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Author's Note, although I fully read the manga, I didn't understand much of the Haitani brothers so this is my understanding of them.

Both brothers are charismatic, strong, and have an extremely good fashion sense. Ran Haitani, the older brother, has long, yellow braided hair that is dyed black. He also has purple eyes. He cares deeply about his younger brother, Rindou. Rindou Haitani, the younger brother, has slick back yellow hair with blue dyed streaks, grey eyes, and golden glasses. He's very stubborn, arrogant, blunt, and doesn't like being called weak compared to Ran. He's also very flexible. He tends to be jealous of Ran.

These two brothers were worshipped by many delinquents as they were in no gang and worked alone.

They were like celebrities with Izana's gang, Rupanji, after a fight they had at age 13. They soon joined Tenjiku with Izana, but after he was defeated they went to jail.

After they were released, they joined Rokohara Tandai.

After that, they became members of the Kantu Manji Gang with Manjiro Sano and became part of the Special Attack Force. Ran is the Captain and Rindou is the Vice Captain. They have specially personalized uniforms that are black with white stripes, the opposite of what is worn by the others. These boys are extremely close with Kakucho.

Anyways, onto the story. By the way, this is for Yvonne200604

The Kantu Manji Gang had spent the day training. Although it was more showing of fighting moves than actually learning anything new. Many praised Ran for his amazing skills, and Rindou did not like it one bit. He knew just as much as his brother when it came to fighting, he even knew how to do other things like flips and the splits. Why did his brother continue to get the attention? It wasn't fair. He worked just as much as Ran, but there was no praise for him, no awe, he was normal. He wanted to be cool and famous. He was famous, but that wasn't enough, he was famous because of Ran, and that wasn't fair.

Rindou didn't notice the tears welling up in his eyes until Kakucho placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" he asked, slightly worried for the boy, it was rare for him to cry in public. The boy flinched at Kakucho's touch, quickly wiping away his tears and standing up straight.

"I-I'm fine." he responded coldly. He was being weak, that was no way of behaving. How would he prove to others that he's just as cool as Ran if he showed weakness? He wasn't weak. "Not weak.." he muttered. Kakucho smiled.

"I know that, you're one of the strongest people in the gang." he replied. This raised the boy's spirits, at least a little. Someone still looked up to him, even if it was just a friend.

Ran looked over at the two, walking towards them.

"Everything alright?" he asked, looking at his little brother.

"I'm fine." Rindou replied, crossing his arms and looking away. Ran laughed at the boy's childish actions.

"What's up with him?" he asked. Kakucho shrugged.

"Not sure, he was about to cry just a minute ago." he said.

"I wasn't crying!" Rindou whined, balling up his fists like a little kid, Ran took note of his childish actions and sighed with a chuckle.

"Do we need to take a break?" he said, implying that some alone time was needed by the boy.

"No!" the younger brother replied, refusing to slip into his headspace, though he wasn't suppressing it very well. Kakucho held the boy's hand gently and rubbed soothingly.

"It's okay, Rinnie." he spoke softly as he looked into the little one's eyes. They were teary once again.

"Mm...big." he muttered out, pulling his hand away, he felt eyes on him, he didn't like it. This isn't the attention he wanted. "Gotta be strong.." he said, wiping his eyes and turning away. Kakucho sighed knowing what this was about. He looked over to Ran who just stared at the boy, not knowing what to do. He didn't want to force him to leave if he didn't want to, but he was between headspaces and was pretty sure that the boy would regress fully. The boy with the long hair sighed.

"Is that what this is about?" he asked, already knowing the answer. "You are amazing, okay? And the fact that you are you ger than me and doing everything I can just says how much stronger you'll be when you're my age." The younger boy looked at his older brother, tears rolling down his face. Kakucho gave the boy a quick pat on the head with a smile as he walked away with the rest of the gang. "You are so much better than me, I promise, it's them who don't see your power. They do that simply because I'm older, not because you're weaker."

The younger boy did not respond, simply burying his head into his older brother's chest as he cried. Ran ran his fingers through the boy's hair as he hushed him.

"They're watching us, let's go somewhere else, okay?" Ran spoke rubbing the boy's back. The younger boy nodded, holding onto his brother's neck tightly. The other boy sighed with a smile, lifting his brother up onto his waist as he kissed him on the cheek. "Are we feeling better, buddy?" He asked calmly. The boy just shrugged. "We're very small, huh?" he said, unsure if the boy had gone nonverbal due to age, or stress, or a mixture of both. "Kakucho! We're going home." he yelled to his friend, as they walked away to their home.

Upon arriving home, Ran sat Rindou down on his bed. Rindou immediately reached back up for his brother whose arms always made him feel the safest.
31 and 30, not a very big gap in age, the boys were almost like twins, though visibly very different. Ran sat down on Rindou's bed, lifting the boy onto his lap. The boy cuddled into him closely as he huffed.

"Want your paci, buddy?" Ran asked the mentally regressed. The boy immediately perked up and nodded, opening his mouth and awaiting the soother between his lips. Ran let out a small chuckle, reaching over to the nightstand and retrieving the pacifier. He placed it between the boy's lips and saw as he began to suckle it peacefully. He ran his fingers through his brother's short bright hair, and smiled. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way bud, but just know that you are the most important boy in the world to me, okay? Like even if I get a girlfriend one day and marry her, she will never replace you, that's how important you are, okay?" he spoke. "I love you, my sweet little baby brother. Always and forever, no matter what. You are super cool and strong and I think your flexibility is amazing. I could never do those cool tricks that you could do in a million trillion years."

Rindou let out a soft giggle to his big brothers words as he cuddled into him closer. Even with no words exchanged, Ran knew his little brother loved him just as much.

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