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Requested by Layagirls

Baji was babysitting Takemichi as the boy came over for a playdate with Chifuyu. However, Baji had gotten a call from his parents. He was told he had to go home as soon as possible, and he wasn't one to disobey. The boy called up Mitsuya, the most reliable man he knew, and asked him to come over to Chifuyu's house as soon as possible, leaving out as much context as possible.

A knock was heard at the apartment door not even 10 minutes later greeting Baji.

"Baji?" the boy asked confusedly. "How come you called me here so late at night? It's 10 PM, you know."

"I need to leave. My parents won't let me spend the night today. Your parents don't care, so I called you?" the boy explained, walking the boy inside and closing the door.

"Okay? And? I still don't get why I'm needed, Chifuyu can be on his own." he walked into the living room to find both Chifuyu and Takemichi laying on the carpet, watching cartoons. Chifuyu had what looked like a teether in his mouth, and Takemichi had a pacifier. "Uhhh.." The boy was not disgusted, just visibly confused.

"It's a coping mechanism. They age regress to deal with stuff like stress and trauma or just fun. They were having a playdate/sleepover." Baji explained.

"Ah, okay.. So they're like children?" he asked. "And you want me to babysit them while you're gone?" Baji smiled.

"Yeah! Please?" Mitsuya smiled, nodding his head.  No way in hell could he say no to watching over such cuties. "Thank you so much, and if you can get them to sleep by 11, that'd be great. It may be a little tough, though. They've had lots of sweets today." he explained.

"No worries, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Luna and Mana hate bedtime." he chuckled. Baji smiled, Mitsuya was a perfect choice as he always watched over his own, younger siblings.

"Ah, okay, thank you again. Hey kiddos, I'm gonna be leaving now, okay? Mitsuya is here to watch over you, he's very nice, okay?"

"Bye-bye!" Takemichi waved.

"Daddy, be back tomorrow?" Chifuyu asked. Baji nodded. "Okay, bye-bye, luv youu!"

"I love you too buddy, behave with Mitsuya, okay?" he told the boy.

"Okay!" he grinned. Baji left, not even a second later.

"Okay.." Mitsuya stood awkwardly. "What are we watching?"

"'Toons!" Takemichi spoke, pointing at the TV. The purple haired male chuckled at the boy's response.

"I see.." he was unsure of what to do with the kids exactly, just let them be? He was always used to playing around with his younger siblings. "I like your pajama Chifuyu, it's very cool. I love teddy bears. You look just like one."

"Yeah! I'm wike a teddy bear!! Daddy buyed me this for my birthday cause he said I wooked cute!" the little boy responded excitedly, Mitsuya awed at the boy's response.

"Well, your daddy was no liar. You look absolutely adorable." he smiled. "And you, I love your paci. It's very creative." The boy had a red deco paci with the word 'H E R O' spelled out and plenty of matte rhinestones surrounding it.

"Mhm! Chi-Chi maked it!" the boy replied with a giggle as he pointed to Chifuyu. The boy's words are certainly more slurred and less descriptive compared to those of Chifuyu. It made Mitsuya wonder if it was just a Takemichi thing where he was less verbal when regressed or an age thing.

"Ooh, I like it very much, I bet he worked very hard on it." Chifuyu nodded his head in agreement. "Can I know how old you boys are?"

"I is five!" Chifuyu responded, holding up five fingers with the brightest smile ever.

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