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Requested by Piggy2021

Many people would believe the job of a detective was fun and entertaining. It wasn't. It was a lot of hard work. It was stressful and scary and tiring all at the same time. Sure, the job itself was fun. It was like being in a movie, but some cases weren't fun. One case that was not fun was the Kira case.

The Kira case of an unknown murdered killing from afar began the third of December in 2003. It was now the 23rd of July, 2004. There has been hardly any progress for the detective team. However, the murders have continued to grow.

Any suspicions for L's suspects went around in circles. They were suspicious and then proven innocent and then a suspect once again. One of these suspects was none other than Light Yagami.

Today, a new step was taken in the act of surveillance.  Light Yagami will no longer be confined or monitored on his own. Starting today, L and Light will be handcuffed until Light is proven guilty or innocent.

They sat in Light's bedroom, talking. Well, Light was talking, and L was trying to listen. Though, he wasn't doing a very good job of doing so.

You see, with the lack of childhood, his trauma, the hard work as a detective, and, therefore, stress, the boy had taken up a coping mechanism known as age regression.

Age regression, pretty self-explanatory, is when the regressor's mind reverts to a younger mindset. This happens with L very often. He has a headspace more commonly known by the community as babyspace. Basically, his mental age is at one of a baby's.

Right now, L was not technically regressed. Not yet, at least. However, he was between headspaces. In other words, he was having a mental battle between his adult mental state and his regressed mental space. Because of this, his behavior was merging with that of a child's. One of these childish habits of his being the inability to focus and going nonverbal.

"L? You listening? Hellooo?" Light spoke, waving his hand in front of the black haired male's face. The boy's mind had wandered off into imagination land in where he thought about his very realistic life as a superhero. "L?"

The boy nodded his head. He was unsure of the reason why, but he answered whatever question he was being asked.

He didn't want to slip into his headspace, not in front of Light. He couldn't express vulnerability in front of his suspect. He had to stay big. But it was really, really hard. L was tired. He wanted his paci or his baba. He wanted to lie down in his big comfy bed and watch Strawberry Shortcake or scribble in a book. He didn't want to be here.

He didn't even notice the soft whine that escaped his lips as he rubbed at his eyes. Or the way his finger drifted to his mouth as he lay beside Light on his tummy.

Light raised a brow at the guy's odd behavior but shrugged it off. It was normal. L was a weird guy.

Instead, Light stopped talking and turned on the TV. He flicked through the channels, looking for something to watch that wasn't the news containing data on criminals. He stopped when he saw L perk up at the sight of his favorite show, Strawberry Shortcake. Light didn't question the guy's interest. Maybe it was the strawberry or the cake that caught his attention. He himself has watched it with Sayu, his 15 year old sister. It wasn't a terrible show for adults.

L dropped his head onto the bed, resting it on a folded arm as he had his other hand in his mouth. He subconsciously chewed on his two fingers closest to his thumb.

He watched the show the first 5 minutes, beginning to doze off not far into the show. He sucked on his makeshift soother as his eyes began to slowly droop closed. That on its own was able to put busy big boy L to a good night's rest.

One thing, however, was left uncared for. The boy was far too concerned with his headspace to even remember worrying about staying up to avoid nighttime accidents.

You see, L was accustomed to the overnight protection of his pull-up. It was a necessity in his regression. He slept with it even when he wasn't regressed. It gave him a sense of comfort and security.

It's for that same mistake that L was awaken by Light at 6 in the morning the next day.

"L, wake up." Light spoke softly, gently shaking the boy's body.

L whined, rubbing his eyes, not wanting to wake up. He was far too sleepy to even notice the cold, wet bed beneath him.

"Wake up, L, you've uh- you wet the bed." he explained. L jolted awake, sitting up and staring down at his legs and the bed below him. "Ah- no- don't cry!" Light panicked as L's lip quivered, and tears pooled in his eyes.

Normally, this was not something L would cry about. However, he was feeling really tiny, and big emotions took a toll on him. He wanted to go home. He wanted his stuffies and his blanket. He wanted to be alone in his room regressed.

It was far too late for that, though. He was already regressed, here, at Light's house. He was wrapped in Light's blanket and was away from his stuffies. He was here, with Light. And that was scary.

L rubbed at his eyes, crying. He was feeling sad and uncomfy. Light awkwardly put a hand on the regressed boy's head.

"It's okay." he said softly, standing up. "Come on. Don't worry about it, just get changed." Light pulled the boy off the bed, and they walked over to the bathroom, Light holding L's bag on the sink counter and looking through it. That's when he found the object that explained it all.

L brought his little gear with him. Not because he planned to use them, but because it was more of a habit to carry them with him at all times. Plus, the idea of having them with him gave him a spect of comfort.

Despite Light's usual personality, he remained calm and unjudgemental. He pulled out one of the boy's pull-ups and the boy's pacifier, holding them in his hands.

"Are you an age regressor?" he asked. He had very vague knowledge about it but had an overall understanding of what it was. He had read on the topic, somewhere..

L tensed up, a pink tone flushing over his cheeks. He feared Light would tease him like he does about literally everything. However, seeing Light's soft expression, he somehow felt safe. He nodded his head shyly.

"That makes sense." he replied. "Do you need this?" he asked. Need, not necessarily, want, definitely. The regressed male nodded his head once again.

"Aa.." he tried to say, putting his fingers in his mouth. Light understood the boy, inserting the pacifier between the boy's lips.

Once everything was cleaned up, they sat on the couch in the living room. L was much calmer now that he had his comfort items with him. He wore his pull-up beneath black lounge pants and his usual white long sleeve. He had his pacifier clipped onto his shirt while he drank warm honey milk from his sippy cup. And of course, they were watching Strawberry Shortcake on TV.

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