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LOV WITH TOGA: "No Small, Big!"

It was 8 in the morning at the League of Villain's base. The house would be silent at this hour, normally.

"Dabeeeeee!!!" Toga yelled, pounding on Dabi's bedroom door.

"What do you want Toga?" Dabi groaned.

"Wake up time!!!" the girl exclaimed with a smile. "Up! Up!" she shouted. Dabi sighed, lifting the young teen onto his hip and ruffling her messy hair.

"Let's brush your hair out, hm?" the boy asked, walking to Toga's room to get hair supplies. The blonde girl smiled, jumping onto her bed once she was placed on the floor. "Hold still, okay?" Dabi spoke, gently brushing Toga's hair. She smiled, patiently allowing the boy to do her hair. It didn't take too long, and within 10 minutes, Toga's hair was up in two tiny ponytails while the other half was left down.

"All done?" Toga asked, as Dabi had stopped touching her hair. Dabi nodded.

"Want to color a picture?" Dabi asked, he hated coloring, it was more stressful than anything, but he'd do anything for a friend. Toga, of course, clapped her hands happily. She loved coloring. Dabi smiled, taking some of Toga's crayons and coloring books out and placing them on the bed. The two colored for about and hour before resting on the headboard and watching Powerpuff Girls.

It was now 10:30, and the rest of the LOV would be waking up soon. It was Dabi's turn to make breakfast today. The boy got up slowly, and placed pillows in his place. Toga had fallen asleep.

Dabi walked into the kitchen, grabbing flour, and eggs, and all the supplies he needed to cook. He decided to make pancakes and eggs. He got a big bowl, and began adding in the necessary ingredients, stirring them up little by little. Once the batter was complete, he turned on the stove and buttered up the griddle. Once the griddle was heating up, Dabi looked at the clock seeing it was 11 AM. The league should be up soon.

Shigaraki awoke a little after 11, walking out to the kitchen, bed hair and all.

"Whatcha cookin'?" Shigaraki asked, leaning against Dabi, as the black haired male was pouring batter onto the griddle. His question was answered upon the scent of delicious pancakes reaching his nose. Dabi smiled, putting the bowl aside and giving Shigaraki a warm embrace.

"Go wash up crusty, and check on the others." Dabi spoke, letting go of Shiggy and returning to his main focus, cooking.

He was interrupted once more by Toga, who had awoken from her nap.

"I wanna help.." she said, looking into Dabi's deep blue eyes.

"No hun, this is for big kids." Dabi replied, patting the girl's head.

"I is big girl!" Toga replied, putting her hands on her hips with a frown. Shigaraki walked in, Twice right behind him. "You!" Toga smiled, running up to Twice. "Yous finks I's big girl?" she asked.

"Of course, such a big girl." Twice spoke, picking Toga up and holding her on his hip.

"So I cans help Dabee make Nummies?" she asked once more.

"Uhh.. probably not that." Twice responded.

"That's for big big people." Shiggy added. Toga pouted. "You're too small to cook breakfast."

"No small, big!!" she whined.

"How about you help set the table?" Dabi asked.

"Ooh yes, can you help me with that, little one?" Shiggy asked as well. Toga nodded, a smile instantly returning. Twice put her down, helping Dabi cook the eggs as Shigaraki and Toga set the table.

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