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Requested by SimpLove6

The bond between Aizawa and Todoroki had grown drastically. He taught the boy all about his newfound headspace and even went as far as buying him little gear. Now, everywhere he traveled, the bicolored haired boy carried a bag containing his pacifier, teething necklace, and Kitty, his cat plushie.

Todoroki's trust in Aizawa grew immensely as they would spend the evening together with Eri at least twice a week. At first, the boy was very shut off about the idea of regression. He tried to avoid it at all costs. However, with time, Aizawa explained to him the benefits it was giving the boy, and he became more open about it.

His regression came with many emotional triggers. Things such as being overwhelmed, stressed, lonely, sad, or overly excited made him slip. He was pretty good at controlling it, but still, there were times when he failed to do so.

Today was one of those days. Todoroki had a rough morning since he was shaken up by a pretty harsh night terror and was unable to get his much needed rest. When he did finally fall asleep, he slept an hour past his initial morning alarm, and it delayed his whole schedule.

He was upset this morning because he had forgotten Kitty back at Aizawa's place the evening before. He had also skipped breakfast. He was tired and moody.

He currently sat in Aizawa's classroom with his arms crossed and a pout on his face. He ignored everyone around him. There was a battle between his two headspaces happening in his mind, and his regression was winning.

He scribbled in his notebook about who knows what. Soft music played through his earphones as he tried to calm himself down. Despite his attempts to remain calm and collected, he was also beginning to feel bits of annoyance as his classmate, Bakugo, was loudly yelling at another one of his friends.

Todoroki did not like loud noises. Especially when he was trying to focus on not focusing on the world around him. He thought he would be okay once the day's lesson began, but the plan was immediately disregarded as Aizawa walked in through that door.

The boy was regressed. No matter how hard he tried to suppress it, he was little, and seeing the man who brought him most comfort simply made it worse. He whined softly, subtly kicking his feet beneath his desk in a tiny fit. He wanted to go home.

"Are you alright, Todoroki?" Momo asked, turning in her seat to check on the boy. He froze, unable to form words. Instead, he nodded his head and slouched into his chair.

Aizawa took note of the boy's behavior in an instant. This was the first time he had ever seen the boy regress during school. He could tell the boy was overwhelmed.

Todoroki paid no attention to a word, leaving Aizawa's mouth. He held onto his headphones as he chewed on the end of his tie. Because of this, he didn't hear Aizawa when he tried speaking to him. Instead, someone shook him. He looked up and around him, startled.

"Promblem child, Present Mic needs your help, come here." he said gently. The boy's stepped outside the classroom.

"Wan go home.." the boy whined, small tears trickling at his eyes.

"I know, buddy, but we have school time. You can stay with Present Mic if you'd like. He has no class right now." he told the boy, putting a hand on his head with a gentle pat.

"Pease?" he said, nodding his head.

"Alright, let me call him over." Aizawa said, dialing his husband on the phone.

Within minutes, the loud blonde arrived with Aizawa and gave him Kitty.

"Kitty!" he smiled, happily taking the plush into his arms and hugging him tightly. His mood was instantly boosted.

"You forgot him at our house last night. He missed you so so much." he said gently. Unlike previous timed, where he'd make the boy cry due to his rowdyness, this time he was soft and gentle with his voice.

"I need to get back to my class, behave you two." Aizawa told the boy's.

"Yes, 'Zawa, p'omise." Todoroki smiled. "Bye-bye, be nice."

"Yes, buddy, I promise." Aizawa chuckled, entering his classroom.

"Le's go p'ay!!" he told the yellow haired man, his happiness skyrocketing now that he was out of class and reunited with Kitty.

"Alright, kiddo. How old are you?" he asked, holding the boy's hand as they walked back to his classroom.

"Six!" he grinned. "Big boy!"

"Yup, definitely a big boy." Mic laughed.

"But still want paci an' baba." he told him, a serious look on his face.

"Yes, yes, I'll make you a baba." he told the boy.

"Yay!!" he cheered.

When they arrived at Mic's classroom, they went into his small office in the back. Todoroki sat on the couch, sitting upside down and his head hanging down while his feet were against the wall.

Mic looked through the boy's backpack for his sippy cup and left to fill it with warm, sweetened milk. He left his laptop open with a replay of Monster Jam playing on it. Todoroki had taken a liking to Monster Mutt and El Toro Loco. He even had his own toy trucks that Aizawa had bought him.

When Mic returned, Todoroki sat on the floor in front of the laptop with his paci in his mouth and his trucks in his hands. Kitty sat comfortably in his lap. He was pushing the cars around on the coffee table.

"Hey buddy, baba is ready." Mic said, sitting on the couch. Todoroki smiled, putting his trucks down and laying on the couch once again. He laid his head on Mic's lap, holding his bottle and cuddling Kitty between his arms. Present Mic ran his fingers through the regressed boy's hair, twirling it between his fingers. The bicolored haired boy continued to watch Monster Jam, which played on the laptop. Not long after, his eyes began to droop shut, the boy finally getting the sleep he very much needed.

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