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Requested by lullie02
I know this is not what you asked for, but it kinda just happened. I will write you your idea though, I'm just thinking of a plot. If you have one in mind, feel free to let me know exactly what you want.

Harry was an age regressor, but no one knew about it. They couldn't. He was *the* choosen one, "The Boy Who Lived". Now, what good what it be if the wizarding world found out that this "legend" acted like a child? Not any good.

So little Harry was all alone. Just like when he was a true child. No coping there, just reliving his past, minus the abuse. All alone.

It was nights like these that tortured the boy most. Rain. Thunder. Lightening. So loud, so frightening. And for a young boy to deal with this himself? Oh, how horrible. So sad, was this little boy. Luckily for him, tonight he was not alone, no, he had a friend. Yes, a friend, and his name, Draco Malfoy.

The mentally regressed child sat outside Hogwarts against the wall, the roof shielding him from the violent rain. He was curled up tightly as his hands covered his ears. Although, the covering of his ears did nothing to soothe the boy, and his tears continued to spill.

"Potter? Waiting up for your stupid friends?" a boy asked teasingly, but the younger boy did not react. He was far too engulfed in his panic. "Hey. Hey, Potter." the boy asked once again, he kneeled beside the boy only to see the tears pouring from his eyes. "Potter? Hey. Hey, it's okay. You're okay." he spoke, softening his tone as he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. The mentally younger flinched, looking straight up at the boy who stood in front of him. "What's going on?"

"I- uhm.." he couldn't form words. He could, but if he did, they'd be slurred and childish. He just pointed at the rain instead.

"The rain?" Malfoy questioned. "What about it? Rain is normal during this time of -" he was cut off with a loud crash of thunder, which made the boy flinch and huddle up even more into a corner. Malfoy took note of this, grabbing the boy's wrist and pulling him close. "Shh.. it's okay." he said, gently running his fingers through the boy's soft brown hair. "Can I see your bag?" he asked. The boy hesitantly nodded, yes. Malfoy smiled, grabbing the bag and looking through it. He pulled out the boy's walkman, placing the ear pieces on the boy and playing a song. Harry looked into Draco's eyes, mesmerized by him and his kindness. "Hm?" he asked, unsure of why the boy was staring at him.

"Fank 'ou.." he muttered out almost inaudibly. The blond boy came across a small owl plush. It was absolutely adorable in his opinion.

"Hey, do you want to hold this?" the boy asked. The mentally younger stared at it, deep in thought, unsure of what to respond in fear of the Slytherin's reaction. Noticing this, Draco placed the stuffed doll in Harry's arm. "Let's hold it." he stood up, holding his hand out for Harry. "Let's head inside, hm? It's cold out here. We don't want to get sick." he said, Harry nodded, following him indoors. As they arrive at the Gryffindor entrance, Harry pauses.

"Dun wanna.." he whined.

"You don't want to go inside? How come?" Malfoy asked. Harry was about to make up an excuse, but upon thinking about the prior events, he decided he could trust Malfoy.

"'m smol.." he mumbled in response, fidgeting with the wing of his stuffed owl.

"You're small? I figured that.." Draco replied. Harry looked up at the boy, slight disbelief in his look. He knew? All this time? How? "Do your friends not know?" Harry shook his head. "I see.. that's why you were outside, to keep it a secret." Draco thought for a second and then said, "Come with me, I know a place." The two boys walked into what looked like Professor Snape's potion room.

"Bad 'n twouble." Harry said, standing at the door frame. He couldn't go inside. He wasn't allowed to. Professor Snape would be so angry.

"Don't worry, bud." Draco spoke calmly. "He's my godfather. He allows me to come in when I wish to be alone." Harry was hesitant but nodded and followed Draco inside. Draco sat the boy down on a comfy chair, soon surrounding the boy with blankets. Harry whined, though, as Draco walked to a different side of the room. "What's wrong?" he asked. The mentally younger made a grabbing motion with his hands towards Draco. "Okay, okay." he smiled, lifting the boy up and sitting down on the chair. He bundled themselves up with the blankets and stroked Harry's hair with a soft hum. "Good night, little one."

"NiNi, fwiend." Harry grinned.

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