's take five." Todoroki spoke, kneeling on the ground.

"No!!" the blonde male whined. "Keep it up!! There's no breaks on true hero missions, you gotta keep moving no matter how tired you are!!" he yelled. Todoroki didn't reply. The bicolored haired male stared at the boy in front of him, slightly startled. He didn't want to compare him to his father, but that's all that came to his mind. Suddenly he was taken aback and was five again.

"Shoto!!" Enji Todoroki yelled at the little boy. The boy was on the floor, crying for a pause from his father's harsh training.

"I'm tired, Daddy, I wanna go to sleep with Mama." he cried. They'd been traing since he returned from school, at 3 PM. It's now 8:30. Most kids his age would be in bed by now, already on their 2nd dream in LaLa Land. Not him though, he was nowhere near bed time.

"No!!" the older male yelled. "You are not to go to bed until I say so, so stop asking!! Get your ass up and fight! Let's go!!" he continued, kicking the small child as a whine escaped his mouth. "Stop crying, you're acting like a weak baby! You're not a baby, grow up!!" He scolded. Young Shoto Todoroki wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up shakily. Fire came from his body as he attacked Endeavor's training dummies. Tears continued to roll down his eyes as he fought. His siblings were in bed, fast asleep, and he thought his mother was too, but then he saw her at the door frame.

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