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Yeji's POV

I've given them some time. a few days is enough for me to plan everything. Not really plan, but, I'm calm enough to explain to them about what happened.

I'm standing in front of Jieun's dorm. I raise my hand, about to knock on the door. Before I can do that, someone opens the door.

"hi." I smile nervously to the girl in front of me. she has her backpack with her. it's Ryujin.

She glances at me for a second then look down. she walks past me just like that without saying anything. though I only look at her eyes for a short time, I know that she's a little surprised, might be sad as well.

"Jieun?" the door isn't closed perfectly, so I peeked inside.

"yes?" Jieun's voice was heard. "come in, please." she smiled upon seeing me.

"I feel like we have some unfinished business. I really need to explain what happened that night. It's my fault." I got straight to the point on why I'm here. "first, I'm sorry. I thought I have feelings for you, more than friends. I thought wrong." I looked at her. looks like she's still giving me time to talk. "that night, I wasn't thinking straight. I have no intention to play with your feelings or use you. I just thought that... we could have something more to increase our relationship. I realized that we don't need that. our current relationship is enough."

Jieun takes a deep breath before letting it out. she then smiles at me, as if feeling relieved.

"I'd like to say something as well." Jieun looks down for a brief moment before looking at me again. "forgive me for not being able to stop myself. I should've done that. I actually feel the same way. I repressed my feelings for you because I don't want to ruin our friendship. Also, I don't wanna fight my sisters. we can still be friends, can we?"

"of course. let's just forget that night." I smile brightly, feeling glad that talking to her is easier than I thought. "I met Ryujin earlier." I go to sit on the couch, relaxing myself.

"she was just taking her things." Jieun joined me. "she's not talking to me at all. I've tried to talk to her, but she stormed out every time."

"I'll talk to her. I'm planning." I told her. "do you think it's a good time?"

"you should ask Zuha or Karina about her whereabouts. Maybe Sohee knows it too." Jieun informed.

"I'll do that."


Ryujin's POV

I've been shutting myself out from most people, even Zuha. No bad reason, just want to be alone. Of course, I can't avoid being in contact with Karina because we meet almost every day.

I'm now at the fight club, training to keep my head off of Yeji. Honestly, I'm feeling better. That was before I met her this afternoon. I don't give a shit about what she's doing with Jieun back there.

"c'mon, let it all out." Chris is holding the punching bag. "you've been stressing out for a couple days there, mate."

"pretty much." I stifle. "you think I can-"


My ears got triggered by the voice. I unconsciously turn my head faster than I could blink. I see Yeji standing there, with her eyes begging for my attention. I hesitate for a while before Chris nudges my arm.

"what are you doing? she called you." Chris furrowed his eyebrows

"right. I'll be back."

I walk up to her, avoiding eye contact. I'm afraid that I can't hold my feelings for her. I know I'll fold right away.

"I know you hate me after what happened. I came here to apologize. Especially when I did it in your room. I can assure you that I have no romantic feelings towards her." Yeji said right away. I don't know why she said the last part. "I hope you can forgive me." she lowers her head.

My heart softens. I don't know why she has this hold over me. so strong that I don't have the guts to be mad at her. I can't hold myself from reaching for her head, placing my palm on top of it.

"I'm sorry." Yeji said again. Why is she scared?

I move my thumb, caressing her dampened soft hair. I let out a deep breath. I then let go of her.

"aren't you gonna say something?" Yeji looks up.

"don't you know?" I grabbed her chin gently, tilting her head up. "do you know how much I like you?"

"I like you too, Ryujin. that's why-"

"you don't understand. I like you more than friends." I take both of her hands. "I just never got the chance to tell you."

"are you serious?" Yeji's eyes went wider.

"I don't wanna fight with my sisters. I don't wanna ruin what we have." I'm just gonna tell her. "it's been bothering me ever since you got close with Sohee. Really, you're on my mind almost every day. believe me, I want you to get out, but, you keep coming back." I noticed that she's speechless. I don't care. "I'm not asking or hoping you'd return the feelings. I'm just stating, letting you know how I feel. I was confused, in denial, and hurt. I've tried many ways to let you go. Turns out I'm only hurting myself. it's not your fault. It's my feelings and I need to deal with it myself." I clear my throat. "despite what I said, I don't want you to force yourself to do anything. just accept my feelings."

"I... I don't know, Ryujin." Yeji looks down. I can understand. She must be so pressured right now. "among you three, I know the least about you."

"so you wanna know more about me?" I'm more relaxed now that I said my part.

"I'd like to." She looked up at me, smiling lightly.

"okay! great!" I smiled back at her as I'm getting excited.

"Han! Come over here!" I heard Chris calling.

"I'll wait here." Yeji said.

"are you for real? I'll be here for another two hours. are you sure?" I was surprised.

"Ryujin! The coach is here!" another member called.

"I really need to go. I'll see you again later." I playfully blow a kiss before running back to the club.

"don't get hurt!"

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