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ObaMitsu & Muichiro: "Too Loud.." Pt. 2

It was 2 in the morning, and Muichiro had woken up, still regressed. Looking around the room, it was dark and dimly lit, and he couldn't see anyone. He didn't like to be alone when he was feeling small, it was one of his fears.

He began to cry, soft and quiet whines escaping his lips as tears rolled down the sides of his eyes.

Just then, Kaburamaru came down from his little branches and vines that Obanai set up for him to chill in. He gave the little his pacifier, which immediately silenced his cries. He hung around his branches, dangling and moving from side to side to distract the boy until Obanai or Mitsuri were awake or until he fell back asleep. Soft giggles escaped the boy's lips as he tried to touch Kaburamaru. He was no longer afraid.

This only lasted until about 2:45, when the boy got fussy and once again began to whine. He wanted attention. He was feeling extra tiny, no older than 2. He didn't want to be alone. He began to cry again, spitting out his pacifier and slightly kicking his legs. Kaburamaru tried to calm to boy by giving him his pacifier once again but the boy did not want it. He slithered onto the boy's bed, wrapping around his arm to make him feel as if he were in an embrace and it worked for a second, before the boy began to cry once again.

Just then, Mitsuri came in through the door and picked up the crying boy.

"It's okay, buddy, I'm right here.." she sleepily told him, rocking him gently as she hummed a soft and soothing lullaby. His tears stopped falling down the second he laid eyes on her, and his cries settled the second she gave him his pacifier. "Thank you, Kaburamaru." she smiled, walking back to her room where Obanai sat up waiting for her return.

"He okay now?" the boy asked, as his girlfriend sat next to him with the younger boy.

"He's okay, he was just lonely." she told her boyfriend, running her fingers through the mental toddler's hair. "I'm gonna warm up some milk for him, hopefully he falls back to sleep." she told Obanai, leaving the boy there on the bed as she walked away. The boy began to whine the second she left. He spat out his pacifier as tears fell from his eyes once again crying.

"It's okay bud, she's coming back." Obanai told the little boy, picking him up onto his lap.

"Ma.." he cried, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

'He's deeply regressed tonight.' Obanai thought upon hearing the word "Ma".

"It's okay baby, Mama is making you some baba, really really fast, okay?" Obanai told him, rubbing the boy's head.

"M'Ba..?" the teal tipped haired boy asked, unable to make out his face in the dark but hearing his voice.

"Yes bud, it's Oba." the older male answered. This calmed the boy, and he cuddled into the guy's chest as he let out a quiet yawn.

Mitsuri came back not too long after and fed him the bottle of milk.

The boy was fast asleep by 3:30 AM and didn't wake up until 8:30 later that day.

When Muichiro awoke, his caregiver and her boyfriend were still asleep. He was feeling a little bit bigger though, so he didn't want to wake them, he had Kaburamaru anyway.

He slowly got off the bed and stumbled into his room where he found Kaburamaru on his vines and sticks. Standing on his bed, he poked the snake to check if he was awake. He was. He picked him up gently and sat down on his bed as Kaburamaru slithered around him. Muichiro took out his pacifier, giggling at the tickly feeling of Kaburamaru moving around.

He wrapped around the boy's arms and looked into his eyes. They were normally dull and showed no emotion, but when the boy was regressed they were different. His eyes were shiny, they were bright and showed life. There was emotion and expression in the boy's face, and a smile, a beautiful bright smile with cheerful giggles. Muichiro pet Kaburamaru with a smile, happy and calm. Muichiro loved Kaburamaru when he was regressed, he was his best friend, and Kaburamaru always watched over the boy, it was under Obanai's orders, but he enjoyed being with the boy.

"Is Kabu hunwy?" Muichiro asked curiously. He got a mouse and held it in his hand, and then Kaburamaru slowly swallowed it. Muichiro giggled as Kaburamaru ate off of his hand, and the tickly feeling of the snake's tongue on the palm of his hand and seeing the shape of the mouse throughout his body. "Good? Kabu eated his yummy food." he smiled, standing up off the bed and allowing Kaburamaru to wrap around his neck just like he does with Obanai. "Hehe.. Now we's wike Oba!!" he cheered. He walked out of his room and slowly tip-toed over to the kitchen, hopping up onto the counter for a specific jar that was off limits for little boys who haven't had a proper meal. "Shh.. don't tell no one!~" he told Kaburamaru mischievously as he sneakily opened the cabinet door.

"And what do you think you're doing?" a voice spoke. The boy practically fell off the counter as he jumped to look around.

"N-Nothing.." he replied startled. "Sowwy Oba.." Obanai almost laughed, going closer to the boy and patting him on the head.

"It's okay. What do you want, a cookie?" he asked, getting the jar.

"Mhm! But Mimi says no if I no eat nummies." he said truthfully.

"Well.. are you hungry?" Obanai asked. The boy shook his head. "Then I don't see the point in eating, here, just have a cookie, Mimi won't know." he told him, giving him a cookie. The boy smiled, happily munching on his cookie. It was 9 AM, Mitsuri wouldn't be up for another hour, her "beauty sleep" was needed, otherwise she'd be moody all day long. Muichiro tugged at Obanai's clothes. "Hm?"

"Uhm.." the boy looked away nervously. "P-Pay?" he asked, looking back up in to the older guy's eyes.

"Sure, bud." he responded. He put the boy back down from the counter and together they walked to the boy's bedroom where he had a couple sock puppets and dolls that Mitsuri made him.

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