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I just wanna lay in my bed, listen to an e-book, and enjoy my free time this weekend. Which is what I'm currently doing. on the other hand, I want to hang out with people to refresh my brain.

My first day with the dance club was really fun. My body needs a little adjustment but Karina said that I'm good enough, just need more practice to work on my muscle. Speaking of, I was surprised that Ryujin casually came to our room. I know that she's close with Karina but that was unexpected.

Okay, I'm bored. But, I'm tired. I decided to text Sohee. Maybe she has something to do tonight. if you're wondering where is Julia, she's still sleeping. I've been noticing her working on her homework intensely.

 I've been noticing her working on her homework intensely

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I think about it for a moment. I clearly don't want to ruin their family day. they said that they usually hang out on weekends.

 they said that they usually hang out on weekends

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Well, then. not hurt to hang out with them. I do feel that it's too early to visit their place, but Sohee visited mine a week ago. So, I should take the offer, right?


My feet hurts. I had to climb up the stairs until the seventh floor. Well, I'm on third, so not a big deal. I finally found their dorm and press the bell.

"hey!" Sohee opened the door for me and lets me in.

My first impression is this room is hella big. Like a whole apartment unit. No wonder the other two hangs out here. I don't know why they don't live together instead of paying for different dorm.

"welcome!" Jieun greeted me from the living area. She's casually chilling on the couch with her pajamas. "how's your first week?"

"it's not that hard." I joined her on the couch after Sohee sat down. "you helped me a lot. Also, I'm used to studying, so I can enjoy it so far." I shared. I noticed they're already watching something.

"oh, you can grab a drink and munch on these." Sohee offered me the food and drinks on the table in front of us. there are pizza, popcorn, fries, and cans of sodas.

"thank you." I take one can of cola and have a drink. I actually wonder if they planned out the whole thing or just whoever wants to buy the food, gets them. "did you guys always order whenever you hang out here?"

"for the food, yes. I stocked the drinks for them just in case they randomly came here." Jieun replied.

The movie is still playing, by the way. so, I just watch it with them. It feels a little awkward because first, I don't have siblings, second, I usually go out on weekends. But, they managed to make me comfortable, treating me like we're friends for years.

"what's up my sisters! I just finished all my homework and projects and now I'm ready to par- what is she doing here?"

We're surprised because Ryujin decided to barged into the unit. The three of us was too focused on the movie that we didn't notice her.

"I invited her." Sohee shrugs. "you don't mind, right? she approved." She pointed her thumb at Jieun.

"man, I thought this is supposed to be our safe place!" Ryujin dramatically walks to the kitchen and soon goes to one of the bedrooms.

"one time we invited someone here and they... begin to ask for more." Sohee explained. "since then, we decided to just not invite anyone at all."

"you're the one invited them." Jieun raised an eyebrow.

"I'm just being nice. It's not my fault that they crossed our boundaries." Sohee defended herself.

"I'm perfectly fine if you guys need your time. maybe, we can just hang out outside. I feel like I'm intruding."

"no, it's fine." the two of them said almost in unison. "Ryujin can be sensitive especially when she's tired." Sohee explained.

"I see."

We ended up talking for hours over some movies and food. well, the movies are just the background music for us. I found out about the reason why they didn't live together. Simply because they wanna have their privacy. I can understand that.

"our uncle thought that Jieun is more responsible than us, that's why he gave all the pocket money to her, so she can divide it evenly for us. not that we care about money that much. we just need food." Sohee shared their story, Jieun agreed with it.

"what about other expenses? Tuition? Rent?" I questioned. Their life is quite interesting.

"we all got in by scholarship. So, everything is paid off except our personal needs. That's what our uncle provided us with." Jieun added.

"I wanna go out." again, Ryujin suddenly showed up, coming out of the bedroom. I look back and notice how messy she looks. Seems like she just woke up. "you coming?" she got behind me.

"me?" I look at her, confused. "why?" I mean, I prefer if she'd ask me out personally instead of in front of her sisters. this is embarrassing.

"'cuz this girl is slow. So, I'm taking you out." Ryujin glanced at Sohee who's pissed at her. I can see her face and clearly she's not in the mood.

"can you guys stop fighting about girls?" Jieun is probably used to this situation.

"you have different taste than us. we wanna know too."

"yeah, you never talked to us about your girlfriend or boyfriend."

Now, Ryujin and Sohee are on the same side. It's like they're siding against Jieun or something.

"I just don't wanna do that right now, okay? mind your own business." Jieun aggressively munch on the popcorn on her lap. "look at them! As much as I love them, they team up in times like this."

"hey, it's alright." I scooted over to Jieun and comfort her. "don't you think it's too immature to play around with someone's feelings? I mean, we're already adults." I said to her. then, I just look at the other two and stick my tongue out to mock them playfully.

"hey!" the two of them sounds irritated. "we're picky." "we have standards." "we need like audition." They started to explain themselves like little kids. It sounds like nonsense to me, but, whatever. They're cute.

"c'mon." Ryujin poked my shoulder. "you don't have anything to do tomorrow, right?"

"not really." I don't remember planning anything since tomorrow is Sunday.

"okay. you go out with me tonight." Ryujin smiles at me and walks back to her room.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Jieun excused herself. I then look at Sohee who seems to have something to say.

"well... it didn't go as I planned. I wanna take you out earlier, but I already promised Jieun about the movies." Sohee looks at me. she looks pissed, regretful, and sad. "sorry."

"don't mind it. I have no problem with spending time with you all. I told you we can hang out some other time." I placed my hand on top of hers. It makes me a little nervous but I don't want her to feel left out.

"have fun with Ryujin. She's as fun as me." Sohee smiles again, as if her emotions just vanished.

"thank you."

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