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JJ currently laid on Sarah's bed, watching How to Train Your Dragon, which played on TV. He and Sarah had gotten really close, even going as far as developing a siblinglike bond. You see, Sarah's parents were rarely ever home, and JJ avoided being home, so they often had sleepovers in Sarah's room.

"Are we gonna have a little day today?" Sarah asked her friend who was contently watching the movie with full interest.

JJ was giving all the little cues. He hid his mouth behind a pillow, chewing on the corner. He often did that with his stuffie when he was regressed. It was also really hot, yet JJ had his blankie with him and had been carrying it with him everywhere for the past 30 minutes. And then there were his wide eyes and his tiny squeals whenever Toothless, his favorite character, appeared on the screen.

"Nope." he responded quickly. He's been trying to be more subtle about his regression recently for some unknown reason. Sarah believed it was because his father had recently discovered the young teen's age regression and was being a big mean bully about it.

"Ah, alright. Just wondering." she smiled. She was about to leave the room when a small whine escaped the boy's lips.

"Rahrah.." he cried. He sat up with a pout on his lips and tears in his eyes. It was obvious that he had regressed, especially with the nickname, yet the girl played along with him.

"I'll be right back, JJ, I'm just going downstairs to get something." she told the boy, standing at the door frame. JJ put his big boy facade back on, shaking off his childish thoughts and feelings. Though he didn't like the idea of Sarah leaving. He fought the urge to reach out to her with some grabby hands. She sighed, walking close to him.

"Would you like to come with me?" she asked softly, a smug smile appearing on her lips. He gave it some thought, and she waited patiently for his answer.

"No." he responded, laying back down on his tummy with a slight pout on his face and pretending to watch the movie that he no longer seemed to care for. He didn't like being alone without Sarah, but big boy JJ wouldn't care, so he shouldn't cry either.

Sarah left, and she went downstairs. JJ got rid of the pillow replacing it with his blankie, which he now chewed on. Something was always in his mouth when he regressed.

Sarah walked to the kitchen with one of JJ's snack catchers in one hand and one of his sippy cups in the other. She had them hidden in a bag he didn't even bother to notice. Pulling the items out of the bag, she then washed them in the sink and filled the sippy cup with apple juice, going back upstairs.

Upon entering their room, she filled JJ's snack catcher with star puffs and placed his sippy in her miniature fridge. JJ bit down on the blanket, seeing his favorite blue sippy with thousands of glitter yellow star stickers placed around it. He really, really wanted it, but big boys don't use sippys. And he was a big boy, right..?

"Hey, you want some puffs?" Sarah asked, sitting beside the boy on the bed. His eyes almost popped from his face at the sight of the container in her hand, but he shook his head no.

"Big boy." he told her. Shifting his gaze back to the TV. Sarah sighed once again, then getting an idea. She put her hand inside the container, getting a puff and putting it in her mouth.

"Mm.." she moaned in delight. "So yummy, you're missing out. Are you sure you don't want any?"

"Big boy?" he asked, staring at his snack container. Sarah smiled, giving it to him.

"Of course." she told him, giving him a pat on his head. He nodded, eating his puffs and watching his movie.

As the movie was finishing up, she could tell that it was getting pretty tough for JJ to fight his headspace. He just needed that extra little push to know he was safe and that it was okay.

"Ugh.." she sighed. "Rahrah misses her baby dragon. I wish he would come cuddle me. Don't you, Mr. Wubbzly?" she said, holding JJ's dragon plushie over her lap.

JJ pushed himself up, sitting on his knees and crawling over to Sarah, who lay against the headboard of the bed.

"Rawr!" he said softly, picking up his stuffie and hugging him close. "D'agon hear to p'otect 'ou." he giggled. He sat on her lap and cuddled into her, burying his face in her neck.

"Oh, yes, my baby dragon did appear to keep me nice and warm." she smiled, combing her fingers through his hair with one hand and patting the boy's back with the other. She pulled him close to her in a tight embrace, holding his head against her with a hum. "I missed my baby dragon. I love him so so much. He's so smart and strong and such a good little dragon." she cooed. JJ smiled at her words, leaning further into her warm and loving touch.

He felt safe in her arms. He was wanted and appreciated. She loved him and wanted him near her. She liked this side of him and wouldn't wish to have him any other way. JJ didn't need to hide his vulnerable side from her. His emotions were safe, and he wouldn't get hurt. She'd protect him just like he'd protect her. That's what made them such good friends.

"I love you, Bubs." she smiled, leaning down the press a gentle kiss against the little boy's head.

"Love 'ou too." he responded. "Love Sissy Rahrah. An' baby d'agon p'otect p'incess Rahrah."

"Of course, my sweet little baby, such a good boy, such a nice dragon and protecting his princess. Princess Rahrah thanks him very, very much." she returned.

The boy closed his eyes, wrapping his blankie around himself and chewing on the string of his sweatshirt. Sarah pulled it out of his mouth, quickly silencing his whines of protest with his green pacifier. She twirled the boy's hair around her finger as she hummed a soft sound. Both teens enjoying the peaceful silence between themselves.

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