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HinaTake: "Stressed out"
Requested by Piggy2021

Hinata stood at a cafe awaiting Takemichi's arrival, they had a date planned. However, it's been 30 minutes and he hasn't shown up. Mainly because Takemichi had completely forgotten. There's been so much going on lately and juggling between school, gang, and personal life has begun to get pretty stressful.

Takemichi had begun to regress due to the stress going on in his life, and today was one of those days where he was regressed. He sat in his bed, cuddled up closely with his favorite comfort plushie and his pacifier in his mouth as he watch cartoons on the TV. He wore a diaper, and a footed pajama over it.

He was in a peaceful mood right now, but not for long. You see, Hinata had gotten tired of waiting for Takemichi, so she decided to go to his house and check on him. She had a spare key anyway.

"Takemichiii!~" she yelled cheerfully, roaming around the house in search for her boyfriend. She got no response. She checked the whole entire apartment but didn't find him, until she opened his bedroom door. "Takemichi! How come you're-" she paused, looking at the startled boy in front of her. "Michi..?" she questioned.

Takemichi spat out his pacifier as rivers of tears poured from his eyes. He hid underneath his bed covers as he hugged his plushie closely. Hinata panicked, quickly rushing to the boy's side. She sat besides him on the bed and pat the little lump of him below the covers.

"It's okay, Michi. Everything is fine, I promise." she spoke gently, rubbing the boy. His cries quickly reduced to tiny sniffles as soon as he heard her calm voice. "Come on out, love, you're alright." she said softly. He hesitated, but soon Takemichi had come out of the covers and sat in front of her, his big teary doe eyes staring at her. She smiled, picking up the pacifier and slipping it between her boyfriend's lips. She placed a kiss on the boy's forehead and ruffled his hair. Hinata had never met a little before, but she came across a website about it on Tumblr once (did that exist then? Idk-).

Takemichi smiled a tiny bit, moving closer to her and laying his head on her shoulder. He now felt safe in her presence.

"How old are you, Buddy?" she asked, rubbing the boy's back. The boy pulled away from her, holding up a single finger. She smiled, "One? Such a tiny little boy!" She tickled his sides, receiving a bunch of giggles from the boy. "You're so adorable."

The two teens laid on the bed cuddled up closely together as Takemichi continued watching his cartoon. The regressed boy's tummy rumbled, him being hungry as the two were supposed to go out and eat.

"Are you hungry?" Hinata asked, playing with the boy's hair. "I'm hungry too, how about we get you some food?" Takemichi clapped his hands happily, sitting up quickly. "Let's go to the store, we can buy some dino nuggets." the little boy smiled at her offer, quickly getting off the bed and stumbling to the door. Hinata chuckled. "Let's get you something else to wear first, unless you wanna go out wearing your pj's?" Takemichi giggled, sitting on the floor and crawling over to Hinata, it was much easier to do.

Upon arriving at the store, Hinata let Takemichi push the cart. He used it like a walker, aiding him as he walked. She went around the store picking out a bunch of sweets and yummy treats, before she finally went to the freezer aisle. She placed the bag of dinosaur nuggets in the cart and walked across the main aisle to what she found to be the baby aisle.

Takemichi's eyes lit up at the sight of so many cool items. Sure, he had some of his own, but most of them were old from when he himself was an actual baby. Hinata smiled at his reaction, holding up two different packs of pacifiers for him to choose from. One was a pair of plastic white and yellow pacifiers with a bumblebee sticker on them, the other was a plain yellow silicone pacifier, attached to a black teether/pacifier clip. Of course, he picked the teether one. One reason being that he didn't own a teether yet, and it looked so amazing to chew on, the other reason simply being that it reminded him of Chifuyu. Hinata smiled, adding it to the cart and grabbing a bottle and a sippy cup that matched.

Takemichi didn't react to that, he was too busy staring off at another person back in the food aisle. A young teen that looked a lot like.. Mikey?

"Eh, Takemichi!" Mikey grinned, nearing the boy. Takemichi smiled. "What are you doing in the baby aisle?" he gasped. "Do you and your girlfriend have a secret to share!? You're only 14, but-"

"I'm not pregnant, thank you very much. Bold of you to assume Takemichi would do such a thing at our age. We're just picking out things for the kid I babysit." she spoke bluntly. "He's good with kids and gets along with him better than I do so I asked him to help me out."

"Okay... He can talk himself, you know.." Mikey muttered out. "Why aren't you talking..? Are you being blackmailed by her to be here!? I'll save you!"

"It's nothing like that, gosh, you're so childish. And you're supposed to be older?" Hinata sighed, slightly annoyed. "He's fine, he's just tired. He gets quiet when he's sleepy. He's had a long day." she spoke. She put a hand on Takemichi's back as the two walked away.

"Geez.. what's her problem? I was just tryna be funny.." Mikey sighed, turning away to find his best friend, Draken.

Hinata hated Mikey, and Draken, and Chifuyu, and just about every person in the Tokyo Manji Gang. She despised the attitudes and big egos, blaming them for Takemichi's new delinquent-like behavior. She believed they pressured him into fights and into joining the gang, because the Takemichi she knew couldn't hurt a fly. They were his friends though, and she was no one to dictate who he could and couldn't hang out with.

She sighed, walking with the boy to go pay at the registers and go home. He was probably starving by now.

"Do you wanna eat your food in your room? We can watch a movie if you'd like." she smiled, paying for all their things. He smiled, quickly nodding his head yes.

I might add on to this later, I feel like it's too short and rushed. I was really running out of ideas lol. I didn't have any to begin with. Like, I know I was given the plot and stuff, that was such a big help, thank you for that, but I don't know, I just feel it's too.. empty. Let me know what you think. Bye!

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