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Ryujin's POV

It's only the second week and I already have to make a design of some machineries. My professor is really giving us a hard time. I'm currently brainstorming and reading about my assignment. I only have to present what I thought but that's the same.

"Ryu..." I heard Karina called after opening the door. "busy?"

"can't you see?" I replied without looking at her. I personally can't focus when someone interrupted me when I want to focus on something.

"just, don't burn something like last time. I'll come back a little late." Karina informed before heading out.

As you know from what she said earlier, I've had some attempts on making my own "invention" I guess. I'm not alone, though. I have Zuha here and we made a mess with some electrical stuff.

I start to put my ideas into my book. I put all of my ideas here. I'd be dead if this book is gone or something. Just a rough sketch and simple description will do. as I'm having fun with my scribbles, I heard my phone vibrates. Guess it's time to take a break.

"hello?" I answered the call. "Wassup Zuha?"

"I want you to rate my design." She giggles. I can't even find something ideal and she wants me to rate hers?

"really? My brain's gears needs extra oil and you want my opinion on yours? Bet it's trash." I joked around with her.

"oh, fuck off. I'm stuck here. Help!"

"fine. send me the pic." I'm willing to help her since we only have each other in terms of studying. Most people I know knows me for the parties I attended. "maybe mine can inspire you. I'll send you mine."


How long I've been sleeping now? I open my eyes and it's already dark outside. I guess only two hours. now I'm hungry. let's see what I have in the fridge. I walk out of my room and go to the kitchen. Opening up the fridge, I don't find anything. damn. Time to give my sister a call.

"Jieun~" I tend to be a little clingy when talking to her because she's the only person that can understand me and be patient with me. "I'm hungry."

"call Sohee. She's out with Yeji. Maybe can buy you something on her way home."

"she what?" my eyes widened. No wonder she didn't text me at all today. Left me on read, which is sucks. "dammit."

"why? Didn't you tell her to choose or something?"

"well, yeah. It's just unexpected." I sit on the couch, relaxing myself. I don't know why I feel a little uneasy about them hanging out together. "I'll be there later."

"are you scared?" Jieun somehow knows how I feel. Not really scared but, pretty close. "I just don't get why you guys always aim for the same person. Having the same type doesn't mean that you can like the same person."

"then, she can look for another." I sternly said to her.

"but, she knows her first. You can't be selfish." Jieun has a point. Maybe, I'll let her have fun. "Sohee never bothers you when you're close with someone. Can you do that to her as well?"

"fine." I can only sigh in defeat. If I knew about Yeji earlier than her, it would be easier. Now that I'm already hooked to her beauty, I can't just let her go and find someone else.

"your life is not only for girls and parties." Jieun chuckles.

"hey, I study properly. Still the top of my priorities." I defended. It's true that I like to hang out with the frat guys and party with them, but I still want to be the best student. Work hard, play hard, right?

"I believe you, okay? come here now. I'll try to make something."


Here I am, chilling on the couch, resting my head on my sister's shoulder while eating my ice cream. The fun part of living alone is I can eat it straight from the box! Our mom will never let us do that.

"aren't you gonna go back? it's late and you said you have morning class." Jieun reminded me. "and you need to save that ice cream for me." she pinched my cheek playfully. I don't know why she still treats me like a baby even though I'm like twenty right now.

"right, right." I put the lid back on and run to the kitchen to return the ice cream. "thanks, sis." Now that I'm about to go back, I wonder if Sohee and Yeji are already back yet. "should I call Yeji? Or just text?"

"why would you call her at this hour? Just text her. she must be tired."

"nah... we texted each other at this hour. I'm gonna call her." I can't hold back like that. not my style. And so, I called her.

"you know nothing about boundaries, don't you?" Jieun stifles. She's right, but I don't care.

"hey! Are you free?" I feel so happy when she finally picked up. I can hear some commotions in the background, assuming that she's still outside.

"no, actually. I'm with Sohee. Say hi!" there's a slight pause. "hey, Ryu." I can hear her cocky tone clearly, it's irritating me. "there. What's up?"

"nothing. Just wanna check up on you." I smiled a little. "alright, then. talk to you tomorrow." I quickly hang up. I'm so weird, I started to get nervous again. Holy shit.

"like that? no flirty remarks?" Jieun teased me for it. I guess it shows. "I feel like you're gonna start dreaming of her like your middle school crush."

"and that'll be the last time I fell hard for someone, okay?" I tried to deny my feelings. I'm not even worthy of having a serious attraction towards someone.

"I get it. you can get out of my dorm now."

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