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TW: Involuntary regression due to PTSD. Mentions of abuse and child neglect.
CW: Mentions of drugs and alcohol.

JJ was never the one to ask for help. He was not someone to share his problems and pain. He dealt with it in silence. Just like today.

Today was nothing special, no adventure, no trouble, no problems. It was calm. The teens were at a beach and decided to have a bonfire. JJ was bringing the beer, Kie was bringing her dad's new radio and extra supplies, Pope was bringing food, and John B and Sarah were bringing S'more supplies. Everyone was bringing their boards.

Everything went well until the sun began to set and it was time to light the fire. Tiny problem, no one brought a lighter.

"Who has the lighter?" Sarah asked. She looked up at John B.

"Don't look at me." he said. "I woulda told you if I had it." he laughed. "Kie?"

"Me? Why me!?” she asked.

"You were the one bringing supplies." John B replied.

"Nope, JJ has one." she responded.

"No, I don't." he spoke.

"What do you mean you don't!?" Pope asked. "You always have one."

"Yeah, for my weed, which I didn't bring." he replied. Sarah was looking through the backpack.

"Yeah, no lighter in here." Sarah spoke. JJ was fine with people going through his bag. He allowed it. Normally, it was just for his usual supplies, gun, weed, lighter, aid kit, and a miniature bag with his paci, bottle top, small monkey stuffie, and teether. His comfort items. They all knew about it, but he still liked to keep it discreet incase kooks came scavenging.

"Oh my god.. seriously!?” Kie spoke. She wasn't upset, but to JJ, she sure sounded like it.

"Sorry.." was all he replied.

"C'mon, it's not his fault." John B said in his defense.

"She didn't say it was." Pope answered. "She's just saying he always has it, so why not now?"

"Because he doesn't. End of story." Sarah replied. "It wasn't his job to bring it, and there's no need to raise your voice." she added.

"Oh my god, I'm literally not doing anything wronggg!" Kie responded.

They were arguing. Again. It seemed to JJ that's all they ever did. It reminded him of.. Luke.. Yelling, fighting, for no good reason.

Oh no, he thought. Staring at the group, panicked. He envisioned his father, pushing him against the walls and yelling. He didn't like being yelled at. It was frightening. He remembers being slammed against the window in a car, bleeding. At least his friends were never violent. Yeah, violent for protection against enemies, but not against each other. They were still a family. They loved each other. They're not like his father.

He felt himself slipping. He was regressed. What should he do? He shouldn't interrupt their argument. It was his fault anyway. He whined. He picked up his bag and went behind the van. He got his paci, inserting it between his lips, and began to calm down.

"'s otay.." he muttered to himself. He held his stuffie tightly to his chest as he slid down against the van and onto the sand. "'s otay.." he repeated.

"Guys.." Sarah spoke worriedly. "JJ's gone.."

"His bags gone too." Pope added. John B knew what was up.

"We were arguing.." he sighed. "It must've triggered memories of Luke." his eyes looked down to where the boy once stood and saw his prints on the wet sand beneath them. He followed them behind the van and sighed in relief when he saw the boy. "He's right here." he spoke softly, with a finger over his lips, meaning to keep their voices down.

"He slipped.." Kiara spoke.

"Hey buddy.." John B started, he kneeled down beside the boy. "It's gonna be okay, I promise." The boy looked up at him with teary eyes. "Awh.. I'm sorry we scared you. We were being bad, ha?" The mentally younger boy nodded, making grabby hands towards the older male. John B smiled, gently lifting the boy onto his waist. "It's okay, you're safe here, I swear." he spoke, walking over to the rest of the group.

"Hey, kiddo.." Kie spoke, calm and gentle. She moved the boy's hair to the side, receiving a small flinch. "I'm sorry for raising my voice, okay?" she sighed. She felt bad after scaring the boy, yes, but felt worse that the boy was so panicked that he went to regress on his own. He disliked being alone, especially when small, because it reminded him of when he was younger. It reminded him of when Luke would leave him home alone at the age of 7 and wouldn't return for days. He longed for care and attention from his friends because it helped him relax.

"Us too." Pope added. "We're sorry for being meanies."

"Yes, we're very, very sorry." Sarah said, slowly approaching the boy and tickling his sides for an adorable giggle in return. Sarah was new to this part of JJ. He only now began to trust her with it, but he felt safe within her presence.

"S-Sawah.." he mumbled out. "KiKi(Kiara), 'ope, an' Bubba(John B)!" he giggled, proud of semi speaking the names of his friends. "Wuv." he said.

"We love you too, bubs." John B smiled.

"Want to come in the water?" Pope asked.

"Ooh.. yeah, I think Monkey wants to come swimming." Sarah added

"KiKi!! Swim! Swim!" JJ cheered. "Bubba boawd?"

"Yes, yes, we can use the board." John B smiled. He handed JJ to Kiara and picked up his board, heading to the water with the rest of the group.

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