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Nick x Charlie: Bedtime Accident
Requested by: stillwaitingforsts5

Charlie and Nick had decided on spending time together. The two boys went over to Nick's house after rugby practice and decided on watching some movies.

It was about 6:30 PM after the boys showered and finished up any necessary assignments. As Charlie was submitting his final assignment, Nick was in the living room ordering pizza. Charlie joined the boy on the couch not long after and they looked for a movie.

Finally, at 7 PM, their movie night began. The pizza had just arrived as well. They were cuddled up on the couch, eating their pizza, and watching a Disney classic, Lady and the Tramp.

Halfway through the movie, Charlie felt himself beginning to regress. He normally regressed at this time of day in the secure privacy of his own bedroom. He couldn't let himself slip, no way, he still had to get himself home. So he decided on a little lie.

Charlie looked at his phone as if he had received a text message and immediately stood up, walking away. After tapping some random buttons, he put his phone to his ear pretending to be on a call.

Nick paused the movie, sitting up and looking at Charlie.

"What's wrong?" he asked as Charlie walked back to the couch, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Oh uh.. nothing, that was my mom, she asked for me to come home as a storm would be coming soon. You know how easily I get sick." Charlie replied, fiddling with the zipper of his sweater as he nervously laughed.

"A storm?" Nick questioned. "But there isn't supposed to be a storm tonight, the weather's been nice all week." he continued, confused.

"Yeah, it just popped up, see?" Charlie spoke, showing his boyfriend the weather notification. He wasn't lying about the rain. "If I leave now, I shouldn't get caught in it."

It seems as if nature was against Charlie though, because the rain began to fall the second those words left Charlie's lips. The boy let out a quiet groan at the rain's appearance.

"How about you just spend the night here?" Nick offered. Charlie slouched into the couch, obviously bothered. "You've spent the night plenty of times, what's the problem Char?"

"I- uh.." Charlie needed an excuse. But what excuse? He couldn't hold back his headspace for much longer, he was already slipping, he was at about the age of six now. "Hafta go home." the boy whispered, fiddling with his sleeves.

"Oh.. Is this the age regression thing you had mentioned to me a couple days ago?” Nick asked, noticing the change of voice and the different word choices. They were definitely a little childish for Charlie. The regressed boy nodded shyly. "It's okay, I can take care of you."

"But.." the boy looked away, he really didn't want to stay, he couldn't stay. He needed to go home, he needed his sister. He shook his hands, stressing out over want to do. How didn't want to stay, but how could he say that to his boyfriend?

"It's okay, love. Could you tell me what's wrong?" the regressed boy shook his head, letting out a huff, slouching further into the couch. "How about you stay for a little bit? If the rain clears up I'll walk you home." Charlie liked the sound of that, he sat up clapping his hands. Nick smiled, finally understanding what made him unhappy. The boy must feel more comfortable doing this at his own home.

Nick turned the TV back on, looking through the different channels to find a good cartoon. The two finally settled on a childhood favorite, Octonauts. Charlie's eyes sparkled up on laying eyes on the screen, almost immediately becoming entranced in it. Nick smiled at the boy, pulling him close. Charlie leaned into Nick's embrace, smiling as he continued watching the show.

It was already 9 PM, and the rain didn't seemime it'd be clearing up anytime soon. The boy rubbed at his eyes tiredly, fighting to stay awake. He'd call his mom to come pick him up, only she didn't necessarily know about his little space.

"Why don't we head to bed? It doesn't look like the rain will be clearing up." Nick spoke, noticing the boy's yawns and tiredly actions. The boy shook his head, chewing on the end of his sweater. "Why not?"

"Towi not here.." the boy relied a lot when he was regressed. It was she who got him ready for bed. She'd help him brush his teeth, and brush out his hair as he watched cartoons. She'd make him a warm bottle of milk, sometimes adding a little honey and cinnamon. She'd lay beside him and sing him a lullaby, patting him until he finally fell asleep. She was there every second. How could he fall asleep without her?

"How about we call her to say good night then?" Charlie was about to say yes, but thought about the consequences. Tori was just like him, she'd get sick too. Or she'd get in trouble by their parents because sure enough, she'd steal their Dad's car and come pick him up herself. No, he's gotta be big.

"Nu-uh, NiNi time.." Charlie muttered out.

And so the boys went to bed. The two laid beside each other, Nick hugging Charlie close as he ran his fingers through his curls. Charlie who no longer felt nervous, relaxed into Nick's touch and let out a sigh of content. He fell asleep not long after the clock hit 9:30.

He instantly regretted falling asleep the next morning as he was shaken awake at 5 AM by Nick.

"Mm.." Charlie whined, not yet ready to wake up.

"Charlie, you-" then he felt it. The cold, wet feeling beneath him. He was wide awake now. Tears welled up into his eyes as he sat up, bringing his knees to his chest.

"I'm sorry!" he cried. "I didn't mean to, and-"

"It's okay Char." Nick smiled, patting the boy's head. "It was an accident, it's not your fault." Nick told the boy. "I just need you to get up so I can wash up the sheets and you can get changed."

Charlie remained frozen in place. He was in utter shock. This has never happened before, not since Year 2, when he was seven.

"Charlie?" Nick spoke, waving his hand in front of the boy.

"I'm so sorry, I ruined your bed sheets, and your clothes. I'm so sorry, I- You're-" he didn't even know what to say, he was so embarrassed, Nick was probably so ashamed and disgusted by him. Would this be the end of their friendship?

"Charlie, love, it's okay." Nick said, holding Charlie's hand and moving his hair out of his eyes. "I'll just wash the sheets and the clothes and it'll be good as new. I promise." Nick smiled. "It's okay, it was just an accident, there was a lot on your mind last night, I don't blame you, okay? Everything is fine."

Charlie hesitantly nodded his head. Nick wiped the tears out of his boyfriend's eyes and gave another reassuring smile.

"It's okay, now go take a shower and wash up so you don't feel sticky." Nick said, pulling Charlie out of bed, and giving him some clean clothes. "It's alright, Charlie, I promise."

Gahh I tried, so hard. I'm sorry if this isn't good and like really rushed, but I had no ideas on what to write, I'm sorryyy. I hope you still like it though.

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