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Yeji's POV

You know what's bothering me right now? again, I lied to Ryujin. Jake is walking us to our dorm and I didn't tell her. So, I'm in a hurry right now.

"why didn't you just tell her?" Julia whispered to me.

"I was scared!" I replied. "what if she's mad or something? She's on her way to our dorm."

"oh no." Julia's eyes widened.

"is there something wrong, girls?" Jake checks up on us.

"no, I'm just tired, that's all." I looked at him with a smile.

"we better hurry, then."

When we get close to my dorm, I noticed a car in front of the building. My heart beats faster as cold sweats runs down my back.

"they allow Uber to enter?" Jake commented, pointing his thumb to the car.

"Yeji! Julia!"

Ryujin came out of the car with her brightest smile today. I can see Sohee and Jieun inside the car. Shorty after, they go off again.

"hey, Jake." Ryujin goes beside me and wraps her arm around my waist. "I missed you." she kissed my cheek after saying that.

"oh... you guys are......." Jake pointed at both of us back and forth.

"close." Ryujin smiles at him. "yeah."

"right." Jake smiled awkwardly. "I guess, this is my stop. See you around, Yeji."

With that, he walks away, almost in a hurry to escape. I noticed that Ryujin is letting go of me and takes my hand instead.

"you wanna talk upstairs or outside?" Julia asked as we walk to the building.

"let's just go upstairs." Ryujin replied.

At this point, my head is blank and crowded at the same time. I just walk with them without saying a thing. After entering the dorm, Ryujin sits down on the couch while I take care of my things, putting them inside my room.

"so, did his team win?" Ryujin asked as soon as I sat down beside her.

"yeah. He said they lost last year to a different university." I looked at her. "what about Sohee?"

"you should've seen her got beaten up out there." She laughed at it. "but, she got third place. that's great for a first timer like her."

"that's great." I chuckled along, responding to her laughs. "I'm really sorry I didn't show up. once again."

"yea, speaking of... you can just tell me, you know? I don't think I need to found out from my sisters." Ryujin's face turns serious. "I won't be mad at all if you told me."

"I don't know what I was thinking. I was scared." I just look down. "I know I'm an asshole for lying to you like that, but I didn't mean to."

"look, Yeji, my cupcake, my pumpkin, my baby cat." Ryujin grabs both of my cheeks. "I will never, ever, hurt you. I just want you to be honest. That way, I can understand you better."

"you're really a different person, you know that?" I told her. I noticed how different she is when we're outside. When we're alone like this, she's just like a ball of fluffy clouds.

"only with you." Ryujin poked my nose playfully. "so, what should we do today?"

"whatever you want. As an apology." I bite my inner bottom inner lip nervously.

"anything?" Ryujin raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"wanna go to my room now?" I rolled my eyes as I sigh. I take her hand and drag her inside my room.


Ryujin takes off her shoes and lies on my bed. She places both of her arms under her head and crosses her legs, relaxing herself. She looks at me and pats the space beside her.

I join her in bed and proceeds to provoke her, giving her what I thought she wants. I kiss her on the lips and start making out with her. Ryujin put her hand on my cheek, caressing it with her thumb.

"someone missed me, huh?" Ryujin shows her signature smirk. She then goes on top of me and starts kissing me again. This time, more aggressive. "I can never get enough of your lips. It's crazy."

"it's still early. Are you not tired?" I asked, giggling at her.

"well..." Ryujin rolls over and get back to her previous position. "I'm not a morning person on weekends." She slips her arm under my head and I rest on her chest.

"so?" I teased.

"so, let's just sleep again. I wanna cuddle." Ryujin wraps me fully in her arms and I snuggle deeper into her. "I know you might not trust me because you have a bad experience with my sister. Outside, I'm kind of a jerk. I can flirt with anyone I want." She said as she caresses my head. "I wanna change that. I don't want you to see me like that anymore."

"I believe you." I said simply because I already am trusting her. I'm just afraid that she'd become possessive and think that it's okay. we're not in that phase yet.

"It doesn't really matter to me if you wanna hang out with Jake, Sohee, or anyone you're close with. Just let me know about it." Ryujin's voice got soft. "and don't play with my feelings. I know you have a few options. Let me down slowly, okay? so it won't hurt that much."

"what are you talking about? We'll still be friends." I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at her.

"yeah, if that's what you want." Ryujin stifles. "alright, let's take a nap now."

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